Hello, a few days ago I was thinking about Combo Fiends statement about the X men and the Fantastic Four. While I do think he's wholy incorrect on the notion of no one recognizing the x men and people playing characters as function and not for the guy. I have always felt like he has a semblance of a point ,while people will recognize wolverine. There are many x men that weren't well revived in recent firms that people might not generall care for in the modern day, and some of those are vetrans.
No you might say " well promote them through the game" well that brings me to the point of this comment. This video popped up in my " watch again" youtube feed.
"So what's it about, I don't go time to click links, and watch nerds talk about comic book industry/movie industry shenanigans. Give me the low down"
To explain it simply, fox's portrayal of the X-men is part of the equation that no one mentions. The guy in the video owns a comic book shop, so he out of a lot of theorizing about videos can just give us sales analysis. And he strait up says along with the X-men books just in general not doing well, because Marvel keeps launching new ones and they keep failing. ( this is an old video , about a year so there's the context for that specific statement ) .Movies are advertisements for the books usually , and not vice versa and the movie versions of the characters, are't sell able. They don't sell merch, they don't sell toys, they don't sell anything because even now they try to embrace more...realstic versions of the characters, To varying levels of success and failure. But the important part here is that the movie versions of the x-men don't get people interested in comic x-men because they look like... you know iconic comic characters with iconic designs and not actors in bland suits. While yes RDJ, and Both Chris's are seen as their characters, their characters had iconic designs from the jump that's sellable. Those iron man suits? merch, Cap's helmet? Sellable. All the Dank horseshit from thors world and loki, sellable
Fox never really embraced the more... " comic book nature" of their characters untill they were forced to with deadpool. And not only was Deadpool according to the guy in the video the only mutant selling merch like hot cakes. Deadpool is bigger than his comic, and deadpool's movie increased that several times fold. Deadpool is the only character until there most recent portrayal of old man logan ( who is also now much bigger in the comics) to stay close to themselves in a successful fox X-men movie. And those are the characters that get people to buy stuff because they are actually interested in the comic book version of the character, because they look like the character in the movie.
So while I think Combofiend is wrong, Its not that people wont recognize wolverine or magneto. More casual folk will expect him to look like this
and they want them to look like the bottom so they sell toys and outfits and such. So I don't think its just " fox has them" Disney lets deadpool shit rock because he makes money. Disney lets Old man Logan rock, because he makes money. Disney has been trying various schemes to either eliminate or the x-men and silver the hedgehog the inhumans of the past few years, because fox is creating the popular visual of a group of x-men that aren't sellable. Ontop of them , outside of magneto or wolverine, not as popular as they used to be. ANd heroes like storm not being able to hold a book by herself.
Well you might be like " why don't think get together hug it out and try to make them some money " they don't like eachother and don't want to work with eachother. That's it.
He goes into that, and statements made by editors, people who worked on marvel comics who then left and the inhuman situation. But if you wanna hear all that watch the video I think its still an interesting watch.
But yeah
I feel like situation is more complicated than " fuck marvel" , I mean still fuck marvel for character assassinating the x-men and inhumans, and civil war 2 , and secret empire... pretty much everything they have been doing the last few years. But this one thing, not all the way their fault.
No you might say " well promote them through the game" well that brings me to the point of this comment. This video popped up in my " watch again" youtube feed.
"So what's it about, I don't go time to click links, and watch nerds talk about comic book industry/movie industry shenanigans. Give me the low down"
To explain it simply, fox's portrayal of the X-men is part of the equation that no one mentions. The guy in the video owns a comic book shop, so he out of a lot of theorizing about videos can just give us sales analysis. And he strait up says along with the X-men books just in general not doing well, because Marvel keeps launching new ones and they keep failing. ( this is an old video , about a year so there's the context for that specific statement ) .Movies are advertisements for the books usually , and not vice versa and the movie versions of the characters, are't sell able. They don't sell merch, they don't sell toys, they don't sell anything because even now they try to embrace more...realstic versions of the characters, To varying levels of success and failure. But the important part here is that the movie versions of the x-men don't get people interested in comic x-men because they look like... you know iconic comic characters with iconic designs and not actors in bland suits. While yes RDJ, and Both Chris's are seen as their characters, their characters had iconic designs from the jump that's sellable. Those iron man suits? merch, Cap's helmet? Sellable. All the Dank horseshit from thors world and loki, sellable
Fox never really embraced the more... " comic book nature" of their characters untill they were forced to with deadpool. And not only was Deadpool according to the guy in the video the only mutant selling merch like hot cakes. Deadpool is bigger than his comic, and deadpool's movie increased that several times fold. Deadpool is the only character until there most recent portrayal of old man logan ( who is also now much bigger in the comics) to stay close to themselves in a successful fox X-men movie. And those are the characters that get people to buy stuff because they are actually interested in the comic book version of the character, because they look like the character in the movie.
So while I think Combofiend is wrong, Its not that people wont recognize wolverine or magneto. More casual folk will expect him to look like this
Rather than this
and they want them to look like the bottom so they sell toys and outfits and such. So I don't think its just " fox has them" Disney lets deadpool shit rock because he makes money. Disney lets Old man Logan rock, because he makes money. Disney has been trying various schemes to either eliminate or the x-men and silver the hedgehog the inhumans of the past few years, because fox is creating the popular visual of a group of x-men that aren't sellable. Ontop of them , outside of magneto or wolverine, not as popular as they used to be. ANd heroes like storm not being able to hold a book by herself.
Well you might be like " why don't think get together hug it out and try to make them some money " they don't like eachother and don't want to work with eachother. That's it.
He goes into that, and statements made by editors, people who worked on marvel comics who then left and the inhuman situation. But if you wanna hear all that watch the video I think its still an interesting watch.
But yeah
I feel like situation is more complicated than " fuck marvel" , I mean still fuck marvel for character assassinating the x-men and inhumans, and civil war 2 , and secret empire... pretty much everything they have been doing the last few years. But this one thing, not all the way their fault.