But it's there least casual friendly the Vs. series has been in years!Precisely what casuals want to hear. Sounds good to me. It means Capcom fooled people with their PR. lol
Do we know when reviews pop up?
But it's there least casual friendly the Vs. series has been in years!Precisely what casuals want to hear. Sounds good to me. It means Capcom fooled people with their PR. lol
I never understood this "Marvel 3 was chaotic with 6 characters on screen" thing considering there was never a time when there were 6 characters on screen. It's usually 4 max.
There are usually going to be 4 max on screen in MVCI as well meaning the chaotic factor is going to be just as high if not higher.
It really annoys me that the gameplay looks so fun but everything else is so bad, especially the presentation...
Hard to believe it's coming from Capcom.
Precisely what casuals want to hear. Sounds good to me. It means Capcom fooled people with their PR. lol
This doesn't make any sense to me. They at least had something of a neat animated menu in the demo. Why didn't they reuse that?
It really annoys me that the gameplay looks so fun but everything else is so bad, especially the presentation...
Hard to believe it's coming from Capcom.
It really annoys me that the gameplay looks so fun but everything else is so bad, especially the presentation...
Hard to believe it's coming from Capcom.
Reminds me of Playstation All-stars Battle Royale
The only other place to unlock colors would be mission modehttp://shoryuken.com/2017/09/06/marvel-vs-capcom-infinite-arcade-mode-details-surface-mini-boss-unlockables-colors-and-more/
In this article it says you can unlock new colors by beating Arcade mode with whatever character you pick. Anyone know if that's say 2 additional colors from the 4 we know about or do you think you start with 2 and then get 4 colors total?
I know this is too much to ask for Capcom but I feel like most fighting games need to step up their menus, they're archaic at this point and while functional, do nothing to entice the player in to play, plus it just becomes somewhat of an eyesore.
It doesn't seem that hard to me to almost make some kind of fully realized background layer/world that when you select different menu items would go to those worlds and have like characters say, Mega Man X and Strider just hanging out in Dr. Lights lab, etc, things like that. It makes me think of 1080 Snowboarding, that game had a godlike character select screen with all the snowboarders chillin' in the cabin and it pulled you into the game. I know it's a different genre but I just wish Capcom and other devs would give us more dynamic menus in 2017.
You are going to have Tags dominating neutrals and keep people pinned down in MVCI. Casuals will definitely be complaining about tag if they complained about assists.
I don't think anything will ever top that
I know in Guardians Vol. 1, the Power Stone was supposed to be red, but it was changed to purple in post-production due to Thor: The Dark World going with red for the Reality Stone. You can see this in the prop for the Orb & the Power Stone that James Gunn was given as a gift.Watching gameplay videos, you know, im still bothered they changed the colors of the gems, i understand why they did it in the game (to match the movie colors) but in hindsight, was there ever any given reason why they were changed for the cinematic universe? i mean, did they just randomly decided to shuffle the colors for no reason?
It really annoys me that the gameplay looks so fun but everything else is so bad, especially the presentation...
Hard to believe it's coming from Capcom.
TvC's UI is among the worst I've ever seen, primarily because of the way they've obscured options and made poor use of screen real estate to force you to scroll through to even know all of your options, let alone figure out what you want to select.Tatsunoko vs Capcom's menu was fucking great. It overall had a distinct anime sci-fi style to it which especially played into Tatsunoko's properties and several of Capcom's inclusions like Mega Man. It's held a little bit back by the capabilities of the hardware but it makes the best of it and still feels flashy, distinct and cohesive. The music was groovy as hell all around in that game.
Like, wow man. I look at how expressive Tatsunoko was and I instantly fall for it's style. I wish Capcom and Marvel realized, even in MvC3, that even though 3D models are good enough now to be "presentable" in blown up character screens, 2D art assets help add so much vibrancy. In the case of Marvel 2 and Tatsunoko I loved how the 2D artwork of characters made it feel more comic-book like. You're essentially making a comic book game, don't be afraid to flex your artistic roots and talents! Even Tekken 7 has options for 2D character portraits, despite them clashing a little bit with presentation.
I don't think anything will ever top that
I don't think anything will ever top that
I know in Guardians Vol. 1, the Power Stone was supposed to be red, but it was changed to purple in post-production due to Thor: The Dark World going with red for the Reality Stone. You can see this in the prop for the Orb & the Power Stone that James Gunn was given as a gift.
Or at best
Unfortunately it looks pretty static. You still see Ryu/Cap Marvel even with the sub-menu selection.
At least it's not PSAS bad
It probably won't even scroll. It'll just be a giant wall of 4pt font text.I can't wait to see the credits at the end.
They should put that on the box.
Capcom needs to send some Ace Attorney ui/menu designers to their fighting games side. Those games all have great style. Also have the person(s) who draws all the AA key art work for them too.
You know, I've literally never heard casuals complaining about assists...
It probably won't even scroll. It'll just be a giant wall of 4pt font text.
Damn, already?Expected.
Apparently MVCI is out in NYC.
Fair enough.Sorry but I did. Few people felt that it was overwhelming to keep track of all characters on the screen.
Apparently MVCI is out in NYC.
Apparently MVCI is out in NYC.
Apparently MVCI is out in NYC.
or they could just hire a team who is actually passionate about the material
end result is SONIC MANIA
I bet Sonic Mania was cheaper to produce than Marvel Infinite and will end up making more money