ABCSBBCS was much, much, much easier than the combos in this game.
If we're getting that basic with combos, LP, LP, LP, LP, LP, ... Switch, LP, LP,... gives the same combo, way easier, works with all characters no exceptions and actually produce a more viable longer combo(~4000 on most characters without meter or any special moves).
To break things down instead of responding to everyone individually:
- 2v2 game vs 3v3 game, that's one less character to learn before you can start.
- A lot of the returning characters are simplified a bit from their MvC3 versions(see Iron Man, Morrigan and Dante being the most obvious ones... From the characters I tried at least).
- Overall skill ceiling for mobility is hugely nerfed.
- Execution ceiling for combos is much lower too between easier inputs and scaling which make going for the harder, longer combos not worth the effort.
- Assists, this is obvious but has a huge effect on other stuff too like team building. In MvC3, assists have very specific usage and you build both your combos and gameplay, pressure mixups around them, switching teams was a pain since it meant a lot of lap time even if for characters you aren't switching.
In MvCI team building is much easier, combo switch points, switch oki and switch lockdowns for characters doesn't change depending on who they're paired with as much as playstyle/combos/pressure did in MvC3 even while keeping in mind the changes required for using different stones.
- X-Factor was easier and more of a comeback mechanic than the stone storms but that doesn't necessarily mean the game is less forgiving than MvC3. Even though it's harder to make a comeback in MvCI, you're still given more chances to prevent losing a character, no TOD stuff, it's way easier and safer to switch the bleeding character out to recover, no one wrong assist call = dead or nearly dead character, counter switch at 2 meters and in most cases, you'll get your storm before one character die.
This is opposed to ToD the game, ToD on almost every team, some that start the round with a 50/50 ToD, and then having to block through 2 or 3 50/50 mixups on every incoming that also lead to ToD... Oh, and not to forget ToD teams, like Firebrand's.
Yea, if you're getting perfected until the last character it's easier to comeback with X-Factor than it is with a stone, but it's more likely to find yourself in that situation in MvC3 than it is in MvCI.
"Launch > TAC > TAC > repeat" was all over MvC3 preview footage.
The irony of the inclusion of the TAC mechanic is that it was supposed to be an easy way that even beginners can use to extend combos but turned into one of the biggest execution barriers to overcome before you're ready for high level MvC3 with TAC combos/infinites! ¯\_(ツ
