haven't had time to start the game, but did the xbox marketplace stuff that was put up before release end up working? i got all that downloaded and am curious if i'll have access to it when i get to start.
dark_preacher said:haven't had time to start the game, but did the xbox marketplace stuff that was put up before release end up working? i got all that downloaded and am curious if i'll have access to it when i get to start.
Lostconfused said:I dunno, the asari that used to run with Wrex? That's the only other asari character which might matter that I can think of.
HK-47 said:Damn you, not cryptic enough
This is why Wrex should have been in this game.
Basileus777 said:That was Aleena, not Aria. Unless you are suggesting she changed her name, but what is there to indicate that she is the same person?
Metroidvania said:Whoa.
My mind was just blown.
I always wonder if I'm missing a weapon or an upgrade while running around. It especially sucks because you can't go back to most specific areas after you've done them.
At the end of my first playthrough, I only had
2 Heavy Pistols
2 SMGs
2 Snipers (plus the unique one for a squad mate)
2 Assault Rifles (plus the LMG for my soldier, where you could have picked a sniper or Shotgun)
5 Heavies (counting Zaeed's mission one)
2 Shotguns. (+ the unique one for Grunt)
If I recall correctly, according to the Christina Norman, there are supposed to be 19 "unique" weapons that you can potentially use, not counting DLC stuff like the Singularity or Incisor rifle....which I don't have.
Anyone have anything more? I can't remember where I got them specifically, I know most were from squad "pickup" missions.
Cep said:I really thought she was a good idea that was not all too well handled. Not bad, but iffy.
But I would not fight anyone that says she is good. Grunt/Miranda/Jacob/Samara/Zaeed are a whole different matter.
It works, but only DLC authorized to your Social account shows up in the main menu. Anything that's not authorized, but downloaded on your HDD, doesn't appear there but its still available in game.dark_preacher said:haven't had time to start the game, but did the xbox marketplace stuff that was put up before release end up working? i got all that downloaded and am curious if i'll have access to it when i get to start.
Hammerhead is supposedly coming next week.Ilive1up said:Any idea when more DLC will be released? I've heard things about the "hammerhead" and being able to explore planets with it.
There's 4 assault rifles - avenger, battle rifle, light machine gun, and geth pulse rifle. So 20 weapons + the bonus ones.Cep said:If you count the special ones, that makes 19:
3 SG
3 SR
2 HP
3 AR
6 HW
= 19
+ 1 SR
+ 1 HW
+ 1 AR
Lostconfused said:Beat the game, everyone is alive. This wasn't even a suicide mission, more like a walk in the park, a very slow walk mind you but still. I really did expect some one to bite it or have some random drama, but noooooo everyone had to live.
Basileus777 said:There's 4 assault rifles - avenger, battle rifle, light machine gun, and geth pulse rifle. So 20 weapons + the bonus ones.
a Master Ninja said:Do I have all the content possible? Does that iPhone game give you something?
You're missing the Incisor Sniper Rifle that comes with the purchase of the Digital Deluxe Edition/the Marketplace fuckup a couple of nights ago.
ME Galaxy gives you extra Miranda/Jacob dialogue options in Omega.
careksims said:Just wowWow...Just played Joker. That was very intense and awesome! Kicks so much ass
slasher_thrasher21 said:Alright so I thought when you scanned planets and it said depleted that meant there was nothing else to scan off that planet. Well I'm on Utha and it says depleted and yet I'm still scanning stuff. Is there a way to tell if the planet your scanning is absolutely emtpy of resources?
Basileus777 said:That was Aleena, not Aria. Unless you are suggesting she changed her name, but what is there to indicate that she is the same person?
slasher_thrasher21 said:Alright so I thought when you scanned planets and it said depleted that meant there was nothing else to scan off that planet. Well I'm on Utha and it says depleted and yet I'm still scanning stuff. Is there a way to tell if the planet your scanning is absolutely emtpy of resources?
slasher_thrasher21 said:Alright so I thought when you scanned planets and it said depleted that meant there was nothing else to scan off that planet. Well I'm on Utha and it says depleted and yet I'm still scanning stuff. Is there a way to tell if the planet your scanning is absolutely emtpy of resources?
Sebulon3k said:I think when they say it's depleted, it's pretty much the game trying to tell you to move on and that anything else you may find on the planet isn't as much as what you would find on another planet.
I used it as a decent indicator for when I was done scanning a planet.
Cep said:If you count the special ones, that makes 19:
3 SG
slasher_thrasher21 said:Yeah thats probably what I'm going to do. Also was it ever determined that you can just stumble upon anomalies when scanning?
a Master Ninja said:Do I have all the content possible? Does that iPhone game give you something?
slasher_thrasher21 said:Yeah thats probably what I'm going to do. Also was it ever determined that you can just stumble upon anomalies when scanning?
Metroidvania said:There's 3 submachine guns?
I got the 2nd one doing Tali's recruitment quest, where do you get the other one?
I've also read that some weapons are only available on Hardcore or Insanity difficulties, so that might be it.
Metroidvania said:There's 3 submachine guns?
I got the 2nd one doing Tali's recruitment quest, where do you get the other one?
I've also read that some weapons are only available on Hardcore or Insanity difficulties, so that might be it.
Metroidvania said:I've also read that some weapons are only available on Hardcore or Insanity difficulties, so that might be it.
chaoticprout said:Major 3/4ths of the way through spoilers
Am I the only one who found the Joker sequence to be the worst part of the game?
chaoticprout said:Major 3/4ths of the way through spoilers
Am I the only one who found the Joker sequence to be the worst part of the game?
MegaKungFuRadio said:3 Shotguns. Submachine guns are abbreviated SMG.
I do not buy that, I have been playing on insane since the beginning and we share the same amount of weapons, sans the difference in AR and that one HW
It's just the Geth Pulse Rifle. And having looked through the game files, I can confirm that there are no other weapons in the game.
Basileus777 said:It's just the Geth Pulse Rifle. And having looked through the game files, I can confirm that there are no other weapons in the game.
chaoticprout said:Major 3/4ths of the way through spoilers
Am I the only one who found the Joker sequence to be the worst part of the game?
Cep said:I stand corrected.
I got that weapon, I cannot tell if it or the collector AR is the best.
I am thinking the Geth Pulse rifle though.
MegaKungFuRadio said:Haven't gotten there yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if I felt the same way. So far the only three times I thought to myself "this is stupid" or "this is bad, why would anyone do this?" has been for scanning, map navigation, and playing missile command to kill monkeys.
Sebulon3k said:Yeah that scene seemed a bit odd for me, although seeing the. I guess Bioware got the emotion they wanted from me for that scene.Collectors taking away the crew and not being able to do shit was so maddening
chaoticprout said:It just seemed bullshit, the entire party never goes out for missions, not to mention there was no "mission". Seemed way too forced.
Cep said:I stand corrected.
I got that weapon, I cannot tell if it or the collector AR is the best.
I am thinking the Geth Pulse rifle though.
Basileus777 said:The Geth Rifle is the best against shields and barriers, the battle rifle is the best against armor. I don't think the collector AR is all that good, it just has a ton of ammo.
Basileus777 said:That was Aleena, not Aria. Unless you are suggesting she changed her name, but what is there to indicate that she is the same person?
Cep said:Well I have never used them myself since I only JUST Coalesce.ini my way to changing my bonus from SG to AR.
Cep said:Agreed, except for the map.
I actually like it.
chaoticprout said:It just seemed bullshit, the entire party never goes out for missions, not to mention there was no "mission". Seemed way too forced.