It was horrible.
At first it was fun, but as a completionist gamer I just couldn't left any planet unscanned, and at first I scanned them till they were depleted or poor. And boy was that boring and mundane after a while (somewhere half through the game I said
fuck it and only scanned rich planets) :/. I guess that this was just a bad approach, because I ended up with buying every possible upgrade and still had enough minerals to buy all those upgrades again, but still I would take Mako over this any day. At least with Mako you were
playing the game and it was fun (boring and sometimes frustrating, but fun); not to mention you could view really pretty vistas. Planet scanning was plain boring - move cursor around with right button pressed (my hand hurt after a while

), listen to blips and then press left button. Yes, very exciting... not.
And I sped up the cursor's movement by modding the config file. Yet it was still frustrating.