:lolDY_nasty said:
It's this one: 741.16D.G11.721.JI7.13R.1GG.411.IF1.415.4G7.176Rhino said:Damnit man give us the code!
DY_nasty said:Is it possible that you beat it under a different gamer profile?
"Rahnnnnnnn get to de may-kooo!"Ephemeris said::lol
MMaRsu said:Should I import my lvl 55 or should I start a new game? I want to import him because he's awesome, but I fucking killed Wrex on that playthrough. It's my only playthrough. Should I just create a new character for the next playthrough and encounter wrex so I'll have some new stuff to enjoy next time or what? It's wrex man..
Einbroch said:I pity anyone who is playing this game on Insanity as an Adept.
Arde5643 said:Still plastic wig though, but you take what you get.
Oh yeah, for all future infiltrators... AMMO IS AN ISSUEEinbroch said:I pity anyone who is playing this game on Insanity as an Adept.
Pankaks said:No, the same thing happened to me last night. I had to replay the last section of ME1 and remake the end-game save.
Edit: Wrex.
MMaRsu said:Should I import my lvl 55 or should I start a new game? I want to import him because he's awesome, but I fucking killed Wrex on that playthrough. It's my only playthrough. Should I just create a new character for the next playthrough and encounter wrex so I'll have some new stuff to enjoy next time or what? It's wrex man..
Lyphen said:Ho shit, almost done downloading all the PC DLC. Fasterrrrr! HARRRDEEERRR! YESSSS!
chimster said:yea I beat the game once and its half way through the 2nd playthrough
chimster said:gah i guess i gotta play me1 before i get to play 2
MMaRsu said:Should I import my lvl 55 or should I start a new game? I want to import him because he's awesome, but I fucking killed Wrex on that playthrough. It's my only playthrough. Should I just create a new character for the next playthrough and encounter wrex so I'll have some new stuff to enjoy next time or what? It's wrex man..
I made a pretty sexy looking blue eyed Black woman.:lolThePeacemaker02 said:Is it possible to make an attractive female in ME2?
_tetsuo_ said:The combat is much better in this one.
:lol I remember going to the armor loadout screen and seeing that, smh.DY_nasty said:I loved how they let me roam around the Normandy looking like a ghetto space lumberjack
bran said:Still need Starbuck.
DY_nasty said:Oh yeah, for all future infiltrators... AMMO IS AN ISSUE
Make those shots count. 11 shots needs to equal 13 kills.
hulot said::lol I remember going to the armor loadout screen and seeing that, smh.
I will put my CE for the first game up for sale. Anyone?Skilotonn said:Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that only 4 Collectors' Editions are supposed to come in tomorrow - just like the first Mass Effect, the CE really is extra limited all over the world.
MMaRsu said:Aaaaaaaaaaargghhhh what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
why did they omit scars? What the FUCK man. Now my eye scar is gone, this is some bullshit
Aside from that, banging opening so far
Sebulon3k said:Man, combat feels so much better now, so smooth. Playing on Veteran and it's actually fun / challenging. Have to think a bit about how things are gonna go, or else I see the red veins of death!
I'm onand its so cool how the news lady is talking about stuff that heppened in the first game. She mentionedOmega:lol.Kaidan foundation for Biotics
One question though, is anyone else kinda finding it a bit hit and miss with the Biotic power curving? Seems to happen really randomly for me. Does it only happen at higher levels?
Arde5643 said:It's this one: 741.16D.G11.721.JI7.13R.1GG.411.IF1.415.4G7.176
A'ma Spectaa you eediot!DY_nasty said:
anddo0 said:Good lord, how long does this thing take to decrypt?
anddo0 said:Good lord, how long does this thing take to decrypt?
You ever seen Wanted?Sebulon3k said:One question though, is anyone else kinda finding it a bit hit and miss with the Biotic power curving? Seems to happen really randomly for me. Does it only happen at higher levels?
360Ephemeris said:You playing on PC or 360?
:lol Yeah. I was like "No thanks"
SuperEnemyCrab said:So I got mine but I still haven't quite finished my current run of the original. I want to be lvl 50 and paragon going into ME2. But I prefer to play through these games being evil/mean the first time so my Shepard will suddenly become a selfish ass.![]()
What side is everyone else going through for the first time? Paragon or Renegade?
I already answered didn't I?Meus Renaissance said:For the love of god people, can you buy weapons? :lol
Wait, we can't romance Somalia or whatever her name is? The Asari?Arde5643 said:Here you go:
Jacob, Thane, Garrus
and some one night fling with :Kelly