Nothing they can do to the Incisor will make me give a damn.
The balance changes wont be up until tomorrow, but we've got an idea what to expect at least.
Hey everyone, unfortunately we have to delay the balance changes this week. We hope to get them out tomorrow.
As a preview of this week's changes, we are reducing the damage done by the Scion's cannon and looking at giving the following weapons some buffs:
- Geth Pulse Rifle
- Mantis Sniper Rifle
- Raptor Sniper Rifle
- Incisor Sniper Rifle
I can't shake the feeling that we're getting the Batarian Vanguard today, which makes me feel like I saved up 2 million credits for nothing.
I'm expecting Drell Assassin, didn't they buff Drells last week? That seems like a good time for this.
October 31st November 5th (9:00 a.m. PDT)
Unnerving reports from the front indicate that the Collector reinforcements are more numerous than we feared. At this point, we do not know if our numbers are accurate or if psychological warfare is at work. We need to engage the enemy to assess their true strength.
Halloween Challenge Complete the three Halloween challenges to earn the Halloween Challenge Banner.
Ghostbuster: Requires 5 extractions on Firebase Ghost or Firebase Ghost Hazard
Zombie Hunter: Requires 7500 points against husks/abominations.
Monster Killer: Requires 10000 points against brutes/scions/praetorians/banshees.
All challenges can be completed on any map at any difficulty.
...and the vanguard glitch is back...i got it with my ghost infiltrator. stuck in the floor and cant get out. great testing bioware!
So there's a Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Halloween Challenge:
Batguard is the new unlok. Saved millions of credits for next week I guess....
Batguard is the new unlok. Saved millions of credits for next week I guess....
Batguard is the new unlok. Saved millions of credits for next week I guess....
Batguard sound like a new defensive attack for Batman.
Even though i had my doubts about him sooner, he does sound more fun to play than the Phoenix Vanguard, which i already like.
He plays like a weaker Kroguard, imo.
I was talking about the Batarian. Plus I play Gold/Platinum so Lash is kinda meh. Smash is great though.
Thanks to Hurricane Sandy I can't participate in this fun Halloween event. No power and it seems it will be like this for another week. Cell service seems to have been just restored an hour ago.
How is the BatGuard?
They extended the challenge to the 5th due to the hurricane, hopefully that will help.
I fail to see how it's the same glitch. Vanguard glitch made it so your character was walking in midair, most of the time stuck in a falling animation, so you couldn't shoot or move for the rest of the game.
Its the same glitch (almost) because i died doing a heavy melee charge - i then went through the floor and was in mid air. I could shoot and move in a 2x2m box (i would always shoot with the vanguard glitch as well) - You fail to see how its the same glitch? its still a glitch which put me out of helping my squad for 5 rounds and left me from top scorer to 4th score by the end. At this stage of the game these kind of things should NOT be happening and they are happening regularly with every update.
Ive noticed bioware are much more involved in balancing/nerfing the good guns rather than actually fixing game breaking bugs.
That's not really their fault. They can push through the balance changes in game because all they're changing is numbers, but they need a certification for their patches.
I understand your point, however, shouldnt the MAJORITY of these bugs be captured in testing?
While there is no doubt they have supported this game well, the problem has been there have been lingering bugs since day 1. then they claim they have fixed them - and another set of bugs come up.
What i would like is a fully functioning game from start to finish for once.
I had a question for the MP how common is it now to join or host a Gold Match and actually pass them?
When I was playing at launch Just about everytime we played on gold we'd get Half way before being destroyed.
I ask because I need the achievement for beating the original maps on gold.
Was wondering if it's easier to jump into games now and do that or should I just beat the game on insane with all the sidequests? These are the only 2 achievements I need.
Luck of the draw, my friend. You either get good randoms, or you don't. Word to the wise, though, if you have a low N7 rating or bad weapons you may get booted.
Halloween Challenge is done. My first banner lol
Mine to. I am getting close on the Earth one and the shotgun mastery. I hate using some of the shotguns though. The Regar is the worst thing ever so that has made me take a break from shotguns for a while.
What? Put this gun in the hand of a "tanky" race that can stay in close range without dying like a Krogan and Batarian and its wonderful. Especially on the Vanguard ones.
I tried that but it feels like everyone just steals your kills and I get way less points with it. I have finished about half the shotguns in the game and the Regar was taking way longer then the others.
I don't know what to say, if anything the Reegar STEALS kills from other people. It literally melt shields and barriers. Especially on the easier difficulties, where using a full clip of a Reegar can kill a group of 3-4 Cannibals recently spawned in 3 secs. But you have to play agressive with this gun for this to work, keep running, never stop and burn everything in sight. Vanguards makes it easier with Biotic Charge to get in melee range and refill your own shield.
I will have to ty it again. I have been playing on gold lately hoping to knock out the gold extractions while I do the challenges, and also since you get more points for kills on gold, and I cant kill anything with it. Maybe I need to drop down. I even have the gear that gives +12% shotgun damage equipped.
Yeah, you'll probably get a lot more points with this gun by soloing Silver with a Kroguard or something, than playing with a full team on Gold.
Vanguards out the ass this weekend son