What's the banner look like?

What's the banner look like?
I haven't played this for ages, is there still only 3 enemy factions? It got really stale killing the same dudes over and over.
Really cool banner. They're definitely playing off the Mayan Prophecy for this, obviously.
They added the Collectors a couple months ago. Personally, they're the hardest faction and on Gold the difference between them and the other 3 is pretty big. Though that could be because people need to get used to them too.
I'm hoping the rumors of a new dlc pan out, because I'm pretty much out of stuff to do. Once I polish off the few remaining challenges I'll probably just stick to logging in for the weekend challenges unless/until some new content comes out.
Eagle IX.
I'm pretty excited to get it to X, it's actually a good pistol now. Not as good as a Talon or Acolyte so I would only take it if I wasn't taking the other 15 guns that are much better, but it's still a good pistol, especially with Marksman or on a Turian.
Still no Crusader and I'm very happy. I don't want even 1 of them.
Crusader is my favorite gun in the game![]()
Crusader is my favorite gun in the game![]()
That's pretty good.Valkyrie II. Meh...
The Challenge Award Banner is nice though.
Geth Infiltrator specced for max damage output with Javelin VIII + Sniper Rifle High-Velocity Barrel V + Sniper Rifle Weapon/Gear Amps III/V + Armor-Piercing Rounds III = Lol @ everything.
Really? I heard it was pretty lackluster especially compared to the other shotgun options. I'm actually surprised that I never got 1 from it though. I hope I max my Eagle then my Hurricane which is at V.
The Valkyrie is supposed to be good at high levels too.
It's very powerful and the most accurate shotgun out there. The only downside is its weight and that some people have trouble hitting enemies despite the good accuracy because of how the recoil works, or something like that.
I should probably give it another chance, maybe. Part of it's problem is that it shoots a single slug, making it the only shotgun that get's its damage dampened by the shield gate mechanic. If I could one shot mooks with it reliably I might like it better. As it is, the wraith is pretty damned accurate with a smart choke on, and it's actual applied damage is often a lot better. And it's super light.
Edit: just looked at the stats, and even without the gating issues, the crusader's damage is actually pretty lackluster as shotguns go. The bigger clip and rate of fire somewhat makes up for it, but I don't know...
I just finished the Avenger challenge.... NEVER AGAIN
Most shotguns fire a spread and that allows you to not get the most out of headshots or other crazy shit. I've got my Crusader at V and the weight, although still a concern, is negated for classes that use grenades to a degree (I use it mostly with the Asari Vanguard) but headshots with it are absolutely ridiculous between the Warp Ammo bonus and other weapons passives.
It's definitely not for everyone though. First time I used it, I hated it but with the recent damage buffs and weight scaling its been hard not to use.
Yeah, the spread of pellets on other shotguns has it's upsides though; can the crusader reliably one-shot shielded troopers given the right ammo/gear etc? I suppose I could just test it myself, but hell, since we're on the subject anyway...
So the rocket launcher glitch is back
Never really gone
RE: Crusader. My fears about shooting down Marauders in a single hit were unfounded it seems, as without the headshot it won't even take out a cannibal. Yeah, not the gun for me. I'll give it one more shot on an infiltrator maybe?
They couldn't switch up the Drell Infiltrator's heavy melee with something else? Feels weird having that single biotic attack in his arsenal.
Sorry, stuff like that bugs me. I'm weird.
At level I it sucks. I wouldn't even touch it until 3
Also, Marauders are the toughest thing short of a Collector Captain.
You're good lol
Maybe its just not for you? I never have an issue with it. But then again, I've absolutely never used it for a weapon-centric class. Almost always the Asariguard. Prioritize targets, make your money on Phantoms and boss types, avoid every Geth lobby, Lift Grenade mobs of anything you can't finish in two shots. Keep moving and keep fights at mid range...
I've dominated with it. Never took it to a platinum match though.
I like the Crusader on my N7 Devastator.
Interesting, never saw it as a caster weapon at all, because of the weight. That charge cooldown has to be kind of a drag... although I have tried the claymore on the Drellguard to decent effect.
My thing is I really want to find ways to make use of these promo weapons, I've maxed everything else, so they're kind of the last mystery the game holds for me, so to speak.
I'm not sure how I want to Respec my Asari Sentinel. A part of me REALLY wants to make that a melee class but I'm not sure how to do it yet. I'm thinking that its possibly to drop Warp altogether but I'm still on the fence.
Like I said before, it works better with kits that have a grenade slot. That way, you're not relying so much on recharge time. Vorcha, Krogan Soldier, Asariguard, etc. Its a great compliment to any set up ability. It's definitely a hybrid class.
Krogan Sentinel is fantastic. Lately I've been coming around on the Krogan Soldier (6/6/6/5/3.) I use him almost the same as the Sentinel, but with more Fire Explosions.
I suck with the Havoc. For some reason I don't click with it.
Does anyone else sometimes have a hard time playing with the Volus because you can't decide whether or not to 'have fun'? I'm getting a good feel for the Volus Vanguard now. It's just a balance of when to charge, shield boost or cloak. Playing aggressively with the little butterball is fun. However, every time I play with a Slayer I'm almost obligated to stay at its side so we can spam Phase Disruptor.
I want to 4 Volguard Platinum.
WHats odd - i bought 3 x Arsenal packs - all characters and Level IV consumables.
Bought 1 x Spectre pack - Javelin III.
Shit makes ZERO sense at all.
Ghost Turian Infiltrator with a Saber is now my favorite class to use.
does anyone use the acolyte anymore? nerfed AND u need to charge it now? it used to be my main for the adept classes and a sidearm for many of my other loadouts...now its been left by the roadside with all the other bioware nerfed weapons.
Somebody else has seen the light~
I've got the Thermal Scope IV & High-Velocity Barrel V on it's Saber VI, usually got 'im equipped with Incendiary Ammo. If I'm not poppin' skulls through all kinds of cover, I'm detonating Fire Explosions with Overload... It's a beautiful thing.
They reversed the damage nerf when they added the charge mechanic back; and yes I still use it, it's still one of the best weapons in the game! You should give it another chance, you just have to get used to the cadence of using it with the charge mechanic. It can hold a charge indefinitely, so always have that first shot ready to go, and make use of the fact that you can fire while moving (just let go of the charge). Love it, love it, love it, so glad they changed it back. Now that being said, it is less of a no brainer on every character ever; when a weapon is that obvious on every kit all the time, that's not a good thing.
Ah fair enough - thats a fair compromise if they put the damage back at what it was before.
Im still struggling to find a use for the scorpion at high level play (gold+). I love the gun but the delay in explosions mean people often die before my mines explode.
Its useless on atlases but i know its good for hitting a doorway or chokepoint full of low level people.
I dont know anyone who rocks JUST a scorpion however...I just dont think its useful enough to be a main gun for any class..
Every banner completed except N7 Mastery. 15 more promotions to go until I have the Mass Effect banner (which I won't use because it's hideous).
Now I get to finally use whatever class and weapon I want, haha.