Talon is also really rad on the QME. As far as Tactical Scan goes I would suggest only take it if you're comfortable with the reduced fitness. I normally go full Area Scan to spam it occasionally and for debuff, but it's not necessary.

Two more Hurricanes left. I had to play 3 games and I concentrated on Troopers. On the plus side I'm way ahead of schedule on credits. Already at 14.7million. Might crank out some Platinum runs to finish it off and abuse my shiny new Hurricane. I've enjoyed the absurdity of standing next to snipers with a Turian Hurricane Soldier and keeping up along with getting the 20 headshot medal.

Two more Hurricanes left. I had to play 3 games and I concentrated on Troopers. On the plus side I'm way ahead of schedule on credits. Already at 14.7million. Might crank out some Platinum runs to finish it off and abuse my shiny new Hurricane. I've enjoyed the absurdity of standing next to snipers with a Turian Hurricane Soldier and keeping up along with getting the 20 headshot medal.