Heard that they might release the kits on a weekly basis again :\
They've confirmed it's all at once.
Heard that they might release the kits on a weekly basis again :\
Heard that they might release the kits on a weekly basis again :\
I fucking HATE that the button you use to hide behind cover/stick to walls, is the same button you use to run.
Surrounded by Phantoms, Dragoons and an Atlus? Need to GTFO ASAP? I'll just crouch next to cover, instead
The default controller setting in Gears 3 gave me the same headache. At least I could change that though.
Yeah I really wish they'd just let you click the left stick to run, mapping so many functions to one button while you still have others that aren't being used is kind of obnoxious. Oh well, maybe in Mass Effect 4.
On that note, what IS the left click used for?
Nothing! That's the worst part!
My favorite thing is being insta-killed immediately, after (wasting a medi-gel) reviving myself
It always happens when Im the last man alive. That fucking Phantom just stands over my injured body, waiting for me to stand up.
Death in that situation, is completely unavoidable with low mobility races like Krogan or Batarian, IMO.
I fucking HATE that the button you use to hide behind cover/stick to walls, is the same button you use to run.
Surrounded by Phantoms, Dragoons and an Atlus? Need to GTFO ASAP? I'll just crouch next to cover, instead
The default controller setting in Gears 3 gave me the same headache. At least I could change that though.
Yeah I really wish they'd just let you click the left stick to run, mapping so many functions to one button while you still have others that aren't being used is kind of obnoxious. Oh well, maybe in Mass Effect 4.
DLing now. Boom
Edit: do new ultra rares unlock more easily when first released? I got 4 of my 5 typhoon unlocks the first week it was out. Haven't gotten a collector SMG since a few weeks after release (4 the first week).
Edit2: 21 packs bought, 3 ultra rares. The new SMG, Indra IX and Particle Rifle VI. Maxed out geth scanner and batarian gauntlet. Got all the new characters at least once except for collector adept.
Edit3: Geth Spitfire is GOLD, not ultra rare,
I did half arsenal half premium. Didn't really seem to matter, they were throwing the gear at me (scanner, gauntlet) regardless.
Hard to tell after 2 games but the guns feel good. Really wish I had got the lancer. First impression, Juggernaut is boss
Another one of my gripes is when you try to revive a team member in a closed space, and you end up going to cover instead, resulting with him staying dead and you dying.
Yeah I really wish they'd just let you click the left stick to run, mapping so many functions to one button while you still have others that aren't being used is kind of obnoxious. Oh well, maybe in Mass Effect 4.
I'm sure they're already working on the next ME game's muliplayer, but the consequence of tying it to the single player game is that they cannot release it until the main game is done.I have a hard time believing they are going to drop this cash cow and come back to it two years down line. They must have some plan-B for this MP. Either they're going to make it it's own F2P, or they are going to release it as something separated from the main franchise.
There is LOADS of new players coming in. Can't imagine how many of them are either buying SP dlc to get weapons they have yet to unlock in MP, or buying PSPs to get infiltrators, harriers and piranhas.
Maybe they had ME3 on psn+ to test the waters. It would be sad having to sit and wait for a new Mass Effect MP for years, while other publishers will imitate their weapon/character packs "scheme" and make money out of it.
120 PSPs and 120 Arsenal Packs = everything unlocked. Had terrible UR drop rates, but had 2 packs that had 2 URs.
I did this too. you dont need the shield at all.Lol, the Krogan Warlord is so much fun.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to unlock the Geth Spitfire.I'm sure the Juggernaut would be ten times more fun with it. Going to reset it's powers and ignore the shield this time. Think I would benefit from the Turret more.
Gonna try out the Awakened Collector Adept in a bit.
You had 24 million credits saved up?
29 million saved up.
seem to have a strange glitch. i have my engineer at level 20 yet I dont have enough points to max 5 powers on my talon merc. im left with 4 points instead of 6 and I have zero points on the cain mine thing.
anyone else experience this?
mehdamn that is a crazy amount.
What are the best classes nowadays? IS the Geth Infiltrator still beastly? Have biotics still got a gimp? Last time I played it was all gun play (i.e. guns were the highest damage dealers no matter what).