Phat Michael signs on just as Blue Ninja and I sign off—convenient.
Good games, Blue, Tsukumo. And sorry again... I get a lil' greedy with that Ghost/Saber combo. ;D
[EDIT] - Blew all those credits and I didn't get a single UR! >:[
Good games, yeah, and it's okay, somebody needed to take me and my Ghost/Harrier combo back down to earth.

The build works extremely well on Silver, but on Gold he gets destroyed in an instant.
I unlocked a lot of new (well, for me) characters that I just have no idea how to play. The Batarian Slasher, for instance. I get the feeling that I understand the class, but that it's just not all that good. I'll usually just Warp enemies and then Lash them, or Lash them and lock on for a Communist Fist to the Face.
The one I really don't get is the Cerberus Adept. It took me way too long to unlock him, and now that I actually have him, I'm severely underwhelmed. I thought Lashing and then Smashing would be a viable strategy, but Smash apparently doesn't even set off biotic detonations, which I'm kinda miffed about.
The Vorcha Engineer is pretty badass. I just skipped putting points into Incinerate and went with a Submission Net/Melee combo. I'm having some trouble dealing with bosses, though, so maybe I'll put some remaining points into Incinerate after all.
Haven't tried the Volus Mercenary yet, but his powers seem kinda redundant. Decoy and Combat Drone? I mean, after playing with the Volus Engineer, it just seems kinda underwhelming.