Phat Michael
No Ghost?
Not saying hes bad, im just not as good with him as i am with the other characters.
No Ghost?
I was using a shotgun on him as I get 25%damage increase after a Charge, then also one of the last passive skills is pistol and shotgun weight reduction. I just assumed shotguns were go to vanguard weapons. :/my god the graal is terrible. once you get more weapons youll see this. for the shotties, claymore, crusader, reeger and gps are the best for me.
im not a big fan of shotties on vanguards, you need quick cooldown for that. id use a hurricane or carnifex with the new power amp if you have them. acolyte could also be useful.
I was using a shotgun on him as I get 25%damage increase after a Charge, then also one of the last passive skills is pistol and shotgun weight reduction. I just assumed shotguns were go to vanguard weapons. :/
Is there any paid multiplayer content aside from the packs? Downloaded the 5-part free pack which seems pretty good from a publisher at the forefront of nickle-and-diming its customers
Gonna start the SP at least tomorrow, why is Omega more expensive than Leviathan and From Ashes?
All multi is free. the support for Multi has been incredible honestly.
SP is paid. Omega costs more as it is bigger. Citadel is the best but leave it until last.
Cheers. Gonna leave Citadel until I'm ready to play it since it can be played post-game, and it might come down in price by then.
Is Omega more of a shooting gallery, or more of a story thing? Also, do you get a companion for it? Got Leviathan and From Ashes ready to, even though I had to hurdle my morality barrier to pay for them![]()
Not saying hes bad, im just not as good with him as i am with the other characters.
But you list the Geth Engi as higher? What's your secret?
Just unlocked the turian ghost.
Recommend powers and loadout for silver/gold
i do not have the harrier
whats the best assault rifle you have?
Cheers. Gonna leave Citadel until I'm ready to play it since it can be played post-game, and it might come down in price by then.
Is Omega more of a shooting gallery, or more of a story thing? Also, do you get a companion for it? Got Leviathan and From Ashes ready to, even though I had to hurdle my morality barrier to pay for them![]()
the indra? u wont get the cloak bonus for the assault rifle.Valk VI with clip and stabilization
although I like the phaeston it doesn't hit for shit.
I also have that sniper rifle that functions like an assault rifle....I like that one.
Build is a bit different.
Zero in Hunter mode
Max Shields
Chain overload with incapacitation of organics
Turret with flame and heal.
Weapons: Usually Hurricane V, Stability and Armour Pierce
Incindiary IV
SMG Rail Amp 3
Cylonic III or IV.
Basically, the turret warns me where people are. Also helps start Fire explosions. A few rounds of the Hurricane with Incindiary sets people on fire, chain overload for multiple fire explosions.
Heal turret looks after your shields.
Overload strips shields off Phantoms, Fire explosions stops dragoons. Atlases go down pretty quick once you overload their shields, set up turret and start fire explosions.
The engineer is a very strategic character, you cant just run into the middle of a room and dominate. He isnt a powerhouse, but his turret can be used really well to help others out, same as overload.
Im not sure why, but im really solid with this character. I do think the trooper is better however as the Flamer is just god like for crowd control.
I've got my Engineer 6/6/6/6/0 with chain overload and flame turret. I use either a GPR x or GPSx for Gethiness (the GPS does way better)
I may respec with a little fitness because this dude drops like a sack of elcor shit when he takes a hit, but like you said, this is a strategic kit. Have to set up shop out of harms way and let the turret do work.
brb gonna start a cult :BSai, you might have converted me to a Saber user after I switched to High Sensitivity. Good stuff!
Argus sucks on everything.
brb gonna start a cult :B
A million more credits with no UR drops... At least I'm getting my Lv3-4 consumables stocked up. S'got me wondering if I should start buying nothing but Veteran or Jumbo Equipment Packs to max out the Lv1-2 stuff, which I've hardly been touching lately.
Lol, then the game will probably start throwing nothing but Common Character Cards at me if I buy any more.
bunch of updates from me:
I gave up on AIU. I can't and don't like playing her as recommended. I had fun running around doing my thing on silver, but when going for the cloak/snap freeze/reegar combo, I stopped liking it. I just don't love shotgun range, really. This brings me to:
My new main is Turian Ghost. He's essentially just like the AIU but with Assault Rifles instead of shotguns, why was I not playing him all along? Right now my best AR that I enjoy using is the M-7 Lancer. Pausing for the ammo to regen gives me a chance to cloak/overload and is working really well for me. I'm content with this gun so I'm buying Premium Spectres, shooting for a Harrier but am OK with whatever I get.
Got UR Volus Engineer last night. I don't like playing any Volus at all but I won't scoff when the game is nice enough to give me a UR.
Last night my group and I dipped our toes into Gold last night. We've done it before on Firebase White, hiding behind the counter, which I think is a popular strategy/exploit. There were 3 of us and 1 random who was basically a ringer with a Talon Merc. Dude was a beast and didn't even need to hide with us, he was running around murdering fools like a champ. We did a 2nd game, exact settings, with him but 2 of us had network issues; the enemies wouldn't appear on our screens! Still, we made it to wave 8 easily before 2 of us lost the connection. My internet went legit down and the other guy had to reset his modem. Still, the ~60,000 credits you get for extraction on Gold makes the ~33,000 for Silver seem like a joke. A 99,000 pack for every 2nd game? I've been wasting my time on Silver. I want to try Gold on random map and enemy; the counter strategy on Firebase White is a cheap way to get the credits but I actually want to play on Gold for real.
My wife of course wants no part of it, she said she'll play PUG's with randoms on bronze or silver instead.
Lastly, 2 nights ago we got cheaped. We were doing an Escort mission and the damn Escort drone disappeared off the map. The arrow kept pointing us to below the area he disappeared from, so the 2 of us who were still alive kept searching for it down there. I finally found a spot where my omni-tool lit up, which means I'm in range, but by then the timer was out.
Gold gives you 80K creds.
Dont ever stand still on gold anymore. it doesnt work and the other players will hate you for camping. Stay mobile no matter who you are using - be constantly moving and never stay still.
yeah, I've been telling my friends that we're ready for Gold all week now, without taking the cheap route like we did. I expect it to happen soon. Although the counter strategy worked, it was no fun. I want to try other maps and be pressured to actually do stuff rather than just snap freeze over and over into a door. Also 80k for extraction? I'm rubbing my hands in excitement
ok i seem to have a problem with XBL. My net connection is fine, i connect then get dissed 5 mins later. Anyone else have this? is there anything i can do to fix it? Problem is not with my ISP, just XBL.
Only this game does this to me....atleast once a night. I simply reset my modem and log in again. Works but I don't know if there is a better workaround.
turned off PC, restarted. did the same to router, restarted. Still happening.
wired ethernet cable. not ea live in generalis your xbox connected wirelessly or hardwired? whatever you're currently on, maybe try the other?
edit: also, are you just getting disconnected from the match or EA servers, or all of xbox live in total?
just started to work. played one game with no dropouts. in other news...the indra sucks.
Oh dude dont use that geth pulse rifle it SUCKS. The GPS is also way too heavy for the engineer isnt it? I like to be able to spam overload, its a life saver. For the Engineer i usually use a Hurricane V or Collector Assault Rifle X.
So I've been playing this since it came out, and I've gotten almost every class (Manifest if curious). I've gotten a good idea how to build every class I've gotten except for one: Asari Vanguard. Anyone have some tips on how to spec them?
Here's the build I use (use AP ammo). Haven't played the Asari Vanguard since the second DLC, so I don't know how well it goes against the Collectors. Not that great against Geth, so I would stick with Reapers and Cerberus. Feel free to slap on power efficiency if the cooldown feels long.
I actually don't even bother putting much points into Charge or Fitness - The big thing with the Vanguard is the Stasis Bubble. Its one of the best abilities in the game since multiplayer first started. Lift Grenades are nothing to sleep on either, especially since they've been buffed.
I typically use the Crusader with the build but its really very flexible as long as you focus on spamming Stasis Bubbles on anything that can be frozen and lob grenades at anything that can't.
Got UR's Awakened Collector III and N7 Valkyrie I tonight. The Valkyrie might replace the Lancer as my Ghost's AR but I have to try it first. Too tired for any more matches. 3/4 extractions on Gold Tuchanka Geth (cant remember the bases's name)
Valkyrie has been good to me, but it's taking ages for me to get it past I![]()