Remember when everbody used Infiltrators? And they all had Mantis 'n Widows 'n Valiants 'n stuff? And they'd all congregate at the same sniping spots, and that one off-host guy would poke his head out too much, and cause everybody to get jacked up by an Atlus Missile?Sniper Rifles really aren't used that much huh?
Why is the Hurricane most used? I dont think I have ever used it but I have never seen anyone say it is great or anything.
It shoots very fast, weights nothing and is pretty powerful for a SMG. Put a stability mod on it and its great for a lot of classes.
I have a Hurricane IX, I guess I will have to try it some time. Thanks for the reply.
It shoots very fast, weights nothing and is pretty powerful for a SMG. Put a stability mod on it and its great for a lot of classes.
Why is the Hurricane most used? I dont think I have ever used it but I have never seen anyone say it is great or anything.
Scorpion X
So much yellow in my Ultra Rare manifest now.![]()
Scorpion X
So much yellow in my Ultra Rare manifest now.![]()
Eagle IXassholeface!
See? It's good. Be happy!I'm liking the valiant on the GI. working out really well for me.
I wish there was some way to modify the music files in this game on the PC version, i'd love to have the Therum Battle theme from ME1 during those objective waves, its sooo good!
I wish there was some way to modify the music files in this game on the PC version, i'd love to have the Therum Battle theme from ME1 during those objective waves, its sooo good!
"'re doin' gooood..."my manifest sucks compared to yours :/
Got the Batarian Slasher. Lash is great for knocking around shielded opponent and triggering biotic explosions on them, but how do I get biotic explosions on armored opponents? Does Lash only trigger explosions if it pulls?
Got the Batarian Slasher. Lash is great for knocking around shielded opponent and triggering biotic explosions on them, but how do I get biotic explosions on armored opponents? Does Lash only trigger explosions if it pulls?
A Lv15 Human(default?) Vanguard on Gold/Platinum?...
Honestly, I don't think a L15 Vanguard is going to quite cut it on Gold/Platinum unless you are using good gear.
Whoops sorry, I was thinking of the wrong character Human Vanguard at level 15 is definitely not up to the task. Sorry I've been using my level 20 Project Phoenix Vanguard but it has really bad gear!
I was posting on my cell phone browser, from the comfort of my bed.Sai, aren't you supposed to be resting up?![]()
Paladin VI
I just extracted solo on Hydra/Geth/Platinum, and the challenge wasn't completed. Weird... Anyways, it's probably just a coincidence, but it seems like the RNG is more prone to dropping Ultra Rares immediately after the completion of Platinum games.
No.Who were you using? Ghost?
Saber X w/ Thermal Scope and Extended Barrel, Armor-Piercing Rounds IV, Targeting VI III, and a Cyclonic Modulator III.what setup and weapons?
javelin iv.
the krogan warlord sucks on gold and above. a total sync kill magnet. fun on silver but not my cup of tea.
:/ Well, those guys're jerks.
Thought only the extractions mattered for those challenges.
The Warlord is unbeatable against Gold Geths though, since there is no sync kills. Everything that isnt a Geth Prime dies in one hit of a Biotic Hammer(2 charges help), you have high health regen and damage reduction, so unless you're surrounded by 3 Primes and a bunch of minions, nothing can kill you.
yeah its easier with Geth, however it doesn't suit my plays style as I need speed and to be able to dodge around. I saw a huge advantage so playing along side a Geth juggernaut, while he melee you can go nuts with the hammer.
Who needs speed and dodge when you (almost) can't die and kill (almost) everything in one hit? :lol Beside the Warlord runs as fast as the other classes, and kills enemies faster than most classes, so im not sure what is this "speed" you're talking about. Maybe you just don't like classes that focus on melee combat?
I still don't like the destroyer. if I use a demolished, Geth trooper, AIU or Geth engineer I usually come out on top