Getting the game tomorrow, just wondering if there's any meat to this multiplayer? Is it good?
Pretty fun but I'm guessing you'll have to grind for quite some time if you want to get high level weapons.
Getting the game tomorrow, just wondering if there's any meat to this multiplayer? Is it good?
i got a complete reset on my items, all weapons, mods, medi packs etc. are gone.
After a normal game i got the message with the free Starter Packs and bäm all gone :/
edit: unlocked chars are gone too![]()
Gaf: Alex Tru
Origin: Alex_Tru
Looking forward to playing with you guys. Currently using a Human Vanguard. Any tips other than the standard ABC?
Has anybody bought a Spectre pack yet? How many medi-gels, rocket, or equipment does it give at a time?
Pretty fun but I'm guessing you'll have to grind for quite some time if you want to get high level weapons.
I absolutely cannot with randoms anymore in this game. Dying on wave 2 in silver like seriously. Also the "oh I'm right next to you and I can quickly take cover but I'm not going to revive you" stuff. If anyone has this for PSN please add me on my account, Taiyz.
Whoa. There are secret class unlocks in the MP? Sounds pretty awesome if true.
I made it to N7 120 without seeing a Volus. Doesn't mean they don't exist but would mean that they are very, very, very rare if they do exist, since I've seen everything else multiple times.So has anyone been able to confirm if the 'volus adept' secret unlock rumor is true? It was in an OXM review.
I absolutely cannot with randoms anymore in this game. Dying on wave 2 in silver like seriously. Also the "oh I'm right next to you and I can quickly take cover but I'm not going to revive you" stuff. If anyone has this for PSN please add me on my account, Taiyz.
Whoa. There are secret class unlocks in the MP? Sounds pretty awesome if true.
GGs Yeti!
It was a little laggy but still playable.
Dude my friend is so jealous that you have the Black Widow haha. I'm a little jealous myself. That thing is insane.
Gemüsepizza;35868092 said:I haven't played the MP yet, how many games a day are necessary to maintain your galactic readiness rating in SP? I heard if you don't play everyday it will decrease. And does anybody know how many games it would take on the lowest difficulty (I guess that would be bronze?) to achieve 100% galactic readiness rating? Thanks!
Gemüsepizza;35868092 said:I haven't played the MP yet, how many games a day are necessary to maintain your galactic readiness rating in SP? I heard if you don't play everyday it will decrease. And does anybody know how many games it would take on the lowest difficulty (I guess that would be bronze?) to achieve 100% galactic readiness rating? Thanks!
Going to add you two in a minute.
Yeah dude, your skills helped us greatly! And yeah, lag was kinda bad but still tolerable.
Sure!Man, I had to finish up some work at home last night, and by the time I got online, I only felt like playing one game. I saw you guys online, but was too tired.
Maybe tonight?
Regarding Maps: If I play the MP (I just started the MP and am aboard Normandy for the first time) now will it spoil for me locations in SP?
In terms of layout and planet... yes, it will "spoil" it, if you consider map layouts a spoiler.
It degrades by 1% a day, I believe. You get 4-8% from a regular bronze match, so it doesn't take all that long.
Man, I had to finish up some work at home last night, and by the time I got online, I only felt like playing one game. I saw you guys online, but was too tired.
Maybe tonight?
I can't fucking believe this is the first multiplayer to keep me from finishing the story first. I guess cause its intertwined with story progression but I've always sworn by finishing single player before even touching multiplayer in games, but for some reason this has me distracted.
I think most of the level design is absolutely horrid too, but for some reason it's so damn fun.
You guys think it's worth saving up for the Spectre pack every time or what? That seems logical to me, but I did the first time, and got a bunch of consumables (ugh) and a single rare SMG with an absolutely ridiculous and inefficient amount of recoil. I want characters goddamnit :C Are any character unlocks rare or uncommon?
You guys think it's worth saving up for the Spectre pack every time or what? That seems logical to me, but I did the first time, and got a bunch of consumables (ugh) and a single rare SMG with an absolutely ridiculous and inefficient amount of recoil. I want characters goddamnit :C Are any character unlocks rare or uncommon?
So I redeemed a code for 3 months of XBL on the site while I was signed into ME3 on the 360. Now, my account is flagged silver (with the silver banner in the profile), but going to my memberships in accocunt maangement shows me as having the 3 months of gold until June. Do I just wait and hope it updates my profile because I can't get into any games of ME3 at the moment.![]()
Do you earn more credits on higher difficulties?