There is almost certainly an easier way, but I just downloaded the Tigers Woods demo and it told me the email for mine.
It worked for me, but the app is quite a mess. Button presses don't register sometimes (hard to imagine how they even managed to do that), I get signed off randomly and the game didn't really have a chance to do much at all for galactic readiness before I finished ME3; a couple of multiplayer sessions were far more effective. Still, a fun little bonus with the codex and emails from characters.
Exploring the Normandy for the first time, just left The Citadel not too long ago after talking to the Council.
So, when can I tackle From Ashes? Will the game prompt me or something? I thought it would be like the ME2 DLC where you get an email.
You can do it now, you should have an e-mail aboutan prothean artifact
Yes, and also planet scanning.
Oh my good Christ. Themission. Just... Fuck that."defend the missile battery"All's going well then 2 banshees show up. Then I just get overrun.
Any tips?
Exploring the Normandy for the first time, just left The Citadel not too long ago after talking to the Council.
So, when can I tackle From Ashes? Will the game prompt me or something? I thought it would be like the ME2 DLC where you get an email.
I just threw out my sentry turret, combat drone and defense drone and hid.
But you're probably not playing an Engineer.
No indeed, playing as a soldier. Got Garrus and Liara in my team, which (given current rage levels) wasn't the best of choices![]()
Tuchanka Spoilers
I got an email from Wrex saying the bomb went off and killed too many Krogan. I still have the bomb mission available though
I have a question: will my galaxy readiness (or however it's called) from multiplayer be available for all characters?
More systems will open up as you complete missions, and also you find the "stuff" during missions, but you have to explore.
Did you already do?Priority: Genophage
Actually maybe not, was that on Tuchanka?
just after Tuchanka I went to the citadel and it trigered a priority mission, took me by surprise, but the end of that mission gave me the oportunity of doing something I wanted to do for a looong timewhat happens if you don't do it?I fucking killed that slimeball Udina, didn't give him a chance, lol
I actually reloaded to see what'd happen otherwise, only to see it's this. Mild shame,Kaiden/Ashley does it
Then I'd say try to focus on one. Once their barriers are down, as long as you keep doing damage to them they don't teleport.
Going back to an older save all I had was Shroud Facility: Cure Genophage, Cerberus Attack: investigate Cerberus presence and City Ruins: Locate bomb
I did Cerberus attack first and got an email from Wrex saying a bomb went off, but City Ruins is still available.
Yeah, I can get one of them down, but then as soon as it's died, I just get absolutely swamped with other enemies. Just gotta keep on plugging away, I guess
Kaiden/Ashley does it
So did we ever figure out how it's possible to lose side missions? Does it only happen when you've already got side missions assigned to you, but you do a storyline mission? The Citadel is open to me now, and I've got a ton of side missions, and I don't want to lose them.
So did we ever figure out how it's possible to lose side missions? Does it only happen when you've already got side missions assigned to you, but you do a storyline mission? The Citadel is open to me now, and I've got a ton of side missions, and I don't want to lose them.
So I just finishedYou don't have to spoil anything for me, but if I'm missing something and should be able to find him, let me know.the Cerberus attack on the Citadel mission. Thus far, since extracting Grunt from the rachni cave, I have not seen him again anywhere. Where is he?
I fell off a balcony and died on the Citadel:
Where do you get the hoodie?
Collectors Edition
Been using the ios app for boosting readiness since I'm not interested in multi (or going Gold period) and it is pretty neat. Builds slowly but if not in a rush it will get the job done for extra readiness boosts. Still doesn't have Ashley's face on her messages, just a "?". Whatever team is responsible for the ios game should fix that ASAP. All that effort put in the main game bringing Ashley back, yet this is so sloppy.
Mass Effect[IMG]
Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 3
Anyone else want to post their own Shepard?[/QUOTE]
Here's mine:
Code: 741.19G.M17.F16.GCQ.66Q.1DA.A11.9A6.417.626.277
The Graal and Disciple are incredibly accurate (even more so with a smart choke mod) and I've really taken a liking to the former. Disciple is one of the lightest guns in the game.So, quick gameplay question.
How would you arm a Vanguard in singleplayer?
In ME2 I used that krogan shotgun for for Charge -> Shotgun fun. But I'm finding myself ending fights and hitting R to reload, only to realize I never fired a shot. Which kind of defeats the purpose of having a shotgun around.
So what do I use, then? I'm thinking whatever I should carry should be for when Charge -> Nova -> Heavy Melee doesn't work. Which is against big things with one-hit kills, (that aren't already distracted) against enemies out of range, or for turrets. Got pull for Guardians, and to set up mid-air charges for style points. My bonus power is Stasis, working towards Stasis Bubble.
But... what gun(s) should I carry? I'm thinking a Heavy Pistol with a scope might be a plan, or an SMG modded for weight. I'm not sure I even want a shotgun anymore, unless I can find one that can be used at better than Heavy Melee range.
Here's mine:
I like! Mind posting the code for it/her?
Going back to an older save all I had was Shroud Facility: Cure Genophage, Cerberus Attack: investigate Cerberus presence and City Ruins: Locate bomb
I did Cerberus attack first and got an email from Wrex saying a bomb went off, but City Ruins is still available.
don't know if it was posted
So I just finished themissions.Rannoch
Some thoughts (obvious spoilers):
I'm really disappointed with how the Geth were handled in this game. Not from a story standpoint (I still think they're one of the more interesting races in the ME universe), but how their fate plays out through the decision making.
I'm not entirely sure why killing the heretics in ME2 earns you more "points" counting toward the resolution between the Geth and Quarians. To me, the choice was there for those players who wanted to give that race a shot as a real force in the galaxy, attempting to see their side of the Quarian/Geth story. I have friends who didn't give a second thought to wiping them out, simply because they didn't WANT the Geth on their side. I think the reward was dealt to the wrong crowd here, but I suppose that's just my opinion.
Also, it seems really odd to me that saving the Admiral stranded on the planet was the Paragon choice, and not saving his men. With the later ME games, Bioware made the Paragon choice the make sure you see the best resolution/coolest shit choice instead of doing what is right (saving the men of a civilian ship that had no right going into battle) regardless of the outcome (losing a powerful and influential admiral). That's what ultimately cost me the option of saving both races and I'm a little disappointed in that.
Also, were it not for me caring a whole lot for Tali, I would have let the Quarians bite the dust. As a race, they were AWFUL in this game. Start a war with the Geth while the Reapers are invading? Makes absolutely no sense to me. This game also humanized the Geth in a way I didn't think possible and I actually sympathized with them, making the decision to wipe them out all the more difficult. The Quarians played god, got scared and tried to erase it. They fucked up real bad and succeeded in the mass genocide of the life that they created.
Just to let you know, this happened to me. There were no consequences from what I could tell. I did go and do the bomb mission straight away though!
don't know if it was posted
Where's the joke?