I almost finished ME2 but sold the game. Can I import my near finished character into ME3?
Just started this after finishing my ME2 run. I read somewhere that after some calculation, it's actually not possible to get the best ending through single player alone and that some amount of MP is needed as there aren't enough war assets to collect through single player alone...is that true?
Just started this after finishing my ME2 run. I read somewhere that after some calculation, it's actually not possible to get the best ending through single player alone and that some amount of MP is needed as there aren't enough war assets to collect through single player alone...is that true?
Just started this after finishing my ME2 run. I read somewhere that after some calculation, it's actually not possible to get the best ending through single player alone and that some amount of MP is needed as there aren't enough war assets to collect through single player alone...is that true?
Just started this after finishing my ME2 run. I read somewhere that after some calculation, it's actually not possible to get the best ending through single player alone and that some amount of MP is needed as there aren't enough war assets to collect through single player alone...is that true?
I think you have to setDoes anyone know the plot id's to make Tali not an exile, and to fix the other plot id's so that I can get peace between the Geth and Quarians? I don't want to do the plot id's after the fact, I want to see the cutscenes!
So I ended up re doing a mission because I was unhappy with the outcomeTali died
Did anyone else fall into this trap as well?
See above.
Did you have a chance to prevent this, via Blue/Red conversation choices at the climactic moment? If you did not, replaying that mission alone will not help. You will have to do other missions (potentially even some in ME2) in order to unlock those conversation choices.
EDIT: I mean, you can also replay the mission and choose the opposite ensuring that the above does not happen -- but then another bad thing will happen instead.
I'm actually playing completely fresh on ps3 because my Xbox died. It really sucks because most of the characters from ME2 are dead, and I saved everyone in my mass effect 2 save. Which has definitely taken away some of the emotional pay off in the the third game. My friend is playing it with his original save and we are comparing notes. Kind crazy how different the game is when you import a character.
I ended up picking the other option, there was no reputation choices. I think it was a better choice overall
Yeah, I believe you have to import an ME2 save to get the reputation options there. Otherwise you have to choose.
Personally I was ready tochoose the Geth, Tali or no; the Quarians want to throw themselves away, that's their damn perogative.
Ah such innocence. Enjoy the ride while you can.I've stayed away from this board in fear of spoilers...but I just want to say I'm truly enjoying the game. I think it's the best in the series so far. The stakes seem much higher and your choices feel more important. I actually like that are less dialogue options and more dramatic moments. I can see why some people would be disappointed, because it's really not a RPG anymore. However I think the combat has approved enough to make it ok. It's a big improvement over the combat in ME2
I think you have to setI'm not sure though but others have been trying. http://code.google.com/p/me3tools/wiki/FAQ <<spoilers may be thereTaliAliveAdmiral to true
There is no best ending. SERIOUSLY.
There is an extra scene that comes if you get a high enough EMS (possibly as high as 5000 depending on choices leading to the end) that cannot be achieved on a first run without MP.
It wont be achievable for you period, unless you're on the pc and you modify your coalesced.iniMeaning it is achievable on new game+...? Because I am not going to play the MP.
I haven't played anymore since last time, but I forget to bring this up every time I play...
Who thought putting the white drop shadow behind the paragon and renegade dialogue was a good idea?
It looks heinous, and it makes the options too difficult to read. Was the idea to get you to mouse/roll over the choice to see what it said? Was it to give it a sense of "these are the choices you wish you could make! look how shiny!"?
It looks terrible!
Don't ever look at it. It looks horrible! HORRIBLE!I don't even look at them, I always go upper right or upper left.
It wont be achievable for you period, unless you're on the pc and you modify your coalesced.ini
So, is it worth the effort or not?
After Priority:how many more story missions (Priority missions) are there?Thessia
Overall I'm very disappointed. Angry.
Without the ending this game would have been my Goty, easily.Thank God for multiplayer.But the way the conclusion was handled is really giving me a hard time to even plan a second run...what was that joke on Futurama: "once you've seen it, you can't unseen it"?
Just started this after finishing my ME2 run. I read somewhere that after some calculation, it's actually not possible to get the best ending through single player alone and that some amount of MP is needed as there aren't enough war assets to collect through single player alone...is that true?
There is no best ending. SERIOUSLY.
There is an extra scene that comes if you get a high enough EMS (possibly as high as 5000 depending on choices leading to the end) that cannot be achieved on a first run without MP.
Expand on this for me, please.
I played 30hrs+ of the MP before even starting the SP last night. Got the readiness up to 100% & all. And Yeah, I know the galatic readiness goes down each day. So...should I be playing a round of MP each time before I resume my campaign?
Finally started my SP run last night (on X360). And yup, the ME1 face-import got me. But in the end, I recreated my male Shepard pretty easily...and I think he looks a little more like me anyway. So, eh, the bug was annoying but not a big deal.
I only got to the first mission last night, though. I did by the Ashes DLC, too. In fact...I'll probably buy most of the SP DLC...as long as I don't totally hate the ending.
You should try the MP anyway, especially if you like co-op gaming. IT's really fun.
Expand on this for me, please.
I played 30hrs+ of the MP before even starting the SP last night. Got the readiness up to 100% & all. And Yeah, I know the galatic readiness goes down each day. So...should I be playing a round of MP each time before I resume my campaign?
Finally started my SP run last night (on X360). And yup, the ME1 face-import got me. But in the end, I recreated my male Shepard pretty easily...and I think he looks a little more like me anyway. So, eh, the bug was annoying but not a big deal.
I only got to the first mission last night, though. I did by the Ashes DLC, too. In fact...I'll probably buy most of the SP DLC...as long as I don't totally hate the ending.
You should try the MP anyway, especially if you like co-op gaming. IT's really fun.
Expand on this for me, please.
I played 30hrs+ of the MP before even starting the SP last night. Got the readiness up to 100% & all. And Yeah, I know the galatic readiness goes down each day. So...should I be playing a round of MP each time before I resume my campaign?
Meaning it is achievable on new game+...? Because I am not going to play the MP.
Also, can I really re-spec Shepard and all of the squadmates for free as much as I want?
Also, maybe this is just an effect of importing level 30 characters with all the skill points already available, but is Liara supposed to be that powerful? I just finished the first mission--Mars--last night and I was very surprised of how powerful she is... I mean, her cooldown is practically non-existent as she can throw another Singularity when the first Singularity has not even expired yet! My Soldier Shepard barely shot his weapon last night with her throwing Singularity like nobody's business and Kaidan throwing Reave left and right. I was just... wow.
Ey ey ey, one more question guys: so the sign that the game recognizes my From Ashes DLC is the Priority Mission: Eden Prime being enabled after I first visited Citadel, correct?
Nah. Just do a few multiplayer matches when you're at the last mission(you'll know when its the one). If you did every single sidequests before that, you probably only need a few % above 50 to get to above 5000 EMS.
And it only affect ONE of the ending, slightly. And the ending you get is a choice you have right at the end, all you did before in the game will not affect the ending. I wouldnt worry too much about it, unless you really really want that extra scene with a specific ending.
Get your EMS around 5000 before the point of nor return.
And it can't be stated enough, don't worry about it to much.
I would, i think you get a 5% XP bonus in single player for 100% readiness, although i may have misread the popup and the bonus could be for MP.
Ok, thanks. I'll make sure to play a few round of MP before I finish the game. I think my galatic readiness was down to 92% last night.
Another Question: I promoted my level 20 Human Engineer from MP, but I didn't see an option to use him when I started a new game. NOt that it mattered much since I was importing my ME2 vanguard, but how does the promoting a level 20 character work for the campaign? I'll probably use the Engineer for my Renegade playthrough next
There are also bad endings, but you need particularly low effective military strength to get them.And it only affect ONE of the ending, slightly. And the ending you get is a choice you have right at the end, all you did before in the game will not affect the ending. I wouldnt worry too much about it, unless you really really want that extra scene with a specific ending.
I'm about 3 hours in, mostly just messing around and doing side-quests and taking my time, playing MP a lot and whatnot. I'm reading a lot about the ending controversy, and was wondering if someone could, spoiler-free, explain why people were disappointed in the ending. If that's not possible then I'll just wait until I beat it then read the comments. But what's this about BioWare releasing DLC to change the ending?
I'm about 3 hours in, mostly just messing around and doing side-quests and taking my time, playing MP a lot and whatnot. I'm reading a lot about the ending controversy, and was wondering if someone could, spoiler-free, explain why people were disappointed in the ending. If that's not possible then I'll just wait until I beat it then read the comments. But what's this about BioWare releasing DLC to change the ending?
I'll spoiler this just in case, but I won't say anything about the content of the endings:The multiple endings are largely the same aside from a few tiny differences, and they entirely depend on one final choice rather than a culmination of all of your choices. Parts of it don't make much sense, and there is little in terms of closure. The end event happens and then the credits rise; you don't get to see the outcome of your decision, or how your surviving characters are effected. Keep in mind a lot of the controversy was overblown, in my opinion. I found it deeply unsatisfying, but I expected worse. Also keep in mind that all of the complaints literally only apply to the final 5 minutes of the game. The final mission up until that point is epic, and to the scale and grandeur that I wanted and expected.
Huh, that would've been cool for realFuck, so I can't start a new campaign with a level 20 engineer? :/
The multiple endings are largely the same aside from a few tiny differences, and they entirely depend on one final choice rather than a culmination of all of your choices.
Not entirely accurate. Example: say Jack dies at the end of ME2, she is not in ME3, and thus not recruitable, thus lower EMS for the final battle, which can affect which suite of endings you get.
Granted, the differences in the suite of endings aren't that great, but there is impact nonetheless.
Arent ME2 characters worth like 25 war assets? It's nothing big.![]()