Laughing Banana
Weeping Pickle
Any ideas?
What? How is it possible you can have a level 38 character when the maximum allowed is 30?
Any ideas?
So, I recently finished a run with Kaiden, and I gotta ask... Is there a glitch related to Ashley's dialogue/interaction with the rest of the Normandy's crew? Because Kaiden just seemed a lot more involved than Ashley's been. Though I'd actually expect it more out of his character than Ashley's, he wasn't just stuck in Starboard Observation throughout the entirety of the game.
He played cards with James, had a nice talk about Cerberus with Shepard in the Crew's Quarters, and talked with Engineer Adams down in Engineering after the fall of Thessia out of concern for Liara... Even when he was in Starboard Observation, he just seemed to have slightly more to say and do than Ashley didlike talkin' to EDI about hunting down his squad.
And Ashley? Uh... A hangover.
I mean, is that all there is to her? 'cause I thought her interaction with the rest of the crew was kind of stale before I saw what Kaiden had to offer. Could it be similar to the glitch related to Ken 'n Gabby?
Yep. A dev on BSN mentionned that Ashley had a bug with dialogue. Something about her "approval" rating.
At least, I think that's what it was...
So, I recently finished a run with Kaiden, and I gotta ask... Is there a glitch related to Ashley's dialogue/interaction with the rest of the Normandy's crew? Because Kaiden just seemed a lot more involved than Ashley's been. Though I'd actually expect it more out of his character than Ashley's, he wasn't just stuck in Starboard Observation throughout the entirety of the game.
He played cards with James, had a nice talk about Cerberus with Shepard in the Crew's Quarters, and talked with Engineer Adams down in Engineering after the fall of Thessia out of concern for Liara... Even when he was in Starboard Observation, he just seemed to have slightly more to say and do than Ashley did—like talkin' to EDI about hunting down his squad.
And Ashley? Uh... A hangover.
I mean, is that all there is to her? 'cause I thought her interaction with the rest of the crew was kind of stale before I saw what Kaiden had to offer. Could it be similar to the glitch related to Ken 'n Gabby?
Is the cut dialogue available to listen to/read anywhere?She had a pretty great dialogue with shepard questioning him about what the afterlife and dying was like, but it got cut for some reason.
Oh yeah, finally noticed in my last run thatShould've linked it with the mention of Tiptree, at leastshe even accurately guesses her age... I feel slow. >_>Joker's little sister, Hilary, was the one killed by the Asari Huntress with PTSD in Huerta Memorial Hospital.
Is the cut dialogue available to listen to/read anywhere?
Hardcore I think is the sweet spot between challenging but fun. Insanity is difficult, but a straight-up borefest IMO.
Eviscerator wasn't showing up at the usual spot at Grissom Academy. Tried reloading, nothing. Went back to an earlier save to restart the mission, still nothing.
S'up with that? :I
Mass Effect 2 may have been my favorite game of all time. It's way up there anyway. And this might just trump it. I typically play games at 1-2 hour intervals, but Mass Effect games? I play them at unhealthy intervals, like 4-6 hours at a time, at least. I haven't gotten to the end yet, so maybe I'll be disappointed. But honestly, the ride so far has been so good that overall I'll still love this game, and this series, overall.
A serious knock against it, though, is that once you reach the "ok we're totally gonna do it just before the last mission" part of a romance, there's basically no additional dialogue. It's like there's just an unspoken agreement between the characters that no additional conversation is required, you're already infatuated. It's stupid.
Have they fixed if you can get 4000 EMS without touching multi?
What are my options for a pass-lacking new player (who has a ME1 -> ME2 character to import)?
Is the iOS titles worth considering?
Have they fixed if you can get 4000 EMS without touching multi?
What are my options for a pass-lacking new player (who has a ME1 -> ME2 character to import)?
Is the iOS titles worth considering?
Do I need to seriously increase my readiness to get EMR over 5000 again? Or am I good/locked into the best ending since I had over 5000 before I started the illusive man?
FUCK Banshees. Seriously. They're piercing my ears and they keep dropping my useless teammates.
edit: Well, those two were annoying as fuck. Glad it's over. Hope there won't be more of them. (Of course there will be..)
I finished the game, and I'm having a hard time understanding the problem people seem to have with it? I know I'm probably not the only person to say this here, but is there somewhere I can read what most people here have a problem with, like a certain post or page of posts that would explain it to me? Cause I was totally okay with it myself.
It isn't the most profound ending, nor is it the best. But it was just satisfactory enough for me. I've read some editorials about it (mostly negative ones, but also the occasional positive one) and mostly disagree with the negative ones.
I'm not really looking to start a big argument about it, as I'm sure over the past few months there has been enough of that. Just looking for a bit of understanding on the issue.
I think the four main points of contention are:
3. Space magic; the crucible can do everything, control the reapers, destroy all synthetics, and somehow turn every human into a cyborg, without any explanation.
Short version is that the ending ignored everything you did in the past games. Doesn't matter what you did in ME1 or ME2 or 95% of ME3, the game will always end the same way, with only slight differences depending on your final decision. That's it.
There is more, but you better check the spoiler thread for that.
Not exactly. Your past decisions can affect your EMS, which relates to how good of an ending you get so your choices do matter.Like if you decide to save the Rachni queen from ME1 and then you spare her in ME3, you'll get a big boost in EMS. If you don't play online, playing the previous games is the only way to get over 4000 EMS.
(Spoilers for the citadel visit after the priority missions on Rannoch)
Can anybody tell me how close I am to the end in percentage?
I think it's safe to say that close to 100% of gamers that thought the ending was fine chose theI wouldn't call it space magic. It looked like a giant EMP blast that could destroy electronics which is completely possible.
I think it's safe to say that close to 100% of gamers that thought the ending was fine chose theending, and accept it as canon/aren't too bothered with the other endings. It's the one that makes the most sense from a story perspective in my opinion._____destroy/red______
No, shepard always defended equality through races and though synthetics wouldn't necessarily kill their creators. He teamed up with legion, they were even "friends". It goes against his personality to destroy them all. At least in my opinion.
Besides even if he does destroy them all, organics will just rebuild them in the future and they'll hhve to go through all of this all over again
If I wanted to purchase ME1 and play through the entire trilogy, is it better to buy it from Steam or from Origin? I played 2 from Steam and 3 from Origin. I'm just wondering if the file from Origin is able to be read when transferred to Steam because I was able to transfer my 2 file onto 3.
Thanks everyone!
You have to have chosen charm or initimidate throughout the game against that character to have the options open at the end. You probably missed one near the beginning.I'm near the end of the game. A dialog choice is greyed out yet I'm max reputation/paragon... what gives?
Here's the part I'm at:On the Citadel, speaking with the Illusive Man with Anderson. I only remember the Paragon dialog choice: "But you already have."
Did I not do something to be able to say this dialog option?
If I wanted to purchase ME1 and play through the entire trilogy, is it better to buy it from Steam or from Origin? I played 2 from Steam and 3 from Origin. I'm just wondering if the file from Origin is able to be read when transferred to Steam because I was able to transfer my 2 file onto 3.
Thanks everyone!
Save files are not service specific. They are interchangeable between Origin and Steam.
Kk, purchased it on Steam (I didn't have enough patience to wait for the summer sale, haha). Thanks for the replies!Buy it on Steam, then register it on Origin.
I finished the game yesterday night, just shy of 30 hours. I did almost every fetch quest I came across and had a delightful time through the entire series. My Infiltrator + Black Widow + Armor Piercing shot remained incredibly powerful and fun to use from 2, and though I was disappointed that my face didn't carry over (I started pre-patch) I got over it and made a reasonable facsimile.
I also decided to go without the "From Ashes" DLC; apparently I am in the statistical minority on this? It sounded intriguing, but I'm on a fairly tight budget when it comes to games AND I wanted to try a little experiment. I realized I was harping on about what a ripoff day-one DLC is, removing things that should have been included &c &c without actually playing anything that did that. So I chose to deliberately ignore any DLC and see if the main, packaged experience felt like it was lacking something. To me, it didn't! So uh, that's cool.
As to the ending, without going into detail because I know this isn't the spoiler thread -- I'm not super upset. Maybe I'm not discerning enough (I enjoyed "Lost" all the way through, after all) or maybe it was mitigated by all the forewarning from friends and the internet. Although even as I got ready for bed I started having "Hey, but what about--" moments when it started to fall apart; as it's happening it's all sound and fury and I was quite engrossed, but when the cold light of day shines upon it I'll admit it's...problematic.
Doesn't make the game less worth playing! It's about the trip, not the destination! Mass Effect as a whole has given me some unforgettable gaming moments and I'm definitely glad to have gone on the ride.
Oh! BUT: One thing I will say about the ending is thatI really didn't appreciate being forced to choose a renegade action to defeat the Illusive Man. He actually killed me the first time and I had to sit through the whole damn conversation again just to press RT at the right time. Even when Kai Leng was about to stab me in the back I was allowed to prevail without having to hit RT...
At some point, Space Jesus has to actually do something. If someone has a gun aimed at him and he can't talk 'em down... He's gonna have to shoot.Oh! BUT: One thing I will say about the ending is thatI really didn't appreciate being forced to choose a renegade action to defeat the Illusive Man. He actually killed me the first time and I had to sit through the whole damn conversation again just to press RT at the right time. Even when Kai Leng was about to stab me in the back I was allowed to prevail without having to hit RT...