The Lamonster
I'm finally ready to check out ME3 on 360.
But first I must know - will I be able to import my ME1/ME2 character?
But first I must know - will I be able to import my ME1/ME2 character?
I'm finally ready to check out ME3 on 360.
But first I must know - will I be able to import my ME1/ME2 character?
There used to be one more option on the right, between renegade and paragon, but they took it out. I think only ME1 had a lot of dialogue trees on the left, with ME2 having some, but for certain ME3 had fewer still.
Actually, after playing ME3, I felt that I was done with 3rd person shooters. They're just not that interesting to me.
Having a hard time with the three geth primes (Insanity). Infiltrator + EDI + Tali. I can't respec them (sabotage isn't maxed), they die in a breeze and then it's all on me. Meh.
Dialogue options on the left were primarily to ask follow-up/investigative questions to learn more lore or backstory, and by the time we've gotten to the 3rd installment, we pretty much know all we need to know on those fronts. And truth be told the middle option (neutral) in ME1 and 2 generally tended to be the exact same lines as Paragon, it just gave you less paragon points, which in turn meant less Paragon/Renegade conversation options later in the game.
I ended up not even missing it in the long run.
Having a hard time with the three geth primes (Insanity). Infiltrator + EDI + Tali. I can't respec them (sabotage isn't maxed), they die in a breeze and then it's all on me. Meh.
Why wouldn't you be able to do it? It's one of the main selling point of the trilogy.
Or do you mean import a character that was made from another platform? That's another story though. Can't tell you.
That was never the case. You could still do it, and all your choices would carryover, but there were some issues with the face being improperly imported if your character dated back to ME1. I'm fairly certain this was "fixed," but due to the differences in the character creation sliders in ME3 I think your Shepard will come out looking a bit different anyways. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.I just remember that at release, it wasn't possible if it was a save file dating back to ME1, even if it's 360->360. Just asking if that's been resolved.
That was never the case. You could still do it, and all your choices would carryover, but there were some issues with the face being improperly imported if your character dated back to ME1. I'm fairly certain this was "fixed," but due to the differences in the character creation sliders in ME3 I think your Shepard will come out looking a bit different anyways. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
I just remember that at release, it wasn't possible if it was a save file dating back to ME1, even if it's 360->360. Just asking if that's been resolved.
That's what I did too, all sidequests, talk to everyone, listen to all "investigations" when available, did a full visit of the Normandy after each missions, etc. Beat it in 30 hours or something. I don't know how you can take twice as long as that. Even reading all codex and planet lores wouldn't double that.
Oh well, no point in arguing about that lol.
No, not really. They were about specific situations, characters, etc. Had Bioware not neglected dialogue so much, there would have been plenty of options. What kind of fighting is going on here, how did this all start, who are you, just give us something other than "My commanding officer is dead please shoot all the bad guys for us." And if we don't need to know any lore, why does the game shove it into the players' faces constantly in awkward conversations? Shepard saying the Geth on the dreadnought are "throwing their lives away" and having Tali explain how Geth work, even though anyone who played Mass Effect or ME2 knows very well how Geth work, is a particular example.
And playing the game multiple times,, I am definitely missing the 3rd dialogue option, especially because of how polarized and shallow the Paragon/ Renegade options are in ME3. Paragon is Shepard telling everybody they did their best and distributing hugs, Renegade is telling them they brought this upon themselves, then kicking them in the shins.
Actually you're wrong, and the fact that you can't perceive my correctness only emphasizes how idiotic you are. WHY DON'T YOU AGREE WITH ME!?
What are you trying to argue? You said we don't need more lore. Clearly that isn't the case. The game throws lore you should already know in your face, so we know it isn't being ignored, and the existence of Javik and the Leviathan dlc shows there's still plenty of lore to be had. You were basically saying it's okay to cut features because Bioware didn't add any new content as far as characters or background go, which hardly speaks highly of Mass Effect 3 in the first place.
neogaf's sarcasm detector must be off today.
But to answer your point, I wasn't saying it's OK to cut features, just pointing out that the middle right dialog options in the past two games were largely redundant and did not make for any noticeable differences in the conversations.
To be honest, i never choose the middle option because it never gives Renegade and Paragon points.
But in a game like ME3 where these points aren't as important, the middle choice would have been nice.
I need to revive this thread.
I started playing ME3 again, never beat it, I was about 25% in the game. Now, I see that there is the extended ending DLC. Should I download it or should I beat the game, then download it and play the ending again?
Depends. If you want to experience a decent ending from the get-go, download it. If you want to see what all the fuss was about, don't download it.
I'd download it, if only because the original ending is an abomination no one deserves to witness.
No, but I did wander around Citadel and Normandy quite often, until I learned the conversations are only updated after main missions. ME2 took about the same time for me.
Hah, damn. I tried to talk to everyone after every encounter. Got tiring.
Yeah, tell me about it. That goes for scanning the planets as well, especially as I scanned all of them. All the MEs have very tedious planet probing, which of course isn't mandatory, unless you're as neurotic as I am.![]()
Yup. First playthrough of ME1 took about 65hrs because I drove around every planet, surveying everything. ME2 took about the same time because I depleted every planet of its resources.
Sam Hulick, who did many of the ME musics, made a little 2 mins gift for the fans, not ME related, but still a nice sci-fi track :
Can't wait to see what he has done for the next DLC.
Each ending has different ramifications depending on your EMS rating, but ultimately you stillIf its all the same ending, I won't play through the end again.I chose to control the reapers at the end, but you can also destroy them or meld your energies with the curicable?
-- The Extended Cut fixed most of the egregious issues with the ending, so I can see why you might be confused as to why the original is so hated. You can watch the original RGB endings on Youtube, and I suggest you do so now that you've seen the "definitive" BioWare fix.Wow. I just beat it. So much crying over the ending? I didn't think it was that bad.Of course this is my first time through this game with From Ashes and Leviathan installed, along with the extended cut ending. What was the ending like without this download? Also, is there three endings?I pretty much knew Shepard was going to be sacraficed in some way.
Wow. I just beat it. So much crying over the ending? I didn't think it was that bad.Of course this is my first time through this game with From Ashes and Leviathan installed, along with the extended cut ending. What was the ending like without this download? Also, is there three endings?I pretty much knew Shepard was going to be sacraficed in some way.
If its all the same ending, I won't play through the end again.I chose to control the reapers at the end, but you can also destroy them or meld your energies with the curicable?
Dumb question - is the Origin store the only place to buy ME3 DLC? If so, does EA ever put DLC on sale? Just bought the game for 10 bucks and there's no way in hell I'm paying full price for DLC.
So at what point is my military strength/readiness rating/whatever the fuck, ok to go ahead and finish the game? The bar is almost full. What's the number that it is supposed to be at for the ending?
Yeah I've been trying to do all of the side quests I can. They are just kind of boring and tedious. I'm really liking the main story missions a lot though. Leviathan and from ashes was cool. I'm at 26 hours or so and just finished theI don't know the exact number (3100?), but if you did most of the sidequests and scanned most of the planets you could find for hidden stuff, you should be ok.
Yeah I've been trying to do all of the side quests I can. They are just kind of boring and tedious. I'm really liking the main story missions a lot though. Leviathan and from ashes was cool. I'm at 26 hours or so and just finished the. About how long do I have left?geth, reaper business
Not much left, i think you only got 4 Priority missions left(with no new big side missions included with them like Tuchanka and Rannoch), and the last 2 count as a point of no return, so once you start the 3rd mission, there's no more time for sidequests and systems exploration.
Make sure you have the Extended Cut installed since it dramatically reduces the required EMS rating for the best possible ending.Ok. Awesome. I'm trying to get all of these side missions done because I really don't care about the multiplayer and have been really wanting to play Far Cry 3.
I do. Do you know what it lowered it to?Make sure you have the Extended Cut installed since it dramatically reduces the required EMS rating for the best possible ending.
3100 from 4000.I do. Do you know what it lowered it to?
So any word/idea about when this is coming out? I'm busy doing my first Mass Effect 3 replay (well, prep work for a replay which involves doing a 100 percent run of both ME1 and ME2) and I'm really hoping that maybe this will come out in a window that will allow it to be included.
I'm going to guess they might release it in early March, just to coincide with the 1 year release of the game.