Theres no penalty for mixing Paragon and Renegade

Theres no penalty for mixing Paragon and Renegade
Seriously, where's the pics of the ME2 squadmates like Jack?
Have I mentioned I like Jack?
I'll even take Miranda. Don't tell me they're still in the same gear.
Holy shit. This is absolutely the best news about ME3 that I've heard. I prefer to mix both up a lot depending on who I'm talking to so now I can actually role play my Shepard instead of being afraid someone will die later in the game if I don't have enough charm/intimidate. Fuck yes.Bioware said:Theres no penalty for mixing Paragon and Renegade: In Mass Effect 2, if you wanted to get the hardest Charm options, you had to play an almost completely Paragon character. We intended many of those Charms to be fun Easter eggs, but many players felt like they had to play pure Paragon to avoid being penalized by the loss of a dialog option. In Mass Effect 3, your Reputation score determines both Charm and Intimidate options, and that score is determined by adding your Paragon and Renegade scores together. Youre still rewarded for being a completionist player and doing as much content as you can, but you can do it as a Paragon or Renegade player without penalty.
We now have non-flavored Reputation: In Mass Effect 2, after a mission that didnt have any major choices, we would give both Paragon and Renegade points, to show that even without a major decision, Shepard was more famous and had more influence as a result. This confused some players and made others angry people who wanted to play pure Paragon didnt like getting rewarded with both Paragon and Renegade points. In Mass Effect 3, whenever theres a mission with no major decision, you will get Reputation points that add to your overall score but dont carry a Paragon or Renegade flavor. The bar on your screen will grow, but the Paragon/Renegade ratio will remain unchanged.
You're welcome.
Too bad I dumped her for Tali.
Welp. I am unfortunately a bad person. I preordered the CE twice, apparently. So...I'm part of the reason why that's not available.
Ethically, I should sell the extra copy for what I bought it for. Right?
AAAAwww damn thats getting me hot and bothered.Not mine,I have to wait until next week Friday as well...curses
Some Wallmart already decided to get a head start.!/km3710
Unboxing video
I'm still gonna max out the Asshole meter.
I could listen to this all day
ME games have such nice sountracks.
Theres no penalty for mixing Paragon and Renegade: In Mass Effect 2, if you wanted to get the hardest Charm options, you had to play an almost completely Paragon character. We intended many of those Charms to be fun Easter eggs, but many players felt like they had to play pure Paragon to avoid being penalized by the loss of a dialog option. In Mass Effect 3, your Reputation score determines both Charm and Intimidate options, and that score is determined by adding your Paragon and Renegade scores together. Youre still rewarded for being a completionist player and doing as much content as you can, but you can do it as a Paragon or Renegade player without penalty.
We now have non-flavored Reputation: In Mass Effect 2, after a mission that didnt have any major choices, we would give both Paragon and Renegade points, to show that even without a major decision, Shepard was more famous and had more influence as a result. This confused some players and made others angry people who wanted to play pure Paragon didnt like getting rewarded with both Paragon and Renegade points. In Mass Effect 3, whenever theres a mission with no major decision, you will get Reputation points that add to your overall score but dont carry a Paragon or Renegade flavor. The bar on your screen will grow, but the Paragon/Renegade ratio will remain unchanged.
ow shit now i cant handle a romance in Mass Effect 3 anymore.... just watch this disturbing romance video with jack.
Agsii is the best channel on youtube. I love their work.ow shit now i cant handle a romance in Mass Effect 3 anymore.... just watch this disturbing romance video with jack.
Not mine,I have to wait until next week Friday as well...curses
Some Wallmart already decided to get a head start.!/km3710
Unboxing video
Anyone heard news about an official soundtrack release?
I like the new system too. I just finished replaying 1 and 2 and feeling like I had to hover the cursor in the bottom right part of the screen the whole time got old fast. They finally listened to that criticism at least.
i beat the first two on pc but now i don't think my pc can handle me3. ugh![]()
Next friday :/If the pictures from CE's start to coming I'm going to feel alone.
Quick, Euro-GAF represent! One more week...HNNG..
I could listen to this all day
ME games have such nice sountracks.
Not mine,I have to wait until next week Friday as well...curses
Some Wallmart already decided to get a head start.!/km3710
Unboxing video
I cannot wait for Commander Shepard is a jerk, part 3....
ME3 song spoilers?
Played the demo on PS3. Other than the aliasing issues, it played fairly well. No screen tearing. Please tell me though, the full game will run 1080p? I was only getting 720p during the demo. Sure the FPS was a little low, but nothing like Dragon Age: Origins on the PS3. That's pretty bad. Also, how do I get the item unlocks for reckoning? I beat the demo, but I didn't get any clarification on those items. I was connected to the server, hopefully that is all that it takes.
It's 720p. Very, very few games run at 1080p on PS3, or consoles for that matter. Some just allow themselves to be scaled up to 1080p (which is why your set will say it's a 1080p signal) but that usually blurs the game a lot if you let your PS3 do it. I force 720p when playing sub-HD games that don't default to 720 since it looks a lot better to let my TV handle it.
Sadly, in Mass Effect 3, as war tears families apart and reduces entire continents to glowing craters, saying Im Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite store on the Citadel, doesnt carry as much weight as it used to. People are already going to be selling you things they wouldnt ordinarily sell, because youre the last hope for the universe.
No manual for the Collector's Edition either.
EA, you so cheap.
So do we actually know if film grain isn't in the full game now?