It would explain why he was so adamant about not having an DA2-style OT.
I hope you like it, Shingo.
lol no, but english isn't my first language so sorry for any grammatical error
Great OT
It would explain why he was so adamant about not having an DA2-style OT.
I hope you like it, Shingo.
Chances of another human looking race as well as the Asari? Zero.
And to add to this, I don't want that world building to be simple "Codex Entries". While it's an easy way to disseminate information, it is also lazy and boring.
If anyone is interested Gamespot are doing a live streaming of Mass Effect 3 at the moment (there will be spoilers). You can find the stream here :-
Apologies if this has been posted after all as DennisK4 was so keen to point out I am but a "junior" member![]()
dark10x said:Anyone else notice how all of the trailers feature some object based motion blur? I was kind of expecting that in the demo and was disappointing to see that it was completely absent. Are they showing footage not representative of the actual game or was the demo simply based on an old build (which Bioware has a reputation for releasing)?
I have a feeling they're most likely going to give her a sort of 'angelic' face, with mostly human features. Count on it.
I'm with you on this, but honestly I do not care what she looks like. She is the most honest, likable character in the series period.
I'm with you on this, but honestly I do not care what she looks like. She is the most honest, likable character in the series period.
Maybe, personally she gives off that damsel in distress feeling too much for me.
just finishedFrom the launch trailer thread:
Noticed this too in the newer vids.
Oh i'm having satisfying conclusions with Miranda all right.
After playing From Ashes , it seems like such a critical part of the #ME3 story . . . Idk why they made it a DLC
So, anybody else who bought the N7 Digital Deluxe on Origin also got a normal ME3 edition ready to download?
I used to have the normal edition pre-ordered but I canceled the order to get the N7 instead but now I have a feeling that there was a bug in the system and they ended up giving me both versions...!/km3710/status/175616446473318401
So who wants to post "and here we go.gif" first?!/km3710/status/175616446473318401
So who wants to post "and here we go.gif" first?
I pre-ordered ME3 from Amazon, though. No issues with the DD version there.
I never understood why the Quarians have opaque visors on their helmets. Is there gas swirling around inside to protect them from infection? Or do they just not like being looked at? I just think Bioware came up with the design and stuck with it and didn't have a logical reason for it. In a way that was clever. Look how many threads and posts there are wondering about what Tali looks like? Makes no sense though.
Likewise, just unzipped it to the Origin Games folder, registered my code, and was good to go. And buying through Amazon means that if I do ever lose my EA account, I can easily get another code and redownload the game.
I watched the Gamespot playthrough... well the first 15 minutes of it. (It's 25 minutes worth of gameplay)
It was nice butthe large amount of auto dialogue really annoyed me...
I never understood why the Quarians have opaque visors on their helmets. Is there gas swirling around inside to protect them from infection? Or do they just not like being looked at? I just think Bioware came up with the design and stuck with it and didn't have a logical reason for it. In a way that was clever. Look how many threads and posts there are wondering about what Tali looks like? Makes no sense though.
I bought it from Amazon too. What do you download from them? A RAR? I don't have Origin installed yet either. Should I do that before dl'ing from Amazon?
Is it from the demo section or other areas?
This is probably an unanswerable question but any help would be appreciated.
I want the CE and hoping to get a 360 on launch day as I played both ME1 and ME2 on 360 but if I can't, I'll get the PC CE.
I have a 2.8GHz Intel Core i7 860 with a Radeon 5850 1 gig and 8 gigs of RAM. How will ME3 run do you think?
Thanks for any help.!/km3710/status/175616446473318401
So who wants to post "and here we go.gif" first?
I bought it from Amazon too. What do you download from them? A RAR? I don't have Origin installed yet either. Should I do that before dl'ing from Amazon?
This is probably an unanswerable question but any help would be appreciated.
I want the CE and hoping to get a 360 on launch day as I played both ME1 and ME2 on 360 but if I can't, I'll get the PC CE.
I have a 2.8GHz Intel Core i7 860 with a Radeon 5850 1 gig and 8 gigs of RAM. How will ME3 run do you think?
Thanks for any help.!/km3710/status/175616446473318401
So who wants to post "and here we go.gif" first?!/km3710/status/175616446473318401
So who wants to post "and here we go.gif" first?!/km3710/status/175616446473318401
So who wants to post "and here we go.gif" first?
Let me put it this way, the demo ran maxxed out at 1920 x 1080p and 30 - 40fps on a clapped out 6 year old core2duo with an equally clapped out 8800gts (old version) and only 2gbs of ram. I doubt you will have a problem running Mass Effect 3 maxxed out too.
On another note here is a video everyone can watch regardless of spoilers :-
it's the latest Bioware pulse episode and basically follows recovery of the San Fransisco Space copies. I haven't watched it with sound but I don't believe there are spoilers in it.
I don't know about hours, but I certainly need lots of stuff like that in my RPGs. There's no good reason why there can't be a healthy mixture of both world building and pew pew.
To clarify, the N7 Collector's Edition's "extra episode" is the From Ashes one right?
So who wants to post "and here we go.gif" first?
Whelp, the trailer spoiled at least one scenario I didn't expect. Should have known, but damn you BioWare.