Here's my custom demo FemShep, what do you guys think?
Really nice custom !
Here's my custom demo FemShep, what do you guys think?
Here's my custom demo FemShep, what do you guys think?
Wow, that's one of the nicest FemSheps I've seen. She looks a bit like Morena Baccarin in "V". Modded or CC-only materials only though?Here's my custom demo FemShep, what do you guys think?
Mine also. Custom characters never could look as good as default male in ME1 and ME2. Looks like you can make some nice looking customs now, but I'm too used to VanderShep.
I picked up the game earlier tonight and put about 4 hours into it. So far it feels like the perfect combination of ME1 and ME2 as far as the combat and RPG systems go. I will say a bit of the writing feels clunkier than ME2 though. Feel free to post any questions you guys have and I will try to answer them.
Preload/unlock schedule the Origin unlock date for the UK is the same as the street date, which is the 9th?
I think he doesn't look that interesing and too aggressive in my opinion.
I watched the launch trailer again today, why iswearing her bra? In the sex scenes of The Witcher II you can see everything. ;-)Ashley
I assume it would give BioWare a lot of Fox News coverage if they would show more naked skin. ^^
ShopTo just shipped this today in the UK - isn't the EU release date the 9th?
Are the levels linear hallways like in ME2 or are there larger open-ish levels with some optional exploration like in ME1?
Delirium Tremens is my absolute favourite beer
You sir, have great taste.
I'm struggling to think of any areas in ME1 that weren't as corridor-y as ME2.
I'm struggling to think of any areas in ME1 that weren't as corridor-y as ME2.
Prepping gaming day goodies to keep me energised and healthy for my inevitable blitzkrieg playthrough once I have my copy.
So far I've got;
Delirium Tremens is my absolute favourite beer, and I haven't tried the other one so whatever.
Now I need snacks. I'm thinking maybe nachos. Though chips might be better.
No vodka?![]()
No vodka?![]()
More shockingly, no Brandy.
Posted mine a few pages back.
Tom Chick hated ME2 because of it's linear, A-to-B level design, and loved ME3 because he felt it was much more open and varied.
Don't know, I got it from my Belgian friend, he's my main supplier.@spekkeh oooh fancy can! Where did you get that?
This is the first I have heard of this. Great if true.
This Tom Chick, is he GAF-approved?
*reads Deus Ex review*
If you want to listen to his thoughts, go here and skip to the ~54 minute mark. He does talk about the DLC character though.
I've been listening to the "Normandy leaves Earth" track (from the demo) over and over these last few days. Beautiful in its simplicity. I've mentioned it before, but it still baffles me how good music can save a laughably clichéd scene.
Oh, and fuck the European release date.
ShopTo just shipped this today in the UK - isn't the EU release date the 9th?
My Shepard
HOLY SHIT AT THAT LAUNCH TRAILER. I've now changed my weekend plans to playthrough of Mass Effect 1 and 2 so I got my final save ready. Who would you recommend be the final girl I hook up with since apparently if you hook up with a girl from Mass Effect 1 and 2, it invalidates hooking up with that girl from 1 in Mass Effect 3?
She's CC only, give her a try in the demo.![]()
Gary Shandling?
Sid Shuman said:We were really looking to Uncharted as sort of an inspiration of where to take Mass Effect 3.