Best weapon in game
One hits everything and pierces through guardian shields....
Only 2,5 % Drop Chance in the Multiplayer![]()
I like how the focus on Ashley is Biowares way of telling me that I made the right choice when I made a nice little crater out of Kaidan.
The MP would be fine if it weren´t for the random unlocks.
Well looks like I'm off to download Kingdoms of Amalur demo. What's so special about the armor and the rifle?
Also, any chance of just walking into Gamestop on the 6th and just getting a CE, no preorder.
Has there been any word on how the former games choices are decided? Will there be a story set up in like ME2 were you choose who lived/died, etc.? Unfortunately I lost my ME2 save when my 360 HDD crashed a few months ago and havent had the time to run back through it. Hoping I can recreate it as close as possible with some setup in the beginning of ME3, though.
Maybe, I think that's part of the fun though actually. Shakes things up a bit![]()
I've pretty much avoided everything about this game. Loved the first two. Can't wait!
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Also, any chance of just walking into Gamestop on the 6th and just getting a CE, no preorder.
Your going to die when you see weapons like the black widow and the gets sniper. The window is small time trust me
Chances aren't great, Gamestops typically only receive CE allotments for preorders. And will most likely mock you if you even ask ie "DID YOU PREORDER IT? WHAT? LOLLLL".
You're much better off going to Best Buy as soon as they open and they'll hopefully either have copies on the shelf, or an employee can check the back for you. I've had some luck with CEs like that in the past. Although, this could potentially screw over those who have preordered the CE and some employee just grabs their copy without knowing. So stay out of PA.![]()
There will be something similar to the comic. I'm sure they'll allow you to save everyone through it, even though that seems to me to remove a little of the impact of having to get everything right to bring everyone back in ME2.
You fail to understand. I don't dislike ME's multiplayer. I dislike multiplayer in general.
The real question is... will I be able to punch that reporter for the third time? As soon as I see her, no matter how paragon I am, POW, right in the kisser!
Anyways, waiting for my amazon credit from SSX to come in so I can pre order.
Mass Effect 3 review - Series' best yet, claims first verdict - German mag calls sequel "constantly thrilling"
The first Mass Effect 3 review has arrived via German mag Gamestar, which calls the BioWare sequel "the most compelling experience in the franchise yet."
So some local, foreign language and relatively unknown mag that posts the exclusive review reckons it will be the best thing ever?
I believe it.
I wonder what Shepard will be tired of this time...
Snide Insinuations>Disingenuous Assertions>?
I read a few (imo) disconcerting bits of information in a thread posted by one of the people who snagged a space edition of Mass Effect 3. Unfortunately, I also came across a few major spoilers while scanning through the thread. The person who has a space edition wasn't posting spoilers since he's under NDA, but he was answering questions in a spoilers group at Bioware Social Network and plenty of people posted blatant spoilers from the leaked script. I guess I should have expected spoilers in a spoiler group, but I thought that specific thread would be relatively spoiler free since the person answering questions is restricted from posting major spoilers, videos, etc. Anyway, according him, the Citadel is the only quest hub in Mass Effect 3. Also, he said that his first playthrough of the game (all missions completed) lasted 23 hours.
FemShep Vanguard. My save file is ready.
Have you tried the multiplayer? I immediately wrote it off initially and was a skeptic from the first time they announced it. After playing it, I couldn't be more wrong.
Hell I made a poll on BSN seeing who did and didn't want multiplayer, when most people were against it, me included.
So some local, foreign language and relatively unknown mag that posts the exclusive review reckons it will be the best thing ever?
I believe it.
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Great OT.
I don't really like the series that much, but have the third part pre-ordered and my saves ready. I wonder if it'll take me 3-4 tries to start playing it, like with ME 1 and 2.
Hell yes, I'm already coming up with builds for mine. Hopefully Stasis is still available as a Bonus Power. How godlike would Stasis bubble + Charge + Nova be?
Anybody know from where you'll be able to buy the day 1 DLC on PC? My friend only has the regular version pre-ordered on Origin so he'll need it separately. We can't find it on Origin or on the Bioware site.
I know that ME2's DLC was bought through the Bioware store but now that Origin supports DLC I wonder where ME3's DLC will end up.
" that's all wrong..."Grisby.
Just woke up. Nice OT. This has been my most anticipated game for a long time.
Wrex is dead. I killed him.
Wrex is dead. I killed him.
Wrex is dead. I killed him.
The Widow and Carnifex are easily the best weapons in the demo, by incredible margins. I hear from a dev on the Bioware social network that the demo only showcases half of the weapons / gear things that are available on the full game.
Wrex is dead. I killed him.
Did they make a video about their Bioware bribes this time?Gamestar unknown? lol!
When do reviews come out?
Didn't you sell Legion too?