Last animation gif I swear, this game would be funny if it isn't so soul crushing
When people demand something be changed because they didn't like it, instead of just evaluating and critiquing the art it is absurd. The idea of genuinely petitioning a company to change an ending in any other medium would be completely mocked.Wtf? There was nothing 'absurd' about the reaction that ending received and honestly if one little chink in the armor was enough to drive them out (after years of adulation) then good riddance.
Just woke up to see the reviews and....
FemRyder was really starting to grow on me.
Last animation gif I swear, this game would be funny if it isn't so soul crushing
Is it childish of me to be kind of expecting that yang guy and a few others to say sorry? Like they got really nasty the past couple days.
If it's anything like the first Nier, that sounds like it's hub-based more than anything (kind of like OoT). Haven't played Automata yet though (shame on me!), so can't say for sure.
Ehhh. Horizon has like 1 or 2 worthwhile side quests and the rest were copy paste "go here, follow a trail, kill something". Also, I've only put about 5 or so hours into Nier so maybe that could change.
I liked most of Horizon side quests not the Errands mind you. Haven't done any of Nier side quests yet. If ME:A allows me to skip it's side quest than I would be fine.
Worked for Sherlock HolmesWhen people demand something be changed because they didn't like it, instead of just evaluating and critiquing the art it is absurd. The idea of genuinely petitioning a company to change an ending in any other medium would be completely mocked.
It's only gaming where people legitimately feel they are owed an ending that lines up exactly with what they want instead of the one the people who actually created the thing chose to end it.
This is an Andromeda review thread though, not a ME3 ending thread and my original point has gone off on a separate tangent so I'll leave it at that.
And this is the worst case scenario, my worst nightmare, when it came to how they would handle removing paragon/renegade. >_<
Last animation gif I swear, this game would be funny if it isn't so soul crushing
I think the media reception as a whole always has a bit of "lag" with developers and longer series.
ME:A is probably a rather boring and predictable game (Bioware lost me a while ago), but so were other recent titles of theirs.
It's just that, by now, people have caught on, and no one wants to be the guy now who told us that DA2 had th best storytelling and combat in games or that DA:I was the best RPG released in 2014 (it's still ludicrous when I type it out, but publications actually did that).
It's Dark Souls 2 all over again.
Is it childish of me to be kind of expecting that yang guy and a few others to say sorry? Like they got really nasty the past couple days.
Yeah definitely this, I'll buy this shit because it's Mass Effect but we know for a long time that this game would sucks... when you're canceling beta multiplayer that sell so many games to people this generation, you know something is shit.
Last animation gif I swear, this game would be funny if it isn't so soul crushing
Last animation gif I swear, this game would be funny if it isn't so soul crushing
I know you wouldn't think by reading gaf but Dark Souls 2 was well received by critics. Even more so than 1.
It's Dark Souls 2 all over again.
Most of Nier's sidequests are pretty bad game design wise. They do give you extra exposition on the setting and characters, but the objectives themselves are not only dated, they're pretty tedious and boring. I've had to recommend several people with less patience than me to outright skip them and stick to the main story, as the sidequests really bog the game down.
That one's 91 on MT though ,and is far above average as a game.(despite being at the tail end of the Fromsoft games)
When people demand something be changed because they didn't like it, instead of just evaluating and critiquing the art it is absurd.
Nah they're great.Most of Nier's sidequests are pretty bad game design wise. They do give you extra exposition on the setting and characters, but the objectives themselves are not only dated, they're pretty tedious and boring. I've had to recommend several people with less patience than me to outright skip them and stick to the main story, as the sidequests really bog the game down.
Oh my gosh....why Bioware???she is looking...
If it's anything like the first Nier, that sounds like it's hub-based more than anything (kind of like OoT). Haven't played Automata yet though (shame on me!), so can't say for sure.
Most of Nier's sidequests are pretty bad game design wise. They do give you extra exposition on the setting and characters, but the objectives themselves are not only dated, they're pretty tedious and boring. I've had to recommend several people with less patience than me to outright skip them and stick to the main story, as the sidequests really bog the game down.
And this is the worst case scenario, my worst nightmare, when it came to how they would handle removing paragon/renegade. >_<
Agreed. Especially the last paragraph.Yeah I agree, For me combat and 30 FPS solid is a MUST, I cant play shit hitting low 20's, hopefully PRO will shine.
Odd Visual bug is not as deal breaking as shit performance so await DF.
People criticise writing and dialogue and lets face it, most games are shit except TLOU and a absolute handful of others at most, so its more then norm, and most reviewers are just plain up crap. Will listen to JIM.
That window may not even be a window if Activision learned anything from Legion's precise content pace.Well there's a reason they're timing it for March.
Going for the point where the game will have been out six months, but still a bit before the next expansion is announced.
It takes all the bad elements from Inquisition and adds nothing good.
Most of Nier's sidequests are pretty bad game design wise. They do give you extra exposition on the setting and characters, but the objectives themselves are not only dated, they're pretty tedious and boring. I've had to recommend several people with less patience than me to outright skip them and stick to the main story, as the sidequests really bog the game down.
My Review for ACG - Rated it a Wait for Deep Sale or Rent
At least they can all be completed very quickly,objectives are clear and have plenty of awesome lore and dialogue.
Puts most sidequests to shame if you ask me.Especially in the JRPG genre which generally dont handle SQs well.(see FFXV for example)
At least they can all be completed very quickly,objectives are clear and have plenty of awesome lore and dialogue.
Puts most sidequests to shame if you ask me.Especially in the JRPG genre which generally dont handle SQs well.(see FFXV for example)
At least a majority of the bugs will be fixed in the somewhat near future.(hopefully)
I'm not in the camp that thinks ME3's writing was poor. I actually think it's far and away the finest character work in the entire series so his loss wasn't felt as badly on my end.
Oh come on man.I mean.... so far they're just as bad as FFXV.
If this bombs, it won't be fixed.
Oh come on man.
Has there been any talk of a season pass yet? Seems weird for EA to not offer that up front.
I mean.... so far they're just as bad as FFXV.
Has there been any talk of a season pass yet? Seems weird for EA to not offer that up front.