Any chance the next game is a reboot? Or is their too much already invested? Pebee is no Liara, turkey is no tali, and Ryder is no Shepard. #notmycaptain
Any chance the next game is a reboot? Or is their too much already invested? Pebee is no Liara, turkey is no tali, and Ryder is no Shepard. #notmycaptain
People were calling this GOTY contender. This is one of the biggest flops of the generation. Such a long wait and can't even crack 80 metacritic for a AAA franchise.
BioWare Montreal are dead. Have no idea why EA thought it was a good idea to let the amateurs handle one of their big name IPs.
Best wishes.
So how buggy is this actually compared to Bethesda games?
You sir are a genius for thinking of thisSo this is the Star Trek: Voyager of the Mass Effect series?
Brand name and marketing will fix it.
Who would have thought 5 months ago Horizon would have turned out better than the new ME?
I have never really owned a console, that's the reason. I don't mind some of the Nintendo games when I have played on them, but not enough to purchase a system.
Hmm XB1 at 77 up from 75. Wonder if it'll at least reach 80.
You shut your ho mouth 😢Any chance the next game is a reboot? Or is their too much already invested? Pebee is no Liara, turkey is no tali, and Ryder is no Shepard. #notmycaptain
People really hate DA:I. I really like that game *Kanye Shrug*
Probably gonna sell well but might do more damage in the long run. Not that EA cares.I wonder how this game sells, because otherwise this could be the last Mass Effect.
Not enough :3But how many on the gaming side watch Lastweek Tonight.
This is true, look how well Ghost Recon is selling.
Agree and then disagree lolI think it's the best Dragon Age game, but i also think Dragon Age is a mediocre series
Can't believe this shit game got a 89 on PS4:
like how? one of the most boring games ever.
I dunno. Release in summer? But missing the fiscal corporate year is a big deal.It doesn't get any better though. Fall is stacked. Next Spring is stacked. What do you do?
Reviews may have taken a hit, but the casual base is going to flock to this over Persona or Neir. Better odds than fighting Red Dead 2 or Destiny 2 or Star Wars Visceral, which are going to suck in the casual base.
This is the kind of writing I have grown to expect from a Bethesda game, and now Bioware have sunk to that level as well. Not even a polite-sorta "You do you." answer.One member of your crew, a scientist, reveals to you that she believes in God. Now, this is old territory for Mass Effect, where in the first game you had a right-wing Christian on your crew, and it was handled especially well. Not so this time! This is genuinely the conversation:
To this you are given two possible responses. Beyond all credibility, they are: ”I feel the same way." Or ”There's no higher power."”Just all of it. So alien. A constant reminder of the divine intelligence behind all creation."
”Divine intelligence? A god?"
”Yes, I believe in a higher power. I know it's a little odd. But I'm a scientist because science brings me closer to something greater than myself."
Especially based on gameplay, where I feel personally Japan comes out ahead. But hey to each their own. Not surprised on the reviews, combat looks decent enough, but the game comes off as a joke during the role playing part.![]()
Mario? Zelda? Dark Souls? Dragon Quest?
Like... to write off an entire countries' games is just astounding.
Any chance the next game is a reboot? Or is their too much already invested? Pebee is no Liara, turkey is no tali, and Ryder is no Shepard. #notmycaptain
So this is the Star Trek: Voyager of the Mass Effect series?
To be honest, Fallout 4 for me is the least buggiest game by bethesda(still its buggy in some cases). But ME:A takes the cake, with the looks of it.
Why are you looking at that one when it has less reviews and likely will have less reviews than the PS4 version?
Can't believe this shit game got a 89 on PS4:
like how? one of the most boring games ever.
Myself personally I generally don't touch Japanese produced games due to their art style and gameplay, no matter how highly they are rated.
The player face while reloading is hilarious. Is this edited?
You can't con people, at least not for long.
You can create excitement, you can do wonderful promotion and get all kinds of press, and you can throw in a little hyperbole.
But if you don't deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on.
Yeah pretty much. I've started nier and it's holding my interest so far but man it gets a pass on a lot of things...its not a well made game technically.
If you think it's edited, it's probably not in this game.The player face while reloading is hilarious. Is this edited?
I think it's questionable if there will be a next game. The main teams at BioWare have moved on from ME and EA generally doesn't hesitate to kill franchises.
That'll be Andromeda 2.nah, it's the one with captain Archer.
Haha yep same.I think it's the best Dragon Age game, but i also think Dragon Age is a mediocre series
The lead writer of ME2 and ME3 was the creative director though.
This is sad.I read enough on the RockPaperShotgun review, instead of learning from their past mistakes in writing, they just doubled down in awfulness. God the examples mentioned sounded beyond stupid especially after games like Shadowrun, The Witcher 3, Pillars, etc. have done a admirably better job at giving you some nuance.
This is the kind of writing I have grown to expect from a Bethesda game, and now Bioware have sunk to that level as well. Not even a polite-sorta "You do you." answer.
If you think it's edited, it's probably not in this game.
It's not.
Get Obsidian Entertainment to do mass effect
Saw the PS4 version (since it's in the op) start at 77, drop down to 73, now at 75. Just wondering how high the game will reach. Think it's been at 77 even around half the reviews it has now. Not to say it won't start dropping.Why are you looking at that one when it has less reviews and likely will have less reviews than the PS4 version?
Yeah pretty much. I've started nier and it's holding my interest so far but man it gets a pass on a lot of things...its not a well made game technically. A lot of similar issues regarding dialogue and animations but no one is talking about it in that way just praising it.