This quote from the GS review is the most damning IMO
in particular:
THIS is what I was talking about in the trial thread, and was told it wouldn't happen in the main game it's only a few quests etc. It's an issue. The sidequest designs in this game is very uninspired to say the least.
Eurogamer and Karak labeled it "One of the worst BW RPGS" and a "Wait for Deep Sale/Rent" respectively. And I trust those sources more than others. Sorry.LMAO at everyone latching onto the negative score and no one onto the positive.
Sterling is going to give this game a 10, isn't he?
Seriously? We are in 2017 and we still got people going "reviewers have been bribed?"
Come on son.
Seriously? We are in 2017 and we still got people going "reviewers have been bribed?"
Come on son.
Seriously? We are in 2017 and we still got people going "reviewers have been bribed?"
Come on son.
But, I will say this, EA really went out on a limb with this game and the TEN HOUR trial this past weekend and that really takes some guts. It really showed (most of) us that the game is not good, but hey they let us try it early. I know that betas are a thing and this felt like a beta but supposedly it's the full game. It's impressive they believed in the game that much.
Now if only it were actually good...
So it IS DA:I
They had to. Not giving access would have done just as much damage if not more so.
"hey remember that one feature we promised to give you with Origin/EA Access?"
"well for this game you won't get it!"
THIS is what I was talking about in the trial thread, and was told it wouldn't happen in the main game it's only a few quests etc. It's an issue. The sidequest designs in this game is very uninspired to say the least.
Yup.Leave your franchise in the hands of Mac Walters brehs.
Venture Beat: 55/100
Games have to fit into our lives, and thats not always fair. Mass Effect: Andromeda mightve worked a decade ago on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, but it doesnt work in a world that is delivering games like Horizon: Zero Dawn, Nier: Automata, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. In this reality, BioWares latest role-playing game is old, broken, and often boring.
Worst of all, its going to disappoint fans of the Mass Effect series.
Boy am I glad Japanese devs woke the hell up.
Seriously? We are in 2017 and we still got people going "reviewers have been bribed?"
Come on son.
One hell of a fall from grace. 3 games at 90+ and this one will be lucky to hit 80.
People acting like a 6 (or even 7) is a 2 will never stop being hilarious.
People acting like a 6 (or even 7) is a 2 will never stop being hilarious.
Shoot, I really overestimated Bioware's capability to put out a consistent game on this one. Really didn't expect this to score below 8 despite the shitstorm.
People acting like a 6 (or even 7) is a 2 will never stop being hilarious.
It's a holdover meme from the violent days of the ME3 civil war. It probably shouldn't be getting play.
I knew it. I fucking knew this would happen.
First Mirror's Edge now Mass Effect.
Lol yep. This is Mass Effect: Inquisition, as expected. It really seems like all the top talent has left Bioware or something. Yet another RPG dev gone to shit