The Librarian
BioShock.gregor7777 said:To each his own, but I can't imagine someone saying a game has a better and more well presented story than Mass Effect.
BioShock.gregor7777 said:To each his own, but I can't imagine someone saying a game has a better and more well presented story than Mass Effect.
Dax01 said:BioShock.
Woakes said:Bioshocks story is pretty routine in my opinion.
It's the setting that makes the game.
Boy do I disagree. The story in Bioshock (the genetic war) isn't exactly original but the narrative is strong and the use of the audio diaries conceptually continues what Irrational started in System Shock 2. It presents the story in a fashion that asks the gamer to participate instead of watching cutscene after cutscene. A cutscene only being used in the most important scene of the game and symbolically showing theAnihawk said:Pretty much. Everything else but the setting is either average or subpar. That's why it'll work better as a movie than a game, with the right crew.
Futurevoid said:Boy do I disagree. The story in Bioshock (the genetic war) isn't exactly original but the narrative is strong and the use of the audio diaries conceptually continues what Irrational started in System Shock 2. It presents the story in a fashion that asks the gamer to participate instead of watching cutscene after cutscene. A cutscene only being used in the most important scene of the game and symbolically showing the. Despite the final section and boss battle stumbling - it's a superbly written (one of the best in the industry) and remarkably well told IMHO.lack of control the main character has over his actions
Alrighty then. Half Life 2 did what first and better? Present an interactive cutscene? That's fantastic but how does it speak to the quality of Bioshocks narrative? Half Life 2 may have done it first but better is entirely debateable. Yes - opinion. It is indeed a bitch.Half-Life 2 did it first and better, with exception for the audio books, which were what the scanning in Metroid Prime should've been (I liked the audio books).
I'll just have to agree to disagree on that remark as we could end up in a circular argument that won't change anyones mind. In the end I'll just say that Bioshock is what happens when quality game design is married with a superb setting and quality storytelling to boot.Bioshock is what happens when you focus too much on presentation and not enough on actual game design.
Damn it why did I have to watch this damn I want to go back to ME again and cancel the NGII order...DAMN!dejan said:Mass Effect PC - Story trailer
June can't come soon enough.
Jide said:Apologies if this is old..,645004/Test/Benchmark/PCGH_Performance_Review_Mass_Effect/
Mass Effect PC seems to run best on the ATI 3870..
Go figure
gregor7777 said:To each his own, but I can't imagine someone saying a game has a better and more well presented story than Mass Effect.
KurowaSan said:don't know if it has been posted but here is the cover for the 2nd novel, set between Mass Effect 1 and ME 2. It will be released on July 29.
Probably not the best piece of literature out there, but I did enjoy the first book so I'm looking forward to reading the second one.
thanks!!Jide said:Apologies if this is old..,645004/Test/Benchmark/PCGH_Performance_Review_Mass_Effect/
Mass Effect PC seems to run best on the ATI 3870..
Go figure
AniHawk said:Edit: What? I wasn't talking about HL2 vs. Bioshock.
Mass Effect! I loooove Mass Effect.
Apologies if this is old..,64...w_Mass_Effect/
Mass Effect PC seems to run best on the ATI 3870..
Go figure
FUCK YEAH! 3870X2... I LOVE YOU BABE!Jide said:Apologies if this is old..,645004/Test/Benchmark/PCGH_Performance_Review_Mass_Effect/
Mass Effect PC seems to run best on the ATI 3870..
Go figure
EviLore said:Those are poor benchmarking results for a UE3 game. Still, a steady 30fps for 8800GT and above at near-1080p resolution, max detail, and 16xAF isn't the end of the world for a game like this.
I wonder how it'll run on a 280GTX, though those 9800GX2 numbers are not exactly promising. My copy of the game will arrive today but I'd consider holding off playing until the new cards come out if I could somehow get 1080p/60fps. Meh.
Mass Effect has more on screen action than Bioshock. Also, its going to look way better with all details maxed.nelsonroyale said:yeah, very poor performance...bioshock seems to run much nicer...still, Ill have this game in my hands soon to find out
Is there any advantage to getting it up from D2D? I am buying it today at Gamestop. I got it for $40. You can still get it at that price as long as you preorder before noon.Revolutionary said:Game is unlocked for D2D download now... connection is shit, though. Probably won't be done until tonight.
I pre-ordered it for $40, same price as in physical stores, looks like they bumped it up to $50 just now.Crovax33 said:Is there any advantage to getting it up from D2D? I am buying it today at Gamestop. I got it for $40. You can still get it at that price as long as you preorder before noon.
On second thought... Its $50 on D2D, and you wont even get to play it today, and have to download it again everytime you reformat. I don't see how this could be an advantage.
Ventrue said:I'm a big Bioware fan, but I'm seeing red here.
Hellraizer said:@the new book: why did I thought that there is a Geth on the cover all the time. I just notice its clearly an Quarian (Tali perhaps?) So can we expect some more insight in the Galactica errr I mean Quarian flotilla.
I was gonna get it day one, but that's actually a great idea.Ghost said:oh nice! The first book was a great lead in to ME, think I might hold off on this one untill ME2 is a little closer though.
AniHawk said:Pretty much. Everything else but the setting is either average or subpar. That's why it'll work better as a movie than a game, with the right crew.
Crovax33 said:Mass Effect has more on screen action than Bioshock. Also, its going to look way better with all details maxed.
BeeDog said:Looking pretty swell, but you ought to turn off that nauseating grain filter.![]()
what laptop do you have?K.Jack said:I won't be able to pick this up until tomorrow man. I can't wait to install. After downloading Soulstorm a few months back, I'm done with the digital distro for a little while. It not being on Steam doesn't help much either, but 9.some GB, no thanks mate.
I should be able to run it pretty well on my laptop, maybe at 1280x800, medium details.
I'll post the results for those interested tomorrow. T7250 + 8600mGT = ?????