Dark Stalkers said:How the hell do I get HE rounds anyway?
It drops randomly after level 36? i think.
Dark Stalkers said:How the hell do I get HE rounds anyway?
John said:Lift's basically an advanced throw, right? I started off putting all my points into dialogue options, and mostly guns and shield after that.
Mindlog said:I had a Scram/Scram/HE SR for my infiltrator originally, but on Insane the DPS seems too low. Haven't tried it with Rail VIIs.
On most of my other characters I just stick to Tung/Shred + Rail VII. I hate that you can't buy those mods at the end of the game. If you didn't get your fill of them level 30-40 you are fucked.
Asmodai said:What about Scram Rail X? I have tons of those on my level 60 infiltrator.
The inflation thing in Mass Effect is even more hilarious than it is in most RPGs. My level 60 character has the max number of credits, "9999999". And yet main story quests offer to pay you the amazing sum of 500 credits!
If you can get super rich in a game, you should be able to buy something sweet with the money, like in Oblivion and Fable II and the like.
Fimbulvetr said:Guys, why is infiltrator so awesome?
Destroying shields, disabling weapons, hacking shit, Sharp Shooter, and a Sniper Rifle. <3
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A best bet is EA's Mass Effect: Pinnacle Station (pictured) for free after discount.
ExtraKr1spy said:for the people with the DLC are the weapons worth it? better, worse, or equal to Spectre X weapons?
Gryphter said:so 360 version is being shipped to me today, I should receive it in a few days. Never played a bioware game before, no KOTOR or Jade Empire. So I saw that you can choose between 3 job classes at the beginning of the game? Any recommendations as to which to choose? I'm thinking to choose the shooter class, but I'm worried I'll end up shortchanging my experience
Ramenman said:Errr wait, isn't the "patch" part of the update supposed to download automatically (or at least be downloadable for free) ?
I launched ME again today and expected to be prompted with a "update or you'll be disconnected from Xbox Live", but nothing. Just a "new DLC is available, go to XBL Games Market" message on the bottom of the main menu screen.
I also checked my Xbox's memory, and there's nothing but game saves for Mass Effect, so nothing has been downloaded without me noticing.
Problem is, the only thing I see in the DLC market for Mass Effect is the 400 points Pinnacle Station, and I don't want to buy it, I just want the patch that's supposed to fix the self-shadowing and some other stuff.
lawblob said:Funny to see this thread, I LITERALLY just started playing this for the first time about 30 minutes ago. Game is fuggin' awesome so far.
Pankaks said:It gets fuggin' awesomer
It is hilarious. I think it's unintentionally funny. I'm playing renegade as a male Shepard right now, and I'm mercilessly shooting people left and right and sound like I'm so bored whenever I open my mouth :lolManos: The Hans of Fate said:Yeah, I just started replaying it on the 360, and I've been discovering new missions and tons of stuff of great sidequests.
One thing I like about the Renegade option is it isn't Dark Side Evil, a lot of times its just pure badass action hero stuff, ie oh screw your interview bitch PUNCH :lol I nearly started crying from laughing so hard.
My party is me, Wrex and Garrus.Vlodril said:all the times i ve played it i went first to get liara so the fight is easier. maybe try wrex?
bionics really help in that fight. or you could try some add ons to armor that give you bonus to not getting knocked down?
WEGGLES said:My first play thru took.... less than 20 hours?
Why so short? Did I some how miss a ton?
I'll have to load up an old save file before the point of no return and explore a bit.
I'm bad with save files... so that's like 5 hours back.
Woffls said:GOD. DAMMIT.
I spent 20 hours on my latest playthrough to get the Asari Squad Ally achievement, and after doing pretty much everything in the game (all assignments, missions, keepers, materials, matriarch writings, artifacts, salarian tags etc) I still didn't get the achievement, despite going straight to the Artemis Tau cluster to get Liara as soon as I could. Luckily I saved before Virmire so I can still do anything that's left over, but I don't think there is anythingIs there some stupid thing preventing me getting this, like I can't do ANY missions before I get Liara?
Also, does my character need to cast AI Hacking, Neural Shock or Singularity for it to count towards the achievement? Or can I just get a squad member to cast them? (Cast? wtf lol)
edgefusion said:Any chance of BioWare allowing gay relationships for Shepherd?
Snuggler said:Good question, but I doubt it. It is kind of funny that female Shepard can have a (sort of) lesbian romance but gay male Shepard is out of the question. I guess we're OK with sexy girl on girl action but we're not ready for gay male romance in a game. Maybe it could happen, though, male characters could fuck Zevran in Dragon Age, but that was more of a flirtatious than romantic deal.
Zzoram said:Dragon Age was a PC game. Mass Effect is an Xbox game. That's probably why there are no gay males in Mass Effect.
Alucrid said:I'm thinking about buying ME for the PC, especially if steam has a sale on it, can anyone tell me if there are a good number of mods available for it?
Himuro said:It's been a while since I played ME on 360, and even then, I played the game on an sdtv at the time, but did it really look this bad or is the pc that bad of a port?