Sallokin said:That all looks correct. Each party member you get, has their "job" as a talent tree. My character for example had Infiltrator which was then replaced by Commando. Abilities are pulled up using the right bumper. I also have a separate skill bar now that I"m a spectre. Here's the definition of a Commando straight from my menu
Commandos rely on lethal efficiency and precision strikes rather than brute force to eliminate their opponents.
-Increases damage with all weapons
-Improves Immunity ability
-Improves Marksman ability
-Improves Assassination ability"
See what I took for general sniper rifles was actually two sniper abilities that get improved (both of which I use often). Furthermore the sniper overheating can be curbed by using gun mods, it still overheats quickly, but usually two shots is enough to kill any foot soldier not using immunity/shield boost. Melee is something that is done whenever you are close to an opponent, it's done with the right trigger and is essentially automatic (and handy)
Ah, I see. Marksman is gained through Pistol skill, Assassination is gained through Sniper Rifle skill, Immunity is gained through Fitness skill, so Commando is good for Pistol / Sniper Rifle types. It seems somewhat ill-fitted for a Solder, at least a Soldier that doesn't want to spread points into all weapon types, like myself
- what I mean by this is that Pistols unlock shotguns, Assault Rifles unlock Sniper Rifles, so by having Marksman and Assassination you'd have invested points in all the weapon types and would have probably unlocked shotgun.
Although, I bet I probably do want to go ahead and do Shotgun and focus on Shotgun and Assault Training, if only because both Garrus and Ashley can cover the Assault rifle / Sniper Rifle bases. I want to be doing as much damage as possible in close quarters, charging head on in heavy armor, closing to melee range... what's the range on an assault rifle? Do they tend to do more damage than pistols, at least, and have the next best range increment compared to the sniper rifle?
My goodness, this is likely going to wind up playing much like Gears of War, only sadly sans the chainsaw bayonet. Daddy likes.
Oh yeah, one more thing, and back to spoiler-land for these questions:
if you're an Infiltrator, you'd have the Infiltrator class talent. When you become a Commando, you'd gain the Commando class talent. Do you still have the Infiltrator class talent? Does the Commando class change anything other than give you a new talent that you can invest points in?