
Title | Max Payne 3
Platforms | PS3, X-Box 360, PC
Genre | Third Person Action/Crime Shooter
Developer | Rockstar Games
Publisher | Rockstar Games
Release Dates
PS3/360 | North America May 15 | Europe May 18
PC | North America May 29 | Europe June 1
Ratings | PEGI: 18+ | ESRB: M (Mature)
Official Site
Metacritic | No Reviews Yet
PC Specs
Max Payne 3 PC System Specifications
Operating System:
Windows 7 32/64 Service Pack 1, Windows Vista 32/64 Service Pack 2, Windows XP 32/64 Service Pack 3
Intel Dual Core 2.4 GHZ - i7 3930K 6 Core x 3.06 GHZ / AMD Dual Core 2.6 GHZ - FX8150 8 Core x 3.6 GHZ
2GB - 16GB
Video Card:
NVIDIA® 8600 GT 512MB VRAM – NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 680 2GB VRAM / Radeon HD 3400 512MB VRAM - Radeon HD 7970 3GB VRAM
Sound Card:
100% Direct X 9.0 compatible – Direct X 9.0 compatible supporting Dolby Digital Live
HDD Space:
35 GB

Standard Edition

Collector's Edition

The Collector's Edition includes the following:
A 10” Max Payne statue in his Collateral-esque suit
Disorderly Conduct Multiplayer Weapons Pack
Original Still Life Art Prints
Classic Multiplayer Character Pack
Bullet Key Chain
The Official Soundtrack featuring music by HEALTH

”The past is a gaping hole. You try to run from it, but the more you run, the deeper, more terrible it grows behind you, its edges yawning at your heels. Your only chance is to turn around and face it. But it's like looking down into the grave of your love, or kissing the mouth of a gun, a bullet trembling in its dark nest, ready to blow your head off.”
Max Payne 1 Summary
Undercover, framed for the murder of his best friend, haunted by the death of his family, DEA Agent Max Payne ventured into the criminal underworld to find out the truth behind his friend's death and the source of the designer drug, Valkyr during the worst blizzard in New York history. As he pursues his investigation and his ultimate goal of vengeance, he's hunted by the police, backstabbing bastards, the Mafia, hired assassins, and a mysterious and very powerful criminal syndicate.
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Summary
Two years after the events of the first game, Max has returned to the NYPD as a Homicide Detective, but still a broken man from his experiences. His latest investigation into a group of contract killers reveals a greater conspiracy at play, bringing him face-to-face with the ghosts of his past and continues his spiral into chaos and self-destruction.

”When had I ever gone looking for trouble? It found me, no matter where I hid.”
For Max Payne, the tragedies that took his loved ones years ago are wounds that refuse to heal. No longer a cop, close to washed up and addicted to pain killers, Max takes a job in São Paulo, Brazil, protecting the family of wealthy real estate mogul Rodrigo Branco, in an effort to finally escape his troubled past. But as events spiral out of his control, Max Payne finds himself alone on the streets of an unfamiliar city, desperately searching for the truth and fighting for a way out. From the back alleys of a snowy New York City to the desperate and poverty-stricken favelas of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Max must face his demons and find meaning in the wasted remains of his life as he once again journeys through the night... and into the day.

“Life knows two miseries; getting what you don't want and not getting what you want.”
An engrossing crime drama written by Dan Houser, writer of Bully, Grand Theft Auto IV, and Red Dead Redemption, developed by Rockstar Games, and starring James McCaffrey, the original voice of Max Payne in a full acting role.
Developed by the entirety of Rockstar Games. Every studio has had a hand in Max Payne 3's creation, with Rockstar Vancouver as the lead developers.
Powered by the RAGE Engine (the same engine used in GTA4 and RDR). This is Rockstar's first Third Person Linear Shooter using the RAGE Engine. Going linear has allowed them to increase the depth and detail of each environment substantially.
Euphoria is back in Max Payne 3, and it is glorious. This is the most advanced use of Euphoria to date, giving Max the most realistic animation in a Rockstar game yet as well as many, many more realistic death animations for the very bad men Max faces off against. These may just be the most realistic gunfights in a modern-day shooter. Every hit reaction is modeled realistically, as well as the gun mechanisms, recoil, Max's animations, damage to the environment, etc.
Bullet-Time and Shoot-Dodge also make a triumphant return. With the push of a button, you can slow down time and get the edge on the enemy. Combined with the more detail created by the RAGE Engine and the Euphoria-powered animations, our eyes will probably bleed in amazement.
For the first time, Multiplayer is now a part of the Max Payne franchise.

“You play, you pay, you bastard.”
Blutonium has been kind enough to create a Google spread-sheet for NeoGAF members to add their information when we form our own Crews within the game:
The Official NeoGAF crew has been set up: - open to all platforms.
If you'd like to join, head to the link and request an invite. You must be a member of the R* Social Club.
Max Payne has always been a Single Player game, but with the third game, Rockstar Games has added a Multiplayer Mode in conjunction with the Single Player. There are several modes and new innovations to be included in Max Payne 3's Multiplayer.
Yes, Bullet-Time is in Multiplayer. It is a Burst that can be equipped and used after building up adrenaline through kills. Bullet-Time works by Line-of-Sight. So, if you activate Bullet-Time, anyone that you can see, or that can see you are slowed down as well. You get an aiming speed advantage over everyone else to make up for this. If you are in Bullet-Time, simply escape from the Line-of-Sight and you'll revert back to normal speed.
Bursts are Max Payne 3's equivalent to perks. Your character can be customized by various perks. An example list of Bursts appear below:
Paranoia Burst: A Level 1 Paranoia Burst makes your opponents teammates appear as enemies. Level 2 does this and turns on friendly fire so your opponents start killing each other.
Weapon Double Dealer Burst: A Level 1 WDD Burst deactivates the enemy team's special weapon attachments. Level 3 causes all enemies who are holding grenades to drop them, live, at their feet.
Grounded Burst: A Level 1 Grounded Burst removes a the player from the enemy team's minimap. Level 2 removes your entire team from the enemy minimap. At Level 3, this burst actually puts false information on the enemy's minimap.
Slippery Character Burst: At Level 1, this burst drops a smoke bomb and gives you unlimited stamina to escape. Level 2 does the same thing, with unlimited stamina until death and a flashbang to blind pursuing enemies. Level 3 gives this burst to everyone on your team.
The Trigger Happy burst gives you better guns. The Big Dog burst gives you more health. In-game items bought with in-game currency can nullify some of the burst effects.
There are various Bursts that are also pre-order goodies, look around in online retailers to see what you might get. Bursts are also earned by leveling up (obviously). Each Burst will have three levels, and each level requires more adrenaline than the previous one to activate.
If you are killed twice in a row by the same person, you can initiate a vendetta. This will reveal your enemy's location on the map. If you kill them, you get bonus XP. But if they survive and kill you, they get the bonus XP.
There are a few different modes in Max Payne 3. While it will have standard modes such as Death Match, Team Death Match, there are two new modes worth noting:
Gang Wars
Gang Wars is Rockstar's attempt at integrating narrative into Multiplayer and is the centerpiece mode for Max Payne 3's Multiplayer. Events that happen in the Single Player story are used as starting points for the narrative in Gang Wars. The storyline dynamically shifts based on the actions and victories of each match. Each Gang War will have five chapters, and each Chapter features one of ten different game types. Each Gang War is also narrated by McCaffrey.
Payne Killer
This mode is a Multiplayer update of New York Minute, essentially. Whichever players get the first two kills become Max and his buddy Passos. They get tougher weapons and more painkillers. Everyone else... well you have to go and kill them. If you kill either Max or Passos, you become them, and now everyone has to kill you. Sounds fun.
Crews is a new concept for Rockstar's Multiplayer games. You can join public crews formed by Rockstar or create your own private crews (up to 200 people in a crew and it can be customized by members). Playing in a crew will net you extra XP which help you when it comes to unlocking new weapons and bursts. You can also feud with rival crews (though this honestly seems like a terrible idea. We'll have crazy people like those whacked out people who drag their Facebook rivalries into real life. You just watch, some Bloods or Crips will lose a match in the game and their Crew will be like “Let's fucking kick some real ass!”
Crews also will follow from game-to-game. So crews formed in Max Payne 3 will go with you when you jump to Grand Theft Auto V's multiplayer.

“When you're waking up, the world is a blur. What was clear in a dream, suddenly makes no sense. No surreal rescues. No easy, magic way out. But you are awake."

Thanks to Simo for making all of these!

“The past is a puzzle, like a broken mirror. As you piece it together, you cut yourself, your image keeps shifting. And you change with it. It could destroy you, drive you mad. It could set you free.”

“The trick in my situation was that there was no trick, no matter what the movies tell you. No rules, no secret mantra, no road map. It wasn't about how smart or how good you were. It was chaos and luck, and anyone who thought different was a fool. All you could do was to hang on madly, as long and hard as you could.”
Trailer 1 – Hell of a Hangover
Trailer 2 – Get the Girl
TV Spot feat. HEALTH
Design & Technology Docu-Trailers
Similar to those released for Red Dead Redemption, these videos go in-depth into the mechanics and other elements of Max Payne, including gameplay, sound, visuals, and narrative (light on spoilers though).
Creating a Cutting-Edge Shooter
Targeting and Weapons
Visual Effects and Cinematics
Multiplayer Part 1
Multiplayer Part 2
Weapons Showcase
Max Payne 3 has guns. Lots of guns. Some of them are described here(Videos and 360 degree renders):
608 Bull
1911 .45 – Max's favourite from Day 1.
Assault Rifles

“I knew the appetites of fanboys intimately. They hungered for revenge.”
Will be updated next week
”The word was out. A deadly virus released into the City's corrupt circulatory system. Something wicked this way comes. Max Payne at large.”

Thanks to Simo for his help with the OT and contacting Rockstar and roping them into this mess of an OT, he is awesome. Thanks to Rockstar for sending us the font and making a special banner for us too. Thanks to Blutonium for doing the multiplayer spreadsheet. And thanks to you, the reader, for obviously reading everything up there, including the Bloods and Crips comment. We are through the looking glass, people.
Release... THE GIFS.