
This one's mine
Everything I hate about this game in 1 screenshot.
Still, looking forward to seeing if it has enough playtime in NYC before deciding if I should bother with this, as well as proper writing and the Lynchian creepy moments from the previous 2. I suspect that's been gotten rid of though since shooter fans don't typically like subtly and nuance.
What. The. Fuck.
shooter fans don't typically like subtly and nuance.
Just....don't. Leave it alone. Your sanity will thank you later.
IF you plan on renting it on 360, beware of the 2 discs singleplayer.Still deciding if I'm going to rent it or wait for a price drop. My days of spending $60 on a linear shooter are pretty much over but if it's ~10 hours or so I'll probably pick it up down the road.
I don't expect anything less from this than it being awesome as fuck
edit: and to be fair, the fact that Sam Lake is impressed with what R* has done with the game, from what i've heard anyway, gives me enough confidence that i'll enjoy this Max's third outing just as much as the previous two.
I never held those to any sort of degree, what's he supposed to say? R* ruined the franchise for him and he regrets everything he did with them? :/
I missed this, thanks Arthur.Review embargo is noon EST on the 14th.
I had to throw in a jab there. I'm still bitter about this game's setting and change in developer/writers.
I never held those to any sort of degree, what's he supposed to say? R* ruined the franchise for him and he regrets everything he did with them? :/
Well considering what a piece of trash Alan Wake was maybe it was for the better
Well considering what a piece of trash Alan Wake was maybe it was for the better
Blasphemy. AW was great, not as great as MP1/2 which were perfect but good enough for me to replay it without a problem after losing my 7 hour save. And AW has so much atmosphere and feel oozing out of it at every moment, MP3 won't come close in that regard. If MP3 can't touch Alan Wake's atmosphere then it's not going to get anywhere near Max Payne 1 and 2.
Requesting title change to "Max Payne 3 |OT| Angrier Fork."
Loved Alan Wake as well. Speaking of which, I've yet to try American Nightmare. What's the overall verdict on that one?
I hate Alan Wake, though it had some very good moments, but that's a story for another thread, i guess.
Let's get back to GTAV, please.
Thanks for your review from the future.
Seriously. Max Payne is old and boring! Only buying this because I heard beating campaign on legendary unlocks GTA V trailer #2.I hate Alan Wake, though it had some very good moments, but that's a story for another thread, i guess.
Let's get back to GTAV, please.
DAT RAW SEEDY OPPRESSIVE CREEPY NIGHTMARISH ATMOSPHERE. I can feel it in my bones I can feel the tension in those beautiful clouds and Resident Evil 5 palm trees. David Lynch just wishes he shot Twin Peaks in Rio de Janeiro instead.
I will wait to see what people think of the game but if there is no nightmare moments or tense atmosphere there will be no redemption.
Looks like Deus Ex 3.
In all seriousness we shall see who wins out in the end. Optimist vs. Pessimist. I have no faith in Rockstar to get anywhere near the masterful wizardry of Remedy but the verdict awaits. I don't care about epic super duper constructed set pieces or being able to dual wield a rocket launcher and a silenced pistol or whatever fluff nonsense people hype up now. I just want that Max Payne atmosphere, setting, and characters/writing. Everything else is just extra. Setting is already strike 1 so far at least halfway strike so we'll see.
Looks like Deus Ex 3.
In all seriousness we shall see who wins out in the end. Optimist vs. Pessimist. I have no faith in Rockstar to get anywhere near the masterful wizardry of Remedy but the verdict awaits. I don't care about epic super duper constructed set pieces or being able to dual wield a rocket launcher and a silenced pistol or whatever fluff nonsense people hype up now. I just want that Max Payne atmosphere, setting, and characters/writing. Everything else is just extra. Setting is already strike 1 so far at least halfway strike so we'll see.
I also highly recommend watching Elite Squad 1 and 2.
I might be alone in this, but the setting is one of the coolest things about this game for me. Underused in games and I'm really interested in seeing Rockstar's take on a non-American city.
Looks like Deus Ex 3.
In all seriousness we shall see who wins out in the end. Optimist vs. Pessimist. I have no faith in Rockstar to get anywhere near the masterful wizardry of Remedy but the verdict awaits. I don't care about epic super duper constructed set pieces or being able to dual wield a rocket launcher and a silenced pistol or whatever fluff nonsense people hype up now. I just want that Max Payne atmosphere, setting, and characters/writing. Everything else is just extra. Setting is already strike 1 so far at least halfway strike so we'll see.
You're the prototypical gatekeeper fan. Passionate to an extreme degree. Already deciding that a setting doesn't work for a game you've not played is a touch nonsensical, in my opinion.
Have you seen any Brazilian crime films? City of God is an excellent starting point. Brazil, from the crime films that characterize it, is a much harsher place than NYC could ever hope to be because people commit crime in broad daylight. Police are often afraid to go into the favelas, I've read.
I feel you can't comment on the setting until you've seen what it has to offer. Be it through actually visiting Brazil or seeing it in films.
Yeah, those are great. I also get a City of God vibe from some of the clips R* has put out.They are great movies and feature B.O.P.E. which will be featured in the game
Yeah, same. I truly believe that this will be good, but I'm a Rockstar fan. I get that the change in developer is a negative for some people. S'all good.Joking aside, I "get" where Angry Fork is coming from.
I don't expect anything less from this than it being awesome as fuck