So ok, whether i play on PC, xbox or ps3, i have to join "Neogang"?
Hey guys, can somebody add me to the crew?TxdoHawk, like on here.
and i didnt get the joke :| on sub title
and i didnt get the joke :| on sub title
The first thing i thought of, was porn in spanish i saw some time ago, for some reason.Spanish speaking/Portuguese speaking ladies like to call their men "Papi", in fact a lot of different cultures of women do this nowadays either being serious, or joking around. It's just a simple, clever subtitle. Well played Invideous.
Great work as always my friend.Time for more GIFness.
Yeah, I'm not really sure. I do know that the finisher (or at least one of the finishers) ends up with you having to pull the trigger on a dude's face at point blank range. Sounds pretty brutal. They showed it in one of the story trailers right at the end.I'm really curious to know how melee works and especially to see how much more crafted it is than in MP1 & 2 (which was like a bitch slap with a pistol). We have the trophy/cheevo for 100 melee kills, but for those melee finishers Im wondering how its triggered? Shoot a dude a couple times then run up and BAM!
kill someone on your friend's list
first thing i do
*Dearest of all my friends achievement*
Never had a girl call me "papi" and I think I'd be pretty freaked out if she did. Dunno how it is in the rest of Latin America, but I have the feeling it's one of those things that only exist in the wonderland that is american film gangbanger lexicon.awww DOOD.
Spanish speaking/Portuguese speaking ladies like to call their men "Papi", in fact a lot of different cultures of women do this nowadays either being serious, or joking around. It's just a simple, clever subtitle. Well played Invideous.
first thing i do
no wait, i didnt get the trophy that time, take 2
Never had a girl call me "papi" and I think I'd be pretty freaked out if she did. Dunno how it is in the rest of Latin America, but I have the feeling it's one of those things that only exist in the wonderland that is american film gangbanger lexicon.
I approve the subtitle, though. The above is what makes it funny for me.
Can somebody add me to the crew?
I sent a request to join the crew, someone add me.
once simo will be online , he will accept everyone
Time for more GIFness.
That's a pretty neat idea actually. I can easily see that being an option after beating the game once. Especially if you're playing like New York Minute or something.So you think they'll let you pick different Max skins from the campaign throughout the whole thing on subsequent playthroughs? I want to run around in blazing hot Brazil in a trench coat
Can't believe I've had a Rockstar Social account since 2008. I haven't really used it since GTA 4 first came out.
How'd you find that out?Son of a bitch it's already leaked on 360.
Looks perfect. Ace job man.Thanks for the praise on the logo guys. It was a pain to get that N to look as good as it does with the editor.
Sent a request to join the NeoPayne PS3 crew, should be under the same name as my GAF account. Goddamn, I havnt been this excited for a game in a very long time, lets just hope the PS3 version will be up to snuff.
Edit: Scratch that, just remembered it was under a new name, GuyLeFool. My bad.
You're in.
Was Bully the last game rockstar vancouver released?
Son of a bitch it's already leaked on 360.