Any livestreams up?
Maybe a thread should be setup about info on streams with SPOILERS warning. That might be against the rules though. I don't know...
Any livestreams up?
Rockstar's MP3 inaugural event via PSN on Friday, May 18th 4-7PM EST
XBL - Saturday, May 19th 1-4PM EST
yeah i saw this yesterday, its good that they're not doing it on 15th and giving the
finger to everyone outside US, i will be there to kill some rockstars but i dont think
there is a trophy for that this time
and a singleplayer livestream is just not for me, no way. i could watch a mp stream but
it seems the dude's playing suck, cant cover and it doesnt make for a very good watch lol
i know everyone is not a pro, i stopped playing mp properly a while ago so im probably just average, but i hope the gaf crew is decent at least and knows how to play as a team
what im saying is DONT BE SUCKY NEOGANG
yeah I think we'll be okay. Just feel bad for Simo when he gets back into the SC and sees 50 new requests.
As usual, another GIF.
Trying my hardest not to watch the new trailer, only 8 days for me... (I hope Amazon post it to me on release lol)
I believe they grant infinite ammo for that gun on subsequent playthroughs. Have to beat it first, though, which is good I think. They could do more, I'm not sure.Of course a friend just posted the opening of the game on my FB showing the main menu. He didn't know any better though. Still got defriended pretty fast.
...that Max Payne theme and main menu was pretty fucking slick. Also Golden Guns have various effects?
Frame rate on 360 seems really smooth going by live streams. Length is about 9 hours from what I've heard (seen people with early copies and/or pirates say 9 hours).all i want to know: how is the framerate on consoles and how long is the game (6-8 or 10-12 hours)?
New wallpaper get!
I wish Rockstar would give Max Payne the GTA III Claude treatment by having a figure of his own complete with his guns and accessories (i.e. painkillers and booze)
Tell me that would not be sick (and twice the actual game's price lol)
So what will be the password for the private stream lol
Where's the R* & title logos?
Can a member of NeoGang invite me to the crew?
I've requested an invite twice and both of Simo's invitations do not appear for me, so I'm thinking a regular member sending the invite might work.
SC: geebee765
I think the stream was shutdown.
Haha yeah. Refresh and you will see
This channel had been closed
Send one to NeoPayne and Ill put you in NeoGang. Im always on =P
O_O hmmm -> =_=
I redid the logo and now it's accepted. This is how it'd look.
I redid the logo and now it's accepted. This is how it'd look.
Yeah, I would like to just share it for the shape of the neogaf symbol, but I dont know how. I think it'd need still some sort of framing depending on how it may look ingame (if it appears).
![]() are talking about a Max doll you can dress. I KID, I KID!! Hahaha.
Coming from someone that pre-ordered the CE months in advance, THIS ISN'T ENOUGH.
Coming from someone that pre-ordered the CE months in advance, THIS ISN'T ENOUGH.
Seeing the relatively unimpressive figurine again, along with the fact that R* twice backed out on actually making the Special Edition limited, has me wondering if I should cancel my preorder and just go vanilla. This thing isn't going to be rare at all. Could save some money and just get the game...
Still you get the original soundtrack along with the Classic Character pack and extra weapons. I just couldn't pass up a special edition for a Max Payne game, I mean who knows this could be the last one.
Oh I also forgot I made some more avatars for whoever!
Still you get the original soundtrack along with the Classic Character pack and extra weapons. I just couldn't pass up a special edition for a Max Payne game, I mean who knows this could be the last one.
Oh I also forgot I made some more avatars for whoever!
Is there a comparison of how the game looks with tesselation on vs off ?
Too bad I missed the stream. Anyone got it captured or something?
Nope. Probably going to have to wait till the PC version is out at the end of the month. Personally, I could give a shit about tessellation. Doesn't seem to make a huge difference compared to how much stress it can put on a card.
I wonder if we're the biggest community/forum-based crew outside of the big and Rockstar-affiliated groups? Seems that way at the moment.