Yes I know but in the long term, i think it's better to use Famitsu numbers which much more exhaustive. Currently, MC is good for DS fanboys to make fun of PSP but I want to go beyond this.
Oh, Famitsu numbers serve this purpose as well, just they hand out a second serving of it.. And we all know two is better then one... [/endfanboy]
Anyway, I really have to wonder if Nintendo expected these games to be the driving force of there success.... I mean they obviously released them in the first place due to them being a high profit game, but, did they expect this much?
Oh and I am right in saying that Brain Training is selling more then on it's first week out right? If so that really is incredible..... Not that it wouldn't be if it wasn't, but, this makes it even more so....
I really just want to know what must be going through Nintendo execs minds with this success, it must have changed there perspective on the video games industry as a whole.. It must be having the same effect on developers all over Japan really.... If a game which was made with such a small team and on such a low budget can get this much success, then why are they spending so much on games which do the complete opposite? [NOTE: I'm not suggesting they should stop.] Is it possible for revelations (if this word actually fits :-/) like this to change the way developers go about making games in Japan or even the rest of the world based on the success of Nintendogs? I can really see the success of these games do really good things for the industry (push innovation, give smaller companies greater possibilites for growth, etc...) or the complete opposite (a complete turn away from big budget games, downsizing of companies to focus on smaller development teams, flooding of the market with cheaper and easier to develop games to the point where the market is destroyed)....
Anyway, what I said above is kind of exaggerated I know, but, I can see some of the points I made happening to some extent....... Go Brain Training....... :-/