Media Create said:
 ランキングでは上位をDS、Wiiのタイトルが争うことに。前週発売した『ファイナルファンタジーXII レヴァナント・ウイング』が約10.9万本を販売し、今週も1位をキープ。次いで2位、3位には『スーパーペーパーマリオ』(約9.0万本)、『Wiiスポーツ』(約8.5万本)が続く。上位20位までにDSが16タイトル、Wiiが4タイトルランクインしており、他の機種を寄せ付けることなく、2機種の人気の高さを示すことになった。なお、DSが本格的に普及して以降はゴールデンウィーク中の総販売本数が大幅に増加、今年は前年同時期(約126.5万本)を上回る好成績だった。
The strength of DS and Wii shine during the latter portion of Golden Week sales
Sales of the top 100 titles totaled 1,432,561 units, an amount 101.42% of last week's number and 109.35% of the weekly average. Every year, new titles generally aren't released during Golden Week, so the top 100 is comprised of previous releases.
DS and Wii titles are jockeying for the top ranks. Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings, released last week, sold about 109,000 to keep its #1 position. Likewise, Super Paper Mario (about 90,000) and Wii Sports (about 85,000) continued on. Of the top 20, DS took 16 and Wii took 4 rankings to the exclusion of all other platforms, demonstrating the popularity of the formats. Furthermore, the spread of the DS during Golden Week was quite drastic, causing this Golden Week's total software unit sales to greatly exceed those of the same period last year (about 1,265,000).
Also, Nintendo took the majority publisher marketshare, overwhelming others. Unit sales for the Mario series, Brain Training, and others for DS and Wii rose to the top of the stack.