Bel Marduk said:That's why Nintendo is going to market the game outside of Japan. Same for DQ.
Will they, really? :lol
Bel Marduk said:That's why Nintendo is going to market the game outside of Japan. Same for DQ.
ccbfan said:Also people like to talk about 3rd party sales is because first party sales does not do much in improving support. Say so and so has great 1st party sales. You know whats the outcome? Nothing cause so and so is gonna get first party games no matter what since the company that owns the console need to make games for it whether it gets great sales or not. Unless they want to drop the system completely.
BattleMonkey said:And how successful that will be is left to be seen, or exactly what level of commitment we will see from Nintendo.
7Th said:Will they, really? :lol
markatisu said:I am not sure Captain Rainbow would have sold well even given 1 year and a ton of advertising
7Th said:Will they, really? :lol
Who's "ragged" on Nintendo for giving too much first party support? Talk about over-defensive.Xeke said:So Nintendo is getting more software sales total on their system by providing their own powerhouse support and Sony is getting fewer software sales on their system by relying on third parties.
I still fail to see why Nintendo gets ragged on for heavy first party support when that support is providing more sales than relying on third parties would.
I think its more ridiculous that a company can't support their own console with games that sell than a company who relies mostly on their games to push the console.
What is the highest selling first party game on the PS3 in Japan?
cvxfreak said:Speaking of MH3 CC bundles, some stores have gotten them back in stock. I was surprised to see Yodobashi with a small number of the black bundles the other day.
I think MH3 has been benefitting from the holidays in a behind the scenes manner. It should be considerably closer to the 1 Million mark than we last saw.
markatisu said:Supposedly Iwata has implied Nintendo is going to burden a lot when it comes to making DQ and MH successful in the West.
What that means is anyone's guess since we still do not have a firm release date on MH3 or DQIX (I think).
But possibly not at full price. A better allocation of bundles would probably not have lead to higher LTD sales in the end, but might have made for a quicker (and less dependent on discounts) route there.ccbfan said:All the people that didn't buy MH3 when there wasn't enough CC bundles left at launch probably got theirs already.
I'm not so sure about this honestly for a number of reasons.BattleMonkey said:MH3 has not reached it's initial shipments numbers and it's gonna be post 6 months of release while FFXIII nearly met it's shipment number in a single week?
No doubt MH3 had a fraction of the budget of FFXIII so I doubt capcom is feeling bad about how "poor" it sold. They sold a million copies to retailers, they should be happy.
FFXIII will also make a ton more to come with the western release which Monster Hunter franchise just can not depend on. And now with it being also on 360 in the west, the game is likely to do extremely well and I think easily outdo past FFXIII western releases since it's gone multiplat. MH sales outside of Japan are pretty dismal but I'm sure that Capcom made good money on the Japanese release alone already.
It's kinda hard to be comparing the two franchises since they are pretty darn different. Different goals, budgets, and global saturation.
cvxfreak said:Speaking of MH3 CC bundles, some stores have gotten them back in stock. I was surprised to see Yodobashi with a small number of the black bundles the other day.
Jokeropia said:But possibly not at full price. A better allocation of bundles would probably not have lead to higher LTD sales in the end, but might have made for a quicker (and less dependent on discounts) route there.
schuelma said:Interesting. Were they being sold at full price? Were they previously sold out in your experience? Capcom shipping even a small amount of CC Pro bundles while the standalone is in the sin bin would make me :lol
I agree with you in all points.Nirolak said:I'm not so sure about this honestly for a number of reasons.
1.) FFXIII is launching into the least receptive Western console JRPG market since the SNES, possibly even the NES.
2.) FFXIII is launching a week after Battlefield: Bad Company 2, which has the potential to be the best selling game of Q1, and perhaps even the best selling game of the entire first half of 2010. While the PS3 is not as shooter crazy as the Xbox 360, it is also receiving God of War 3 during the month, and while it is not a monstrous seller, it is still a highly significant franchise, especially to the audience that followed Sony through to the PS3. While it is true that not everyone who wants FFXIII likes FPS and Action games, and that many people who do will buy multiple games in a month, I feel it would be far from true to suggest that many of the people who played FFVII and FFX haven't since transitioned to first person shooters and action games in the ensuing 8-12 years since those games released. While some of them may still buy FFXIII, there is likely to be a significant margin that will be perfectly fine playing a brand new fps and/or action game during the month, especially considering that the fps has a heavy focus on multiplayer.
3.) While FFXIII is multiplatform, the previous platforms it launched on were all market leaders, often by a significant margin. And in terms of determining the potential market, you cannot simply add together the number of PS3's and Xbox 360's, as now there is the potential for overlap a fair amount of gamers, especially among the more hardcore market that would be interested in FFXIII, own both consoles. As a whole, making the game multiplatform seems to do more to maintain their previous target audience size as opposed to actually growing it.
While I don't expect that game to be an outright bomb, I would be surprised if it reaches the numbers of previous Final Fantasy installments, much less go on to become the best selling Final Fantasy installment in the West.
ccbfan said:It doesn't hurt the LTD though like many damage controllers like to infer. Heck it probably helps it more than anything. I'm a lot more likely to buy a new game for 20 bucks than if it was 50. (Its the reason I own games like Geist and Baten Kaitos) If not for the over shipment MH3 probably would have never gotten past 1 mil.
DMeisterJ said:I don't see Nintendo marketing MH3 in any kind of big way on the west, cause, what do they get from it? They make the franchise more popular in the west when it's not even exclusive to the platform? That makes no sense, especially with MHP3 coming... Eventually. Paying your hard earned money so another platform and game can benefit? Don't see that happenin'.
I think that a reality is that Capcom itself may try harder in the west, but I'm pretty certain that MH is a franchise (not unlike DQ) that will always sell the bulk of it's units in Japan... People have had 5 times to buy MH in America and none have been successful, I hardly think that marketing is at fault for this either. Games with no marketing have sold much better than MH (recent example being Demon's Souls)
Nirolak said:2.) FFXIII is launching a week after Battlefield: Bad Company 2, which has the potential to be the best selling game of Q1, and perhaps even the best selling game of the entire first half of 2010. While the PS3 is not as shooter crazy as the Xbox 360, it is also receiving God of War 3 during the month, and while it is not a monstrous seller, it is still a highly significant franchise, especially to the audience that followed Sony through to the PS3.
I would be surprised if it reaches the numbers of previous Final Fantasy installments
DMeisterJ said:I don't see Nintendo marketing MH3 in any kind of big way on the west, cause, what do they get from it? They make the franchise more popular in the west when it's not even exclusive to the platform? That makes no sense, especially with MHP3 coming... Eventually. Paying your hard earned money so another platform and game can benefit? Don't see that happenin'.
Do you think it's honestly impossible for an fps or action game to pull sales away from a JRPG?charlequin said:The idea that either of these games can even conceivably pull sales away from Final Fantasy 13 is nuts. Games that different just don't have a gravitational pull on each other. (And if they did, you'd see people skipping GoW3 for FF, not the other way 'round.)
schuelma said:Interesting. Were they being sold at full price? Were they previously sold out in your experience? Capcom shipping even a small amount of CC Pro bundles while the standalone is in the sin bin would make me :lol
Agreed. Quake 1&2 baby.[Nintex] said:Back in 1998
I don't see the platform staying anywhere, unless it does find some success outside of Japan. MH3 was good for the Wii, and there will definitely be a sequel or something given it's almost crossed a million, but it's infinitely less successful than the PSP versions, and I'm pretty sure Capcom won't abandon that fanbase.markatisu said:You have to ask? if Nintendo is able to put some muscle behind it and its a hit in the US or EU in addition to being a moderate hit in Japan where do you think the platform will stay?
Plus Iwata has already talked about it, why would he even bring the subject up if they did not have an intention to back it in some way.
But I agree, MH suffers from the fact that the other regions are not as obsessed with portable gaming as Japan is. Yes it sells a lot of DS's but the US and EU are still console nations for the most part.
The most important factor imho for US/EU adoption is free online, the portable versions of MH sell shitty anyway in comparison but paid online will kill it before it has a chance to get off the ground.
onken said:Who's "ragged" on Nintendo for giving too much first party support? Talk about over-defensive.
DMeisterJ said:I don't see Nintendo marketing MH3 in any kind of big way on the west, cause, what do they get from it? They make the franchise more popular in the west when it's not even exclusive to the platform? That makes no sense, especially with MHP3 coming... Eventually. Paying your hard earned money so another platform and game can benefit? Don't see that happenin'.
I think that a reality is that Capcom itself may try harder in the west, but I'm pretty certain that MH is a franchise (not unlike DQ) that will always sell the bulk of it's units in Japan... People have had 5 times to buy MH in America and none have been successful, I hardly think that marketing is at fault for this either. Games with no marketing have sold much better than MH (recent example being Demon's Souls)
ccbfan said:(Its the reason I own games like Geist and Baten Kaitos)
markatisu said:I am not sure Captain Rainbow would have sold well even given 1 year and a ton of advertising
DMeisterJ said:I don't see the platform staying anywhere, unless it does find some success outside of Japan. MH3 was good for the Wii, and there will definitely be a sequel or something given it's almost crossed a million, but it's infinitely less successful than the PSP versions, and I'm pretty sure Capcom won't abandon that fanbase.
Even if it is successful in the west will it sell 3.5 million like the PSP version? No... That and the lower budget for making a PSP game will always make it a viable option for the game. I do think the Wii version will get a sequel, or rather, I do believe that there will be a console and a handheld version of MH.
sphinx said:how DARE you!!! Geist and Baten kaitos in the same sentence.. and treated like bargain bin stinkware!!
and to think we get neither the sugggested DS game nor a 3rd console interation because of this!!
somebody give me a sleeping pill.
Nirolak said:Do you think it's honestly impossible for an fps or action game to pull sales away from a JRPG?
I mean, all the people that were buying FFVII during the PS1 generation had to go somewhere, and I doubt they all quit gaming or went to exclusively playing on handhelds.
markatisu said:Why are you always about black and white either/or scenarios? Who said it had to leave the PSP? You asked why would Nintendo want to waste money when MH does not sell outside JP, I was implying that Nintendo might be willing to spend some money to make it successful worldwide to keep it on their platform for "consoles" in Japan. They already have the advantage of keeping it there so its cheap to port to the PSP where the bulk of the franchise sales are. But if you can gain some favor with Capcom why brush it off?
It will not leave the PSP because its too successful in Japan, enough so to make up for bad sales outside the region. I apologize if you misunderstood what I was saying
Okay, fair enough. However, due to the other two points, I still think it will have a lot of trouble outselling previous Final Fantasy iterations. I can see your argument that it might ultimately edge out FFXII, especially since that launched so late in the generation, but I still wouldn't be surprised if it didn't.charlequin said:I honestly think it is impossible that AA+ games of almost entirely distinct genres would have a substitutiary effect that reduced the sales of one, yes. You'd basically be looking at a situation where a significant portion of gamers couldn't afford to buy both at full price within a week window but would in, say, a month window, which strikes me as a fairly fiddly margin to be working within.
In general when we get substitutiary effects like this, it's because one of the games is significantly less desirable and interesting than the other but serves the same need. If what someone wants is to be playing a new RPG it only makes sense to buy the "best" RPG available and whether it's Graces vs. FFXIII now or Abyss vs. FFXII in 2006 in the US, Tales is not going to win that battle. :lol When you're looking at a product that's similarly "large" and "unique," and which doesn't substitute for the other at all, you're simply not going to see the same kind of decision-making. And especially in the US, where a game has around 2-3 months to sell new copies at full price instead of 2-3 weeks, someone who's drawn to both (say) BFBC2 and FFXIII will probably just buy both over a small span of time.
This is kind of like the thing where there doesn't seem to be any substitutiary effect between the PS3 and Wii. People simply aren't statistically often in a situation where they know they want a console and then come down to making a PS3 vs. Wii choice; instead they're generally making each choice as a distinct yes/no decision (and so a week where lots of extra people buy PS3s doesn't do anything to depress Wii sales or vice versa.)
The market of frequent-purchase gamers today probably overlaps like 25% or something with the market from 1997. This pretty much has to be true, because if there were higher retention we'd see sales climbing over time as new generations join while older purchasers were retained.
Xeke said:Ragged may not have been the right word. But people, for the past few years have definitely complained of Nintendo not giving third parties space and crowding releases and if you're willing to deny than you're being revisionist.
Crazy-ass theory time here, but this is about the only realistic scenario I can imagine where Nintendo would make a serious and determined marketing push for MH3 in the west.Bel Marduk said:Also Capcom might even continue MHs on Nintendo's next handheld granted the system is powerful enough (PS2 levels or higher).
Dalthien said:Crazy-ass theory time here, but this is about the only realistic scenario I can imagine where Nintendo would make a serious and determined marketing push for MH3 in the west.
If Nintendo has plans for a DS2 launch sometime in the next 12-18 months, and the DS2 will be of a PSP-level chipset or higher, then I could see the possibility of Nintendo working hard to promote MH3 in the west for the Wii, with an agreement with Capcom that MH3P would be the launch title for the DS2 in Japan.
It would actually be a win-win for both companies. Capcom would get some serious marketing clout behind trying to build MH into a real brand in the west. Plus, Capcom would get to build a real audience for its titles right out of the gate on the DS2. Something that they never achieved with the DS. The DS is far and away the most popular system ever in Japan, and outside of Pheonix Wright, Capcom never managed to find its place on the system, and they have underperformed on the DS this entire generation.
On the flipside, Nintendo would steal the most powerful handheld property from its competitor, and the DS2 would fly out of the gates with millions of systems sold right off the bat.
I'm not saying that this is a likely scenario. Would Capcom be willing to wait 12-18 months to release MH3P? Does Nintendo have any plans to release the DS2 within that time frame? Would the DS2 even be powerful enough to support MH3P?
But it is about the only scenario wherein I could see Nintendo be willing to make a real dedicated and determined marketing push for MH3. After the Capcom 5 debacle where they had to watch Capcom announce RE4 for the PS2 before the Cube version was even released, I can't imagine Nintendo wanting to watch the same scenario unfold where they start ramping up marketing efforts for MH3, only to watch Capcom announce MH3P for the PSP shortly before MH3 hits the west.
Not that I would expect something that ridiculous to happen again, but really, I don't see much upside for Nintendo using their clout to help promote a game which will undoubtedly sell more on their competitor's system. Realistically, I would expect a half-ass, fairly useless marketing effort from Nintendo. Although Capcom may be willing to make a full-fledged effort themselves. Who knows.
DMeisterJ said:Hasn't Capcom already announced MHP3 (in a roundabout way) for PSP though?
Well, they announced Monster Hunter 3 (in a not roundabout way) for PS3 at one point, too. Things could change.DMeisterJ said:Hasn't Capcom already announced MHP3 (in a roundabout way) for PSP though?
Like I said, I'm not actually expecting the "crazy-ass theory" to happen. But I just don't see Nintendo spending big time and money to promote MH3 in the west in any other scenario.DMeisterJ said:Hasn't Capcom already announced MHP3 (in a roundabout way) for PSP though?
Stumpokapow said:Unless that roundabout way is "all games in the industry get sequels over and over and over again until they are no longer profitable", then no.
DMeisterJ said:No, I mean I remember them saying that they're not done with MH on the PSP, and this MH game coming out in JP soon has interoperability with a future MH game on PSP...
Dragona Akehi said:At least be upfront about this crap.
Bel Marduk said:Monolith said they were ready to make a new BK last year granted Nintendo gave them the go ahead. NINTENDO DON'T LET US DOWN! D:
sphinx said:Nintendo is too fucking busy making a sequel to Wii music or a Wii fit mega-non-plus-ultra, Fuck them.
Baten Kaitos is the biggest loss for me from all last gen series than won't make it into this gen.. or any other for that matter >_<..
sphinx said:Nintendo is too fucking busy making a sequel to Wii music or a Wii fit mega-non-plus-ultra, Fuck them.
Baten Kaitos is the biggest loss for me from all last gen series than won't make it into this gen.. or any other for that matter >_<..
Bel Marduk said:You never know with their "don't announce games until closer to release" policy. Monolith said that last year and they haven't begun at that time which gives them <1 year dev time if Nintendo actually gave them the green light. Next year announcement, hopefully.. D: It'd be my #1 most wanted game besides Tales of Graces.
Stopsign said:The Baten Kaitos team at Monolith is most likely working on Monado currently.