BrodiemanTTR said:
By chance does anyone have that chart of 360 vs. Xbox lifetime on hand?
I see MrSardonic has provided it by now (this part of the response initially written before the 4AMEST 404 time),
but here's a live one.
Stealth said:
PS3 vs Wii is looking almost as bad as the PSP vs DS war
In early trends things seem even more Wii-tilted now than things were DS-tilted a few years back.
The PSP launched a week after the DS, and with much fewer units available. By the time it had been out 12 weeks, though, increased supply allowed it to outsell the DS a little each week, giving it 33% of the DS/PSP market and growing.
The PS3 launched three weeks before the Wii, though with much fewer units available. By the time it's been out 12 weeks, though, increased supply is allowing it to... sit on store shelves and get greatly outsold each week, giving 30% of the Wii/PS3 market and dropping.
Lapsed said:
I wasn't around for Sega's last console (so I could totally be wrong on this), but I suspect the Wii was very much influenced by the Dreamcast. As you said, the style is similiar. Don't both controllers hold memory?
Not exactly. Dreamcast had the VMU, which was more like an N64 Controller Pak with a screen. I guess one could compare it to the Wii remote's speaker in terms of giving more response, but that seems a bit of a stretch.
I'd never thought a lot about Dreamcast and Wii being similar, though I always thought there was some similarity between Dreamcast and GameCube, both being
the consoles of the remaining older players
with a strong first party
and a focus on affordability for consumers
and ease of development for developers
and four-player capable from the get-go.