I wonder if there was bomba talk about Monster Hunter 3 because the sales expectations for Monster Hunter 3 seemed to be rather large. The Monster Hunter franchice had increased much in popularity (although on a handheld system (the PSP)) since the last Monster Hunter game on the PS2, so maybe people expected this increased popularity to translate more over to a new Monster Hunter console game.Nirolak said:Monster Hunter 3 doubled its last home console installment, yet still had bomba talk.
The increased popularity in the Monster Hunter franchice definitely seemed to have translated over to the console though, since MH3 has sold near the double compared to MH2 on the PS2 has you say, that is true
EDIT 2: Then there was also some stores that dropped the price relatively fast on the standalone version of MH3 if i remember correctly. I think that they put the price back to normal again later on though. I wonder what will happend with FFXIII, if some stores will drop the price relatively fast on FFXIII as well.
I also wonder if the Monster Hunter 3 bomba talk wasnt too serious as well. I think that most people will agree that MH3 sold pretty good compared to the MH games on the PS2 at least
I wonder how much bomba talk it will be with FFXIII if it doesnt sell close to what FF12 did. I havnt read all the FFXIII predictions here, but at least i cant recall to have seen any predictions that was about FFXIII selling close to what FF12 did. I wonder if it is expected by people in general here that FFXIII will sell noticeably less compared to what FF12 sold.Nirolak said:If FFXIII's LTD is over 22% lower than the last FF, I'm sure there will be bomba talk.
But ye, there will probably be some bomba talk about FF13 indeed, i think so too, and especially if FFXIII wont sell out the first shipment relatively quickly, just like what happend with Monster Hunter 3, where MH3 didnt sell out it's first shipment relatively quickly.
EDIT: I think that MH3 sold pretty good and i think that MH3 has a chance to reach 1 million copies sold. So i dont look at MH3 as a bomba. And i think that FFXIII will also sell pretty good, even if FFXIII doesnt end up selling pretty close to what FF12 sold. If FFXIII ends up selling something around 1.8 million - 2 million copies, i think that this is pretty good and that this sales preformance is not a bomba in my opinion. I just wanted to say this