Larger screens and faster UMD drives don't grow on trees!dolemite said:10 000 yen price difference between the old and new PSP models? What the fuck.:lol
Larger screens and faster UMD drives don't grow on trees!dolemite said:10 000 yen price difference between the old and new PSP models? What the fuck.:lol
Grampasso said:Oh, didn't check any data so I didn't notice about that. So in the end I guess launching in december could hurt sales instead of helping them :|
Chris1964 said:So if they say that FF XIII first shipment will be 800k-960k and it isn't revised don't expect that number to differ from reality.
Yes I think I get it, if the period will boost the sales of the game it will be because people will buy it sooner than they would at another time, but the total will stay the same with a higher 1st week/LTD ratiodonny2112 said:It might be better to say that it gives the impression of longer legs than the game will actually get. Liabe Brave and I had a discussion about this with Final Fantasy IV and White Knight Chronicles last January. If you look at their curves/data on Garaph, they start off well and then fall off greatly after New Year's. I interpret it as New Year's pushing up later purchasers of the game sooner, so it becomes more relatively front-loaded.
Chris1964 said:m-create:
Will the pattern continue?Code:-------------------------------------------------------- | System | week 1 | week 2 | week 3 | week 4 | week 5 | |------------------------------------------------------| |Black WII| 95.357| 47.140| 47.732| 26.972| 25.038| | Slim PS3| 151.783| 55.344| 51.055| | | --------------------------------------------------------
Yeah, I'm with you.Chris1964 said:I said it last week but I don't know if anyone else is with me on this. This week we will see a big drop in PS3 sales since Tales (as usually) is very frontloaded and there isn't any important title that will help the hardware remain high until Winning Eleven 2010 (November 5). Almost a month...
Will PS3 be dead again this week?
1st week of slim: it's alive!!!
2nd week of slim: it died already
3rd week of slim: it's alive again!!!
4th week of slim: it died again?
People probably pay with tax, but i thought that 8,800 Yen was a normal retail price (what people pay for the game), so i wanted to ask if people had to pay 9,240 Yen or 8,800 Yen for Final Fantasy 13 just to be sureonken said:Well one includes tax and other doesn't, which do you think people have to pay?
Ah ok, that makes sense. Sounds like a good sales strategy as well i think, to release both Wii Fit Plus and a Wii pricedrop on the same daygerg said:To coincide with the launch of Wii Fit Plus, iirc.
Ah, thanks for the price comparsions!bttb said:*price comparisons*
test_account said:Any reason why FF6 was so expencive compared to the other Final Fantasy games?
Hehe, quality tax indeedgkrykewy said:Quality tax! They knew even then that they'd never be able to match it. ::runs::
Actually it was probably the very large cart size. I believe FF3 launched at 70-80 USD in the US.
Raw64life said:Didn't realize DQIX was already the best selling DQ game ever. And looks like it will also become the first non-Nintendo game to sell 4 million in Japan.
mclem said:Would it be possible to add a new pair of columns to the DQIX chart, dictating its sales relative to FF7? Given that that's holding the current "Best-selling non-nintendo game" position, it'd be interesting to see the rate at which DQIX is approaching it. Would allow the chart to keep its usefulness for a couple more weeks, at least![]()
mclem said:Would it be possible to add a new pair of columns to the DQIX chart, dictating its sales relative to FF7?
mclem said:Given that that's holding the current "Best-selling non-nintendo game" position, it'd be interesting to see the rate at which DQIX is approaching it.
Chris1964 said:I said it last week but I don't know if anyone else is with me on this. This week we will see a big drop in PS3 sales since Tales (as usually) is very frontloaded and there isn't any important title that will help the hardware remain high until Winning Eleven 2010 (November 5). Almost a month...
Will PS3 be dead again this week?
1st week of slim: it's alive!!!
2nd week of slim: it died already
3rd week of slim: it's alive again!!!
4th week of slim: it died again?
kpop100 said:Silly jokes aside could anyone claim even handhelds included that SE has had the same quality of titles this gen as in the past 2 generations?
Sys. Title Release Price (+Tax)
FC FF1 1987.12.18 5,900 6,195
FC FF2 1988.12.17 6,500 6,825
FC FF3 1990.04.27 8,400 8,820
SFC FF4 1991.07.19 8,800 9,240
SFC FF5 1992.12.06 9,800 10,290
SFC FF6 1994.04.02 11,400 11,970
PS FF7 1997.01.31 6,800 7,140
PS FF8 1999.02.11 7,800 8,190
PS FF9 2000.07.07 7,800 8,190
PS2 FF10 2001.07.19 8,800 9,240
PS2 FF10-2 2003.03.13 7,800 8,190
PS2 FF12 2006.03.16 8,562 8,990
PS3 FF13 2009.12.17 8,800 9,240
The reason I bought very few SNES games back in the 90s is because they were so damn pricey. Yes, FF "III" (VI) was $80 on release in the U.S. That's $115 in 2008 dollars! Other games were this expensive, too; I recall Demon's Crest, Chrono Trigger, and Secret of Mana being that price, too. I believe Super Metroid, Megaman X, and Link to the Past were $70.test_account said:But ye, the FF6 price might have been due to a very large cart size as you say. I was thinking about if any special chips were used for FF6, but i didnt think that bigger sized chips might be more expencive compared to smaller sized chips.
Also, if i am not mistaken, some other Super Famicom games were also expensive.
It's still sold out everywhere AFAIK.cvxfreak said:So Pokemon HGSS sold only 166,244 last week?
Say hello to massive legs.
Jonnyram said:It's still sold out everywhere AFAIK.
If you know anywhere that has it in stock right now, please let me know... I need to buy a couple of games today/tomorrow to get me up to Platinum status before the deadline :lol
| | [GBC] Pokemon G/S |[GBA] Pokemon FR/LG|[NDS] Pokemon HG/SS| difference |
| | (Sunday 21/11/99) |(Thursday 29/01/04)|(Saturday 12/09/09)| |
|Week| Weekly | LTD | Weekly | LTD | Weekly | LTD | HG/SS-G/S |HG/SS-FR/LG|
| 1 |1.425.768|1.425.768| 955.337| 955.337|1.408.980|1.408.980| -16.788| 453.643|
| 2 | 438.280|1.864.049| 286.626|1.241.963| 492.000|1.901.000| 36.951| 659.037|
| 3 | 453.500|2.317.549| 161.550|1.403.513| 167.000|2.067.609| -249.940| 664.096|
| 4 | 301.003|2.618.551| 92.626|1.496.139| | | | |
| 5 | 436.828|3.055.379| 82.546|1.578.685| | | | |
| 6 | 573.247|3.628.627| 61.591|1.640.276| | | | |
| 7 | 477.507|4.106.134| 54.069|1.694.345| | | | |
| 8 | 258.734|4.364.868| 49.576|1.743.921| | | | |
| 9 | 145.778|4.510.646| 56.359|1.800.280| | | | |
| 10 | 144.733|4.655.379| 51.076|1.851.356| | | | |
| 11 | 120.138|4.775.517| 30.037|1.881.393| | | | |
| 12 | 98.055|4.873.571| 26.907|1.908.300| | | | |
| 13 | 76.713|4.950.284| 29.698|1.937.998| | | | |
| 14 | 50.421|5.000.705| 43.406|1.981.404| | | | |
| 15 | 48.587|5.049.292| 51.127|2.032.531| | | | |
| 16 | 47.512|5.096.804| 15.027|2.047.558| | | | |
| 17 | 43.827|5.140.631| 14.350|2.061.908| | | | |
| 18 | 34.957|5.175.589| 16.099|2.078.007| | | | |
| 19 | 33.367|5.208.956| 16.029|2.094.036| | | | |
| 20 | 29.743|5.238.698| 13.400|2.107.436| | | | |
| 21 | 21.582|5.260.280| 14.723|2.122.159| | | | |
| 22 | 15.788|5.276.068| 14.578|2.136.737| | | | |
| 23 | 14.204|5.290.272| 14.843|2.151.580| | | | |
| 24 | -| -| 13.614|2.165.194| | | | |
| 25 | -|5.332.897| 17.140|2.182.334| | | | |
| 26 | 9.987|5.342.884| 15.380|2.197.714| | | | |
| 27 | 7.308|5.350.193| 10.931|2.208.645| | | | |
| 28 | 7.879|5.358.072| 12.497|2.221.142| | | | |
| 29 | 7.597|5.365.669| 17.086|2.238.228| | | | |
| 30 | 7.040|5.372.709| 12.141|2.250.369| | | | |
| 31 | 7.722|5.380.430| 10.014|2.260.383| | | | |
| 32 | 7.657|5.388.087| 8.862|2.269.245| | | | |
| 33 | 7.575|5.395.662| 7.316|2.276.561| | | | |
| 34 | 6.449|5.402.111| 6.917|2.283.478| | | | |
| 35 | 7.120|5.409.231| 7.400|2.290.878| | | | |
| 36 | 8.127|5.417.358| 5.792|2.296.670| | | | |
| 37 | 8.796|5.426.154| 4.717|2.301.387| | | | |
| 38 | -| -| 5.240|2.306.627| | | | |
| 39 | -| -| 3.780|2.310.407| | | | |
| 40 | 10.588|5.451.223| 4.849|2.315.256| | | | |
| 41 | 5.995|5.457.218| 4.095|2.319.351| | | | |
| 42 | 7.940|5.465.158| 3.799|2.323.150| | | | |
| 43 | 3.646|5.468.804| 2.971|2.326.121| | | | |
| 44 | 4.704|5.473.508| 3.820|2.329.941| | | | |
| 45 | 5.002|5.478.510| -| -| | | | |
| 46 | -| -| -| -| | | | |
| 47 | -| -| -| -| | | | |
| 48 | -| -| 25.511|2.377.713| | | | |
| 49 | -| -| -| -| | | | |
| 50 | 4.012|5.495.447| -| -| | | | |
|Year| YTD | LTD | YTD | LTD | YTD | LTD | HG/SS-G/S |HG/SS-FR/LG|
| 1 |3.628.627|3.628.627|2.377.713|2.377.713|2.067.609|2.067.609| -1.561.018| -310.104|
| 2 |2.383.096|6.011.723| 202.800|2.580.513| | | | |
| 3 | 76.421|6.088.144| 141.728|2.722.241| | | | |
| 4 | -| -| 161.429|2.883.670| | | | |
| 5 | -| -| 102.232|2.985.902| | | | |
| LTD| -|6.088.144| -|2.985.902| -|2.067.609| -4.020.535| -918.293|
How much is "a big drop"? I agree that the PS3 will most likely drop this week, but i dont really have much thoughs about how big or small the drop will be. If i remember correctly, last week (or the week before that) i saw someone who predicted the PS3 hardware to sell something like 30k eventhough that it was known that Tales of Vesperia would come out (i dont know if they concidered or remembered the release of Tales of Vesperia though). So who knows how this weeks PS3 hardware sales will look like next weekChris1964 said:I said it last week but I don't know if anyone else is with me on this. This week we will see a big drop in PS3 sales since Tales (as usually) is very frontloaded and there isn't any important title that will help the hardware remain high until Winning Eleven 2010 (November 5). Almost a month...
Will PS3 be dead again this week?
1st week of slim: it's alive!!!
2nd week of slim: it died already
3rd week of slim: it's alive again!!!
4th week of slim: it died again?
Ye, those were some expencive prices indeed, at least compared to what other games costed in the US. Unfortunately i dont remember what SNES games costed where i live (in Scandinavia) since i didnt have a SNES when i was young (i wanted one though, but i never got it and i didnt have money myself to buy one hehe :\), but i do remember that NES games costed about the same as today's PS3 and Xbox 360 games usually cost, which is about 100 US dollars (converted from my country's currency).Liabe Brave said:The reason I bought very few SNES games back in the 90s is because they were so damn pricey. Yes, FF "III" (VI) was $80 on release in the U.S. That's $115 in 2008 dollars! Other games were this expensive, too; I recall Demon's Crest, Chrono Trigger, and Secret of Mana being that price, too. I believe Super Metroid, Megaman X, and Link to the Past were $70.
The prices of carts varied a lot (from $40 to $80), even on first release, and I don't recall it being directly related to profile, or to quality. I'm pretty sure the physical chips inside the carts drove the prices hard, even if other things might've played into them too.
Same here, i wont be that surprised if the PS3 is below 30k this week as you say, i agreeRoad said:I know I won't be surprised if PS3 is below 30k when we see the numbers (hopefully) tomorrow.
Oh, i missed that, sorry :\ I did a quick search on Google earlier for "Silver Week 2008" or something and i found a website, but i didnt read carefully enought, because i now see that this website actually talked about the Silver Week 2009 and not 2008 as i first though, i sorry for the mistake :\ How big chance is there that the Silver Week could affect the hardware sales?Road said:And, as has been explained already, there was no Silver Week last year and the next one will happen only in 2015.
Second week of slim was, no matter how look at the number, underwhelming and definetely didn't live up to the expectations the launch week created. If this week PS3 sells close to 30K it will end every theory that it would have a resurrection aka PSP slim and will prove right everyone who said that slim would give PS3 just a temporary (but a little bigger than expected) bump.test_account said:How much is "a big drop"? I agree that the PS3 will most likely drop this week, but i dont really have much thoughs about how big or small the drop will be. If i remember correctly, last week (or the week before that) i saw someone who predicted the PS3 hardware to sell something like 30k eventhough that it was known that Tales of Vesperia would come out (i dont know if they concidered or remembered the release of Tales of Vesperia though). So who knows how this weeks PS3 hardware sales will look like next weekBy ye, Tales games are usually very frontloaded in sales as you say, so this might affect the PS3 hardware sales indeed.
Maybe i am taking this too literally, but is 55k really concidered as "dead"? (despite the big drop from the previous week, 55k a week is still 55k a week). Or maybe you mean it died because of the big drop in sales compared to the previous week? I think that it shall be interesting to see how the PS3 will continue to sell though. I am pretty curious about how the new PS3 sales baseline will look like.
Chris1964 said:Second week of slim was, no matter how look at the number, underwhelming and definetely didn't live up to the expectations the launch week created. If this week PS3 sells close to 30K it will end every theory that it would have a resurrection aka PSP slim and will prove right everyone who said that slim would give PS3 just a temporary (but a little bigger than expected) bump.
The phrases "it's alive" and "it died" I used are more or less what was posted in these threads when the hardware numbers came out. They are not mine.
Ye, i am not saying anything against that there wasnt a big drop the PS3 Slim launch week to the week after that. When i said "55k is still 55k" i didnt try to spin it that the drop wasnt that bad just to underline that in case what i said was understood like this, i just wanted to say that 55k consoles sold in one week is still 55k no matter how big the drop isChris1964 said:Second week of slim was, no matter how look at the number, underwhelming and definetely didn't live up to the expectations the launch week created. If this week PS3 sells close to 30K it will end every theory that it would have a resurrection aka PSP slim and will prove right everyone who said that slim would give PS3 just a temporary (but a little bigger than expected) bump.
Ah ok, i understand, i was just wondering if the PS3 was "dead" at 55k, eventhough that there were a big drop from the PS3 Slim launch week to the week after that. Thanks for the answerChris1964 said:The phrases "it's alive" and "it died" I used are more or less what was posted in these threads when the hardware numbers came out. They are not mine.
vicissitudes said:Second week of slim was only underwhelming because the first week sold about double what everyone expected. Remember, the PS3 is supposed to be selling less than the Wii weekly under normal conditions, and the Wii is selling ~15k right now. So 30k would still be awesome.
With that said, I fully expect the PS3 to sell over 30k this week. Anything less than 35k would be disappointing for me.
Isnt it a bit early to say this with accuracy? The old PS3 image was around 10k hardware sales a week, at least in my opinion. This might happend with the PS3 Slim and with the pricedrop as well in some weeks/months or so, but we havnt seen this yet at least. And a drop in the PS3 sales might indicate that the PS3's image havnt changed much, i agree, but i think it is a bit too early to say where the PS3 drop will stop at.gerg said:The problem is that this represents a vast drop in sales, suggesting that the price drop and the redesign have done little to alter the PS3's perception, and have simply offered its old image at a lower price.
test_account said:Isnt it a bit early to say this with accuracy? The old PS3 image was around 10k hardware sales a week, at least in my opinion. This might happend with the PS3 Slim and with the pricedrop as well in some weeks/months or so, but we havnt seen this yet at least. And a drop in the PS3 sales might indicate that the PS3's image havnt changed much, i agree, but i think it is a bit too early to say where the PS3 drop will stop at.
If the PS3 manages to stay around 15k each week for the upcoming weeks/months, i actually think that the PS3 image has been improved a little, at least if we compare it to the ~10k that the PS3 used to sell on a weekly basis for a longer period of time
EDIT: I added some text.
test_account said:Isnt it a bit early to say this with accuracy? The old PS3 image was around 10k hardware sales a week, at least in my opinion. This might happend with the PS3 Slim and with the pricedrop as well in some weeks/months or so, but we havnt seen this yet at least. And a drop in the PS3 sales might indicate that the PS3's image havnt changed much, i agree, but i think it is a bit too early to say where the PS3 drop will stop at.
If the PS3 manages to stay around 15k each week for the upcoming weeks/months, i actually think that the PS3 image has been improved a little, at least if we compare it to the ~10k that the PS3 used to sell on a weekly basis
EDIT: I added some text.
Ye, i dont think that there is a big chance that we will see many ~15k weeks with the PS3 for the rest of the year, but if i remember correctly, there one period (in October i think?) for about 3 weeks where there arent any PS3 games being released. I wouldnt be too surprised if we see a ~15k week for the PS3 hardware sales in this period, but i guess it depends a bit on how big the PS3 drop will be in this week and in the next week. If the PS3 is around 20k-25k in 2 weeks, then maybe there is a bigger chance that we will see a ~15k week for the PS3 this year. But we will see what happendsjeremy1456 said:The PS3 will DEFINITELY stay above that through the holidays. Heck, I'd be surprised if it was under 30k for the rest of the year.
test_account said:Isnt it a bit early to say this with accuracy? The old PS3 image was around 10k hardware sales a week, at least in my opinion. This might happend with the PS3 Slim and with the pricedrop as well in some weeks/months or so, but we havnt seen this yet at least.
If the PS3 manages to stay around 15k each week for the upcoming weeks/months, i actually think that the PS3 image has been improved a little, at least if we compare it to the ~10k that the PS3 used to sell on a weekly basis for a longer period of time![]()
Sure, it is not much indeed as you say, i agree, but 15k is a small improvement over 10k at leastamtentori said:from 10K to 15k after a redesign and about $100 price drop is not much. :S
it is probably not even a statistically significant improvement. 5k a week would probably happen normally throughout the year
How do you mean?amtentori said:it is probably not even a statistically significant improvement. 5k a week would probably happen normally throughout the year
That is true, but now the price is $299, and this might be a new factor that can change the PS3's weekly baseline. If this doesnt happend and if the PS3 starts to see several of ~10k weeks even with a $299 pricetag, then we can probably assume that the price isnt PS3's biggest problem. $299 might still be the most expencive console on the current market (or the Xbox 360 Elite probably also cost $299, but it is possible to buy a Xbox 360 Arcade for cheaper price instead), but still, $299 should be an acceptable price for a PS3, at least in my opinion.gerg said:Indeed, more information will be needed to confirm this. The point is that so far the PS3 Slim fits in with previous price drops, so we may not have much reason to expect it to perform any differently.
Sure, i dont mean to say that 15k a week is necessarily a good result and that Sony should be happy about this, but i just wanted to mention that 15k a week is a small improvement over 10k a week, which the PS3 have seen several of times since it was launched in the end of 2006 (there were actually 19 weeks in 2008 where the PS3 sold under 10k (Media Create numbers). And if there is an improvement in sales, even if there is a small improvement, couldnt this be seen as some change in the PS3 image, if more people are buying the console compared to before?gerg said:"In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king." The point being is that the king still only has one eye, and that Sony should not be happy by making 15k-a-week sales their baseline after a $100 price reduction and the launch of a redesign.
week from to WII PS3
1 29/12/08 04/01/09 119.965 60.654
2 05/01/09 11/01/09 41.243 28.144
3 12/01/09 18/01/09 32.333 20.690
4 19/01/09 25/01/09 26.770 17.708
5 26/01/09 01/02/09 23.278 17.405
6 02/02/09 08/02/09 20.412 16.082
7 09/02/09 15/02/09 21.016 18.656
8 16/02/09 22/02/09 16.973 16.149
9 23/02/09 01/03/09 17.876 36.513
10 02/03/09 08/03/09 16.560 39.835
11 09/03/09 15/03/09 17.941 28.014
12 16/03/09 22/03/09 18.095 25.435
13 23/03/09 29/03/09 17.276 22.825
14 30/03/09 05/04/09 15.525 20.362
15 06/04/09 12/04/09 13.349 16.701
16 13/04/09 19/04/09 13.221 62.527
17 20/04/09 26/04/09 18.439 23.351
18 27/04/09 03/05/09 21.546 23.588
19 04/05/09 10/05/09 24.397 18.483
20 11/05/09 17/05/09 15.116 11.605
21 18/05/09 24/05/09 16.233 10.932
22 25/05/09 31/05/09 17.810 12.427
23 01/06/09 07/06/09 17.177 10.173
24 08/06/09 14/06/09 18.442 10.009
25 15/06/09 21/06/09 19.386 10.359
26 22/06/09 28/06/09 21.790 11.310
27 29/06/09 05/07/09 24.971 11.196
28 06/07/09 12/07/09 22.141 9.864
29 13/07/09 19/07/09 20.807 8.865
30 20/07/09 26/07/09 23.995 8.997
31 27/07/09 02/08/09 95.357 8.760
32 03/08/09 09/08/09 47.140 5.826
33 10/08/09 16/08/09 47.732 5.944
34 17/08/09 23/08/09 26.972 2.052
35 24/08/09 30/08/09 25.038 1.040
36 31/08/09 06/09/09 21.557 151.783
37 07/09/09 13/09/09 17.568 55.344
38 14/09/09 20/09/09 16.698 51.055
Of course the PS3 hasn't been doing exactly 10k a week; big releases always crank up hardware when the base numbers are this small, so yes there are fluctuations. But a change of the sales floor by 50% would actually be quite a significant achievement. PS3 is never going to be DS, or even PSP. But improving to the point where it's always doing at least what the Wii is doing right now--with spikes whenever its big titles come out--would be a big turnaround, considering its history.amtentori said:from 10K to 15k after a redesign and about $100 price drop is not much. :S
it is probably not even a statistically significant improvement. 5k a week would probably happen normally throughout the year
I dont think that anyone have mentioned 10k average, at least i didnt mean to do that. I just said that the PS3 have seen several of weeks around 10k (give or take a few thousands consoles/units around 10k). As your numbers shows, before the PS3 Slim launch, the PS3 was around ~10k a week for about 12 weeks in a row and 4 weeks in a row where the PS3 was good below 10k. The PS3 hasnt been around ~10k a week in average as you say, that is true, but it havnt been that unusal/uncommon to see the PS3 around 10k a week for several of weeks at least.Chris1964 said:*hardware numbers*
Where does this 10K average for PS3 comes from? According to m-create PS3 fell below 15K after the 19th week of this year, below the 10K after the 27th and started pulling very low numbers after the strong rumors / confirmation of the slim. Averaging less than 20K a week the new year (2010) after a major redesign and a big price cut is a disaster, when these are the numbers PS3 fat made.
gerg said:The problem is never with the sales in any given individual week, but how those sales transform into a momentum that can propel interest in the PS3 over the long term. The reason why selling "only" 50k on the second week of the PS3 Slim launch is bad isn't that it's only 50 thousand units, but that's its over 100 thousand less than the sales were a week before. Similarly, selling 30 thousand units in a week is, in a vacuum, quite respectable. The problem is that this represents a significant drop in sales, suggesting that the price drop and the redesign have done little to alter the PS3's perception, and have simply offered its old image at a lower price.
sinseers said:You can call it a hunch, but I think PS3 may have officially turned a corner this time. I can't explain fully why I feel that's the case. Must be the UC2 and FFXIII hype.
Chris1964 said:Where does this 10K average for PS3 comes from? According to m-create PS3 fell below 15K after the 19th week of this year, below the 10K after the 27th and started pulling very low numbers after the strong rumors / confirmation of the slim. Averaging less than 20K a week the new year (2010) after a major redesign and a big price cut is a disaster, when these are the numbers PS3 fat made.
DeaconKnowledge said:In all seriousness, what the hell does "turned a corner" mean? What corner? selling units corner? software corner? Dev support corner? "More gooder" corner?
spwolf said:the problem is that you are one week behind :lol
Liabe Brave said:Of course the PS3 hasn't been doing exactly 10k a week; big releases always crank up hardware when the base numbers are this small, so yes there are fluctuations. But a change of the sales floor by 50% would actually be quite a significant achievement. PS3 is never going to be DS, or even PSP. But improving to the point where it's always doing at least what the Wii is doing right now--with spikes whenever its big titles come out--would be a big turnaround, considering its history.
In comparison, this would be the same as if the imminent price drop caused the Wii to average about 24k in empty weeks (a 50% increase from its current ~16k floor). That's not world-beating either, but it would change the climate, right? In the end, I think you're just perceiving the small absolute difference for PS3--5k a week, 150k a year--without taking into consideration the percentages. A 25% price drop causing a 50% sales increase is well within reasonable expectations.
test_account said:That is true, but now the price is $299, and this might be a new factor that can change the PS3's weekly baseline. If this doesnt happend and if the PS3 starts to see several of ~10k weeks even with a $299 pricetag, then we can probably assume that the price isnt PS3's biggest problem. $299 might still be the most expencive console on the current market (or the Xbox 360 Elite probably also cost $299, but it is possible to buy a Xbox 360 Arcade for cheaper price instead), but still, $299 should be an acceptable price for a PS3, at least in my opinion.
Sure, i dont mean to say that 15k a week is necessarily a good result and that Sony should be happy about this, but i just wanted to mention that 15k a week is a small improvement over 10k a week, which the PS3 have seen several of times since it was launched in the end of 2006 (there were actually 19 weeks in 2008 where the PS3 sold under 10k (Media Create numbers). And if there is an improvement in sales, even if there is a small improvement, couldnt this be seen as some change in the PS3 image, if more people are buying the console compared to before?More people that buy usually means that people are interested in a product, and what made them be more interested in the product (in this case the PS3)?
Ye, probably, especially when the competetors (the Wii and the Xbox 360) cost less. Then they might buy one of these (or both) consoles instead of buying a PS3. But i think it shall be interesting to see what the PS3 will sell on a weekly basis now that the price is $299 at leastgerg said:Unfortunately, it seems that many people do not think that $299 is the right price for a PS3.
I see what you mean, and i agree, but i was thinking more about from the consumers point of view. I should have mentioned that in my previous posts, i am sorry :\ If more people/consumers buys the PS3 now when the PS3 costs $299 and when the PS3 got a redesign, it means that there is a higher interest in the PS3 in general and doesnt this mean that the PS3 image has changed a bit? Before the consumers might have been looking at the PS3 as "this console cost too much", but now that the PS3 price is cheaper, maybe more of these people looks at the PS3 more as "this is an affordable console". And in this way, i wanted to ask if the PS3 image could change, if you know what i mean?gerg said:Of course selling 15 thousand units a week is better than selling 10 thousand units a week. But to say this is like saying that being punched in the face is better than being shot in the arm. One's better than the other, but they're still rubbish situations you'd rather not be in.
gerg said:I wouldn't be so smug next time.
gerg said:Unfortunately, it seems that many people do not think that $299 is the right price for a PS3.
TheBranca18 said:You're basing this on what evidence? Do we have numbers for this week or NPD numbers for September that I'm unaware of?
TheBranca18 said:You're basing this on what evidence? Do we have numbers for this week or NPD numbers for September that I'm unaware of?
test_account said:I see what you mean, and i agree, but i was thinking more about from the consumers point of view. I should have mentioned that in my previous posts, i am sorry :\ If more people/consumers buys the PS3 now when the PS3 costs $299 and when the PS3 got a redesign, it means that there is a higher interest in the PS3 in general and doesnt this mean that the PS3 image has changed a bit? Before the consumers might have been looking at the PS3 as "this console cost too much", but now that the PS3 price is cheaper, maybe more of these people looks at the PS3 more as "this is an affordable console". And in this way, i wanted to ask if the PS3 image could change, if you know what i mean?
Ye, i didnt mean to say that the price alone is the only thing that holds people back from buying a PS3. It might be that the general interest in the PS3 isnt high enough and that people dont see enough value in the PS3, even at a pricetag of $299. The interest in the PS3 itself must definitly be there if people want to buy it, the pricetag alone isnt necessarily enough for people to be interested in a PS3. Is this what you ment that the PS3 imagine might still be the same, that people might not have increased interest in the PS3 just because of a lower pricetag? If yes, then i agree to this. A lower pricetag might not be enough for people to buy a PS3.gerg said:I think you're putting too much significance in the idea of being affordable. What's important is not whether or not a person could afford to buy something - in the sense that they would not be in debt were they to buy that object - but whether or not they find value in doing so, a matter which is entirely different.
Those are some expecive games indeed. I am glad we dont have to pay those prices for games todayKenka said:Motherfucking Super CastleVania IV was 169 swiss francs in 1992. That's 140 by current standards.
I think Secret of Mana was the same.
Stumpokapow said:off the top of my head i'd assume he was talking about the region whose sales we're talking about in this thread
gerg said:First of all, we're talking about Japan here, so I don't think that NPD figures are all that relevant.
Secondly, yes, my statement was a bit premature, but I made it within the context of my theory that the PS3's price drop has been ineffective in propelling demand for the console. And, as I have said, this hypothesis will be tested this week.
Please don't be so quick on the attack.
TheBranca18 said:Yes well, I think I answered that above with Stump's typical sarcastic response.
Your statement was premature indeed.
Quick on the attack? Not sure I understand what you mean.