How is Vita shelf space in Japan compared to 2013?
How is Vita shelf space in Japan compared to 2013?
I meant the library at this point in its life, not its upcoming lineup. At least in the west it's up, despite no releases for a while. though it's up like a tiny %
How is Vita shelf space in Japan compared to 2013?
Why would BF be a dark horse? 3 and 4 both sold well over 100k their first week. They aren't Call of Duty big but its been a big franchise
Can we suggest that GTA is now officially bigger IP than Yakuza in Japan as well?
How much is GTA V at in japan now?
more than 850k on PS3 (first edition + "bargain" edition)
more than 150k on PS4
more than 30k on 360 (2013 top seller game)
What does 'bargain edition' mean? The same game just cheaper?
It's still coming.#17vaporware ??
We got an info dump and a trailer for it just this past November.
The xbone is not dropping but it's on it's way to #1Weird discrepancies between MC and Famitsu. Famitsu seems to undertrack PS Hardware most of the time compared to MC but Nintendo hardware is usually more similar between the two.
Nice PS4 hold, will hopefully keep selling 30k+ for a few more weeks with the games coming.
XB1 keeps dropping.
WiiU drops despite Mario Party
PSV gets little from Digimon but nice debut for the game.
The PS4 holding on gives me hope that it can stay there and some more Japanese games will get announced.
[PS4] Final Fantasy Type-0 HD <RPG> (Square Enix) (¥7.344) - almost 40%
First Day Sell-Through {2015.03.19}
[PS4] Final Fantasy Type-0 HD <RPG> (Square Enix) (¥7.344) - almost 40%
It might have been a smarter idea to release Episode Duscae as a standalone product in Japan, lol.
Why? Adding Type 0 HD will only increase the products appeal.
Why? Adding Type 0 HD will only increase the products appeal.
I think his point is that not many people seem to want a 60 buck remaster of a PSP game they already played.
Because adding Type-0 HD only increases the product's price. ;-)
I think his point is that not many people seem to want a 60 buck remaster of a PSP game they already played.
I think his point is that not many people seem to want a 60 buck remaster of a PSP game they already played.
It would've sold more certainly as a standalone $30 release, but this way they managed to dupe people into buying a full price game again! It will have more than made its money back on Japan sales alone likely. Then that leaves them with a game to sell for pure profit in the west, and an unreleased Final Fantasy title at that. 'Disappointing' numbers aside relative to brand potential, this game isn't doing too bad for itself.It might have been a smarter idea to release Episode Duscae as a standalone product in Japan, lol.
I hope that low sell through will force Square enix to make a Vita version
I hope that low sell through will force Square enix to make a Vita version
Japan is not asking this game on Vita either lol
I hope that low sell through will force Square enix to make a Vita version
I hope that low sell through will force Square enix to make a Vita version
It might have been a smarter idea to release Episode Duscae as a standalone product in Japan, lol.
You can play PSP version on Vita but a lot of people want a remaster on Vita
Only in the west tho not in Japan
How do you know Japanese don't want it on Vita
How do you know Japanese want it on Vita?
How do you know Japanese want it on Vita?
he asked me, Takao and SmokyDave
I'm not interested in that, so get your conclusion
Type-0 HD was made for the western market. No one in the west wants it for the Vita.
66% of gamers want Type-0 HD on Vita.....SE wat r u doin
How is Vita shelf space in Japan compared to 2013?
Type-0 HD was made for the western market. No one in the west wants it for the Vita.