Tomorrow will be ND - mark my words
There should be! I'm still surprised they haven't announced a new Direct yet. We haven't gotten Wii U news since January.
But maybe there's just nothing to say, lol.
Tomorrow will be ND - mark my words
Wii U is abysmal right now. Iwata will likely be resigning next year. :-/
You don't think some of them were pushed into next year to help keep game releases more steady/increase next year's profits? After all, as others have said, how much polish can Wii Fit need?
Another ridiculous post that can´t handle a point of view that goes farther than "dat Oled".
This is actually really surprising, I would expect Sony fans to be more interested in DOA than Nintendo fans.
Where's Soul Calibur 3DS?
first surprise is that LM2 outsold OP2 PS3. I don't think anyone expected that a couple weeks ago.
second surprise is that VITA increased and over 40K. Impressive.
third surprise is that OP2 VITA is selling over 20% of OP2 PS3. Was expecting 15%.
More like 200K if we are talking about MC/Famitsu number.
At this rate unless the Wii U suddenly starts selling 100k weekly while not slowing the 3DS momentum I doubt they'll be back to 1 billion in operating income by the end of the next fiscal year.
There should be! I'm still surprised they haven't announced a new Direct yet. We haven't gotten Wii U news since January.
But maybe there's just nothing to say, lol.
At this rate unless the Wii U suddenly starts selling 100k weekly while not slowing the 3DS momentum I doubt they'll be back to 1 billion in operating income by the end of the next fiscal year.
(My) point being still, that PSP is Vita's biggest obstacle.03./00. [PS3] Pro Baseball Spirits 2013 <SPT> (Konami) {2013.03.20} (¥7.980) - 101.389 / NEW
04./00. [PSP] Pro Baseball Spirits 2013 <SPT> (Konami) {2013.03.20} (¥3.980) - 80.618 / NEW
11./00. [PSV] Pro Baseball Spirits 2013 <SPT> (Konami) {2013.03.20} (¥7.980) - 23.621 / NEW
Sales split among 3 platforms are a bit diffrent thing than split for 2 platforms.
I could see it going either way. Despite the thread about it here on neogaf, I don't think he implied he would step down. Investors would have to start requesting it. And will they, especially after the huge success of Wii? He also turned the 3DS into a success, though NA investors don't always see it that way. I love him as a figurehead, but who knows, it might be a good change at this point.
I think both have its strengths and shortcomings.Probably it has to do with the fact that DoA: Dimensions was a sort of exclusive while DoA5+ is a porting?
Okay, Laguna and zomg, both of you knock it off. You can get a room if you want. This isn't a catfight cafe. Thx.![]()
I recall them being announced like 12 hours or less before they begin, so we still wouldn't know if there could be one tomorrow.
Yeah I assume their strategy now is to wait until June or July and start a huge push, but it's getting to the point where they have to start talking.
Suppose you own some Nintendo stock.
Iwata promises to get Nintendo into a certain realm of profitability by the end of March, 2014.
Now picture a scenario where he completely fails and Nintendo flounders for yet another year.
What investor ISN'T going to request his leave?? CEO's exist to make the company PROFITABLE.
There were also counter argumenets that those titles were too niche and wouldnt move much hardware. Also that those titles had a bigger chance to sell to the excisting Vita owners rather than boosting hardware sales, or being multiplatform (like One Piece).
It is just obvious to everyone that you have an agenda rather than the desire to engage in intelligent discussion.
Back to the thread, does anyone know when God Eater 2 is coming out?
He really should be the face of the company I agree. Whether he should be the one making the business decisions is another matter. Maybe just be the Ronald Reagan face for the public?I wouldn't want him to leave the company entirely, if it comes to that. He's such a badass when it comes to programming, and really, really loves video games.
Whats the next games thats coming to the vita
In april in Japan?
Yeah I assume their strategy now is to wait until June or July and start a huge push, but it's getting to the point where they have to start talking.
I there anything else for April of note?...
Well, Muramasa is out next week. :/
(My) point being still, that PSP is Vita's biggest obstacle.
What fiasco?
I there anything else for April of note?
Edit: or of semi-note. Obviously I don't mean just potential six figure number games.
At the moment, I'm envisioning:
April: Pokemon Rumble U, Friend Collection: New Life
May: Wii Fit U, Band Brothers
June: Pikmin 3, Mario Golf: World Tour
July: TW101/Wii Party U, Donkey Country Returns 3D
August: The Wind Waker HD, Mario & Luigi 4
September: Yarn Yoshi, ???
October: Mario 3D, Pokemon X&Y
November: Mario Kart, Zelda 3DS
December: Nothing, Nothing
January: Nothing, Nothing
February: ???, Kirby 3DS/Metroid 3DS
March: ???, ???
But I'm willing to be surprised/disappointed.
I know this is just you guesstimating but is there any reason why you got May for Band Brothers? I just assumed it was still a TBA and would've assumed May too early? I am open to being completely wrong however!At the moment, I'm envisioning:
April: Pokemon Rumble U, Friend Collection: New Life
May: Wii Fit U, Band Brothers
June: Pikmin 3, Mario Golf: World Tour
July: TW101/Wii Party U, Donkey Country Returns 3D
August: The Wind Waker HD, Mario & Luigi 4
September: Yarn Yoshi, ???
October: Mario 3D, Pokemon X&Y
November: Mario Kart, Zelda 3DS
December: Nothing, Nothing
January: Nothing, Nothing
February: ???, Kirby 3DS/Metroid 3DS
March: ???, ???
But I'm willing to be surprised/disappointed.
It seems that PS Vita users aren't interested in fighting games.
[PSV] Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (Capcom) {2011.12.17} - ? / 7.753
[PSV] Street Fighter X Tekken (Capcom) {2012.10.25} - 4.813 / ?
[PSV] Dead or Alive 5+ (Koei Tecmo) {2013.03.20} - 13.994 / NEW
(My) point being still, that PSP is Vita's biggest obstacle.
The most apparent difference is that I´m actually discussing instead of this ridiculous charade from some sad PSV fanboys.
90% of your posts are targeted at 'people' rather than a discussion. The other 10% are exactly the type of posts you never shut up about, example:I´m surprised that people are surprised that PSV didn´t completely falter this week. Especially since One Piece has been mentioned several times in prior threads as an "important" PSV title. Also looking at the releases this week it had one of the stongest weeks release wise since its release. Obviously a lot better than last weeks releases and the holiday was a nice extra. So in that context I think it´s a little funny to see that some can´t hold back their enthusiasm for merely 37k-41k units sold.
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2 60.315 / NEW
Atelier Meruru Plus: The Alchemist of Arland 3 25.095 / NEW
Pro Baseball Spirits 2013 23.621 / NEW [/b]
Dead or Alive 5+ 13.291 / NEW [/b]
Soul Sacrifice 15.488 / 137.006
This is a statement said with zero substance, not even a single theory or explanation as to why you think that way. A complete troll post designed to get reactions out of people.Yes, I agree that PS4 possibly won´t even sell as much as PS3 in Japan.
Don´t worry it will be a nice PS4 accessory.
It´s funny to see all this "damage control" every time there is good news about Nintendo. But but France doesn´t count because...
The only coup Nintendo has left to do is getting the mainline Final Fantasy games on their system and the PS4 will be vitafied.
But I I won´t waste my time looking after biased users post histories.
By the way, what are everyone's expectations for DQ next week? I'd say that below 20k systems and 100k copies of the game should be the absolute minimum. There seems to be a vested effort to downplay the game, but it's far and away the most significant third party release we know of left for the system, it underperforming could have significant implications on future software announced from here on.
I know this is just you guesstimating but is there any reason why you got May for Band Brothers? I just assumed it was still a TBA and would've assumed May too early? I am open to being completely wrong however!
Most significant third-party release left for the system? It's a remake and we have Monster Hunter 4 coming soon in the summer.
I'd be fine with Iwata leaving. As a gamer, his Nintendo has been marked by underpowered platforms which have severely limited the software library of their home consoles, and the complete death of original character driven IPs.
I am too actually - but that's mainly because I wanted it to do better than the lazy DQVIr but instead it's doing worse. The sales still remain the same range of DQ remakes, and it's already over IVr for PS1. Vr for PS2 sold extremely well even for a DQ remake but it also had a DQVIII promotional disc packaged with it that probably added a few extra sales since DQVIII was also scheduled for that year.To change the usual WiiU, Vita topics... Am I the only one a bit disappointed by the DQVII remake performance?
It's the first time DQVII (best selling DQ until DQIX) had been remaked and it's probably going to end ~300k below the DQV PS2 sales. Also DQVR was 8190Y on PS2 vs the 6090Y that the DQVII remake costs.
Not that there's a better platform for DQ games at the moment, though.
90% of your posts are targeted at 'people' rather than a discussion. The other 10% are exactly the type of posts you never shut up about, example:
This is a statement said with zero substance, not even a single theory or explanation as to why you think that why. A complete troll post designed to get reactions out of people.
Could you just stop? Your contribution to these discussions are welcome and you make a lot of valid points but those of us who aren't on a 'side of the fence' find it intolerable to read the threads when it's full of this shit. See:
When we found out Wii U had only mediocre launch numbers in France instead of outright horrible like the rest of the EU:
Weird Nintendo domination fantasy posts:
And finally:
But I will.![]()
This is the guy who programmed Earthbound from scratch in its entirety when it was going to be canned. The guy who compressed Pokemon Gold/Silver by hand with so much room left the entire Kanto region was added in. The guy who built the battle code of Pokemon Stadium without any of the crucial documents in a single week.
Maybe he shouldn't be the president, but I do not want him gone.
Most of Nintendo's business is during the 4th quarter. Honestly, that's really all that matters. If Q4 goes really well for them this year, they will easily make their $1 billion profit. 3D Mario, Mario Kart, and a very dense 3DS release schedule will make it very easy for them.
It's difficult to imagine now, but this is 3DS's peak year, and Pokemon X/Y and 3D Mario/ Mario Kart for Wii U will make all the difference in the world come November/ December.
I think that, as long as they can stem the Wii U bleeding, 3DS and software will propel them over that mark. Within the next financial year, Nintendo will have Pokemon, 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Mario and Luigi, Tomodatchi Collection, worldwide Animal Crossing, rumoured Smash Bros. and possible unannounced Zelda/Metroid/Kirby/whatever titles on the slate. Starting next month, it's probably the biggest concerted push for Nintendo software we've seen in a span of 12 months.
Nah, it's doing horrible. Just a bit less horrible than other regions.
Thanks. It's actually hard to pick a 'safe' month to release a game with Monster Hunter probably August and Pokemon October. Still May sees Shin Megami Tensei and Donkey Kong as competition (and still the Animal Crossing and probably Tomodachi Collection hangovers). Not the worst business predicament to be in however.No, only that it's a smaller game (I assume) and May seemed the best fit other than a double release month. I wouldn't have expected Tomodachi Collection in April either until they announced it, so I'm willing to be surprised.
Also, NoJ will also publish Lego City Undercover (Wii U, no confirmation on 3DS) and Rayman Legends in Japan, unless that fell through.
Media Create Sales: Week 12, 2013 (Mar 18 - Mar 24)
01./00. [3DS] Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon <ACT> (Nintendo) {2013.03.20} (¥4.800) - 280.151 / NEW
Famitsu Sales: Week 12, 2013 (Mar 18 - Mar 24)
01./00. [3DS] Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon <ACT> (Nintendo) {2013.03.20} (¥4.800) - 301.080 / NEW