Do you think PS3 could've turned Taiko's decline around then?More reason to move the game from PS2 to PS3 and not move the game from Wii to WiiU then, no?
Do you think PS3 could've turned Taiko's decline around then?More reason to move the game from PS2 to PS3 and not move the game from Wii to WiiU then, no?
Personally I'd like to see sequels to Family Fishing and Go Vacation on Wii U from Namco Bandai. Nintendo should probably ask them for a Run For The Money game though.
They designed a loss taker no one wants. Run From The Money."Run For The Money" certainly sounds like Nintendo's design methodology for the Wii U ...
Taiko petered out pretty quick on PS2, it finished significantly stronger on Wii actually.
From the weekly rankings perspective, MH3G performed just like previous Monster Hunters. It stayed in the Top 30 (mostly in the Top 20) until about the time the BEST version was released (in this case, the 3DS download bundle), and just before that point Capcom stops shipping the regular version so that supply stops. Then the BEST version is released (in this case, the download bundle first, and then the BEST version shortly thereafter). With 3 G, the BEST version has then been in the Top 20, except for relatively big weeks, which is, again, pretty normal.
Sort of a qualitative analysis from someone who has found interest in Monster Hunter sales on PSP before and, thus, looked at them in-depth before.
C'mon, you think Namco is not working on Taiko Wii U, out later this year?
They wanna get it out of the way to make way for MH4. Sacrificing short term profit to maximise the userbase for MH4 is the way to go. Kinda like the whole reason why they put it on the 3DS instead of the PSP in the first place.Weird to make a BEST version when the normal price was selling well.![]()
MH is a big franchise, alot of thought would be put into which platform it goes to. Taiko is much smaller and has been performing well on the DS/Wii/3DS, I don't see any reason why BN wouldn't try to put it on the Wii U. Its easy money without much thought needed. Next Taiko being Wii/Wii U wouldn't be out of the question, or maybe just Wii only even. Eventually they'll throw it on the Wii U though, there's no doubt there.Early 2011
C'mon, you think Capcom is not working on MH Vita?
I have my doubts, yes. Why should Namco move a casual franchise to the disaster that is the WiiU when the last Taiko on Wii did better than the previous three and there's also the 3DS?
I mean, everything is possible. But I don't see why Namco would do it unless it's a collaboration with Nintendo or something like that.
I have my doubts, yes. Why should Namco move a casual franchise to the disaster that is the WiiU when the last Taiko on Wii did better than the previous three and there's also the 3DS?
I mean, everything is possible. But I don't see why Namco would do it unless it's a collaboration with Nintendo or something like that.
From this already poor level of support, what games can Wii U get?
Weird to make a BEST version when the normal price was selling well.![]()
Wasn't there rumor of RE6U coming at some point?
Why should Namco move a casual franchise to the disaster that is the WiiU when the last Taiko on Wii did better than the previous three and there's also the 3DS?
I agree that right this minute it doesn't make much sense.
But eventually the franchise will transition to a console and even with its struggles IMO Wii U would be a better bet than what is presumably going to be a pricier console in the PS4.
Well, I took your "sometime soon" as this year.
A Taiko WiiU released at the end of 2014? Sure, a lot of things can happen between now and then.
And I'm not denying the possibility of a Taiko for WiiU this year. It just doesn't make much sense to me when Namco can squeeze another one for Wii and another for 3DS and wait until 2014 to look for another platform to put the franchise on.
I'm thinking holiday 2013 at the earliest.
I could be wrong, but my understanding was that the 2012 Taiko Wii sold so well because it was billed as kind of the ultimate greatest hits package- suggesting to me it was the final Wii entry.
Because the most recent version is the final Wii game. Bamco advertised it as such. The reason it sold so well was BECAUSE Bamco was celebrating the game being the final Wii version meaning Bamco actually spent extra effort on the game by making it as close to an arcade version as possible.And I'm not denying the possibility of a Taiko for WiiU this year. It just doesn't make much sense to me when Namco can squeeze another one for Wii and another for 3DS and wait until 2014 to look for another platform to put the franchise on.
Even if they were to release a PS3 Taiko I don't think it would be released any time soon unless they've somehow already engineered a PS3 version of the drum, which of course is not impossible but I don't see why Bamco would have made a PS3 drum if they weren't going to make a game for it.Scamco should release a PS3 Taiko and see what happens. If it bombs they have something to port to Wii U.
Thanks for the list Road.
I feel the 3DS hitting PS2 level ate up a lot of the bottom end.
Sony is also incentivizing a lot of the lower tier software on to Vita at this point in an attempt to save the platform.
Polarization and declines in console retail sales relative to the PS2 era have made a lot of the types of games that did come to the Wii no longer financially feasible as well.
Seeing the big difference between the two perhaps we should ask ourselves: where have all those 3rd party titles gone to ?
3DS or phones ?
and if they find the Wii U unapealing why haven't they jumped on ps3 and its installbase?
thank you so basically the same as here.
I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say here in regards to MH3G. And I'm not even sure about where you got the bolded. Are you talking about retail promotions which are normal?
Yes they're normal for clearing out software, but it's more a matter of how much of the stock from the first fiscal year was sold in that manner. As we established before, sales hadn't even hit 1.5 million as of July on a stock from March of 1.6 million. That's pretty slow, wouldn't you say?
Yes they're normal for clearing out software, but it's more a matter of how much of the stock from the first fiscal year was sold in that manner. As we established before, sales hadn't even hit 1.5 million as of July on a stock from March of 1.6 million. That's pretty slow, wouldn't you say?
Yes they're normal for clearing out software, but it's more a matter of how much of the stock from the first fiscal year was sold in that manner. As we established before, sales hadn't even hit 1.5 million as of July on a stock from March of 1.6 million. That's pretty slow, wouldn't you say?
16./22. [3DS] Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission <TBL> (Bandai Namco Games) {2013.02.28} (¥5.800) - 10.685 / 142.062 (+20%)
what is this shit
what is this shit
The new Dragon Ball movie came out during this sales period. A lot of co-promotion with that game, and the arcade Dragon Ball titles happened.
Taiko was an unequivocal success on PS2. PS3 owners are still waiting for a Taiko game.
I don't see why Namco shouldn't try to release another Taiko for Wii. It's not like the console wasn't dead last year.
The new Dragon Ball movie came out during this sales period. A lot of co-promotion with that game, and the arcade Dragon Ball titles happened.
If I were Namco Bandai I wouldn't be supporting Wii U. I feel Japanese third parties all do better when they uniformly support a single console and single handheld, and for this generation that appears to be 3DS and PS4. The PS4 is still tentative, of course, but can be presumed because they certainly aren't supporting the Wii U.
Wikipedia, I know yadayadayada, that's why I'm asking here on why these titles are on Taiko's wikipedia's page and if there's any truth to them:
PlayStation 3
太鼓の達人 地獄のチューナー (Taiko no Tatsujin Jigoku no Chūnā(To be announced)
太鼓の達人 オンラインバトル (Taiko no Tatsujin Online Battle) (To be announced)
PlayStation Vita
太鼓の達人 ヴィータ (Taiko no Tatsujin Vita) (Working title, to be announced)
3DS 5,651,428 11,093,452
PS3 1,162,949 9,036,301
WIU 860,786 860,786
PSP 836,165 19,392,329
PSV 780,392 1,399,811
WII 349,020 12,688,224
360 59,203 1,595,105
1 3DS Animal Crossing: New Leaf 3,339,623
2 NDS Pokémon Black 2 / White 2 2,934,894
3 3DS New Super Mario Bros. 2 1,995,947
4 3DS Dragon Quest VII 1,186,571
5 3DS Dragon Quest Monsters 3D 910,568
6 PS3 Resident Evil 6 832,296
7 WII Mario Party 9 658,427
8 WII Dragon Quest X 649,412
9 PS3 Yakuza 5 567,339
10 3DS Paper Mario Sticker Star 520,150
If I were Namco Bandai I wouldn't be supporting Wii U. I feel Japanese third parties all do better when they uniformly support a single console and single handheld, and for this generation that appears to be 3DS and PS4. The PS4 is still tentative, of course, but can be presumed because they certainly aren't supporting the Wii U.
Way too early for this. Its gonna vary with each company, PS3 had a really slow start, I don't see why PS4 will get all the support "just because".If I were Namco Bandai I wouldn't be supporting Wii U. I feel Japanese third parties all do better when they uniformly support a single console and single handheld, and for this generation that appears to be 3DS and PS4. The PS4 is still tentative, of course, but can be presumed because they certainly aren't supporting the Wii U.
If I were Namco Bandai I wouldn't be supporting Wii U. I feel Japanese third parties all do better when they uniformly support a single console and single handheld, and for this generation that appears to be 3DS and PS4. The PS4 is still tentative, of course, but can be presumed because they certainly aren't supporting the Wii U.
Way too early for this. Its gonna vary with each company, PS3 had a really slow start, I don't see why PS4 will get all the support "just because".
I'm not sure, there's too many HD games that Wii missed out on for us to know which franchises could do well on the Wii U. At the same time many of them are also trying to appeal worlwide, not just in Japan. Realistically its either PS4 or PS4/Wii U. One is gonna have the higher userbase while the other leans more towards the traditional gamers. Its a big slippery slope, way too early to call anything.What types of games would be better suited for Wii U over PS4 though when it comes to sales (and let's go with the assumption that both are selling well)?
Way too early for this. Its gonna vary with each company, PS3 had a really slow start, I don't see why PS4 will get all the support "just because".
I'm not sure, there's too many HD games that Wii missed out on for us to know which franchises could do well on the Wii U. At the same time many of them are also trying to appeal worlwide, not just in Japan. Realistically its either PS4 or PS4/Wii U. One is gonna have the higher userbase while the other leans more towards the traditional gamers. Its a big slippery slope, way too early to call anything.
They're already developing the fourth installment in the Super Smash bros. franchise. Isn't this assessment a bit premature? Wait until the PS4 comes out and see how well it performs.If I were Namco Bandai I wouldn't be supporting Wii U. I feel Japanese third parties all do better when they uniformly support a single console and single handheld, and for this generation that appears to be 3DS and PS4. The PS4 is still tentative, of course, but can be presumed because they certainly aren't supporting the Wii U.
If you check on Garaph, you'll see thmost large majority of PS3 3rd party games that sold 100K+ came out around the time of the PS3 Slim's release. Would that kind of slow start be there for Japanese 3rd parties again?
Just something I was thinking on after MGS finally had a proper reveal but what other big or at least decent selling 3rd party home console franchises are likely to get a new announcement in the near future?
We know there is something Final Fantasy at E3 and Dark Souls 2 has been announced but it seems like alot of other franchises hit within the last 18 months to a year. Yakuza, Resident Evil, Tekken, Dynasty Warriors, OP musou, DMC, Dragons Dogma, DOA, DQ (more likely to be 3ds anyway i think) are unlikely to have anything until next year at the earliest.
All I can think of off the top of my head is Street Fighter(or a Capcom fighter at least), Sonic, Tales of and Persona.
What am I missing?
Now that Tales is said to be not planning on next gen what do we really have for the p4? a final fantasy and then maybe a Persona and a fighting game or two? Just seems like everyone got in before the end of the PS3 and their isn't alot there for early PS4.
Persona 5 definitely won't be for PS4 so you can cross that out. There's Deep Down from Capcom coming.
We'll likely to hear any PS4 announcements after its full reveal at E3, but I think Japanese third parties, especially the smaller ones, will be content with PS3 for a while. Like for the next year or two while they figure out how to approach the PS4. They'll move on eventually, but if things are barren at first I wouldn't be surprised.
They're already developing the fourth installment in the Super Smash bros. franchise. Isn't this assessment a bit premature? Wait until the PS4 comes out and see how well it performs.
Now that Tales is said to be not planning on next gen what do we really have for the p4? a final fantasy and then maybe a Persona and a fighting game or two? Just seems like everyone got in before the end of the PS3 and their isn't alot there for early PS4
I don't believe Metal Gear Solid V has been announced for PS4, which is slightly concerning ...
Even if it was, would a (potentially) late port really help drive sales that much?
I don't believe Metal Gear Solid V has been announced for PS4, which is slightly concerning ...
Even if it was, would a (potentially) late port really help drive sales that much?