Regarding Vita, the main test starts now. No releases until Mid May, we'll need to see where the baseline ends up being. Should reach its new baseline in about 2 weeks I guess.
Nice bump Wii U! Vita still vita, 3DS doing good, Luigi's Mansion still first, Animal Crossing on the rise.
Overal good week.
Not sure if you're being sarcastic, but the WiiU bump is not good at all. For comparison, PSV got a bump to 34K when Persona 4 port was released and 50K when Miku was released. There was 2 big releases for WiiU this week. DQX port, with a hardware bundle, and Game&Wario.
16./15. [PSV] Soul Sacrifice # <ACT> (Sony Computer Entertainment) {2013.03.07} (¥5.980) - 11.577 / 148.583 (-25%)
25% drop in line with Vita sales drop
Do i see some legs growing here?
When you see (+X%) then you can say legs, so far, nope.
As I said last week, I hope Luigi's Mansion 2 stops the whole claim that Japanese gamers are xenophobic, hence don't buy Western games.
Let's not jump to conclusions here. Luigi's Mansion is a japanese franchise through and through. Just because LM2 was developed in the west doesn't really change the rule IMO. If, say, The Last of Us, sells 500K or GTAV sells 1 million in Japan, I say you can start saying that. I still remember the saying
yo-ge kuso-ge.
With that said, I wouldn't be surprised to see LM2 crawl to 700K plus, which would be amazing. It's a great hold.
MMO + already on Wii + small userbase = these sales.
30K for a mainline DQ game. That's the bottom line, you can make all the excuses you want but it bombed pretty bad. Like I said, hope the moneyhat was worth it. An MMO not on PC is still baffling to me.
Not at all. I just did not expect any of that to happen. Muramasa outselling a mainline DQ game? Who honestly saw this coming? PSV outselling WiiU when G&W and DQX released? Who saw this coming? Based on your reply, it seems you're the one butthurt by these facts.