If the Osaka team are the guys behind KH3, they probably started development after they finished KHDD. That game wasn't in development hell and they could (should) have it ready for 2016 (4 years development cycle).
FFXV... get ready for the milking. They're going to do everything they can to make it profitable.
Well, I think all of them launched on holidays. So it isn't a fair comparision.
At this point, is going to be under 10k before its 10th week on the market. I can't remember anything on its release schedule after FF XIV.
Seriously. I nearly did gasp aloud.Audible gasp for PS4.
xbox one, savior of Japan
Absolutely. Just look at the amount of salt in this thread alone. You're adding some nice contributions yourself!
At that moment, the Wii U will be tracking ahead of the PS4 not only launch aligned, but on a weekly basis, and trending towards a YTD basis. There's a contingent of posters in these threads that can't handle the thought of that happening. So yes - those will be entertaining for sure.
The Wii U should realistically be outselling the PS4 worldwide, like you've implied that it should be, but obviously it's not. The downfall of the Japan market and the downplaying of it's significance is certainly an interesting thing to watch unfold.
Strategically it was better to have more units available in other launch territories. There is nothing apologetic about a wholly justified, objective observation of that reality. It was a bad move for the Japanese market, but a good move holistically.
That there are insufficient titles for the PS4 that appeal to the Japanese market falls on Sony, first and foremost. But as with the PS3 transition, I have little doubt that Japanese publishers are less prepared than their Western equivalents. There's also simply less incentive to transition, since the decline of the PS3 hasn't been as precipitous.
As for why it's relatively easy to discern that there's something in particular that's different about the PS4's sales in Japan and everywhere else, it's quite obvious in the sales data. It's selling well everywhere else, and not so much in Japan. Something that can't be said for the Wii U, which garners more than a third of its sales from the Japanese market, at last check.
PS4's release schedule and exclusive line-up outside of Japan, while better, is still terrible. But it's selling on technology and promise.
Something it can't do in Japan, where the market is quite satisfied with handheld graphics on small screens and where Drakengard 3 can release on consoles in late 2013 looking like a PS2 game and sell 115K. That isn't blame, it's explanation. Different markets. Differing tastes and needs. Sony have put out a product that doesn't meet the needs of the Japanese market well at this stage.
The difference is that the third parties didn't abandon the ps4 like they did the wii U(though that could happen, who knows.According to GAF:
Wii U releases with barren launch, Wii U sucks, Nintendo sucks.
PS4 releases with barren launch, don't worry, we can't judge yet, everyone just wait for the games to come.
MK8 can push the Wii U a bit along with other games, X? B2? Zelda? then smash during winter. I can see the Wii U staying ahead of the ps4 by a lot.
What holidays lasts for 12-17 weeks?
Hell I'd be ok with that so long as something stops the entire market going mobile
Nintendo's handheld's are going to only continue to become more niche as time moves on imo. Sony's handhelds are dead
Hell I'd love if Japan's "hardcore" gamers went big into PC then I could just get games there. Anything but having all Japanese games be designed around touch controls ugh
Actually its the other way around a lot of the hardcore gamers moved to consoles from PCs.
I'm not expecting to do anything amazing, but I do expect it to sell more than Xenoblade, even considering the difference in user base.
The difference between this and the games mentioned, is that this game is made especially for japanese tastes, and it's gathering much more attention than the first game.
The difference is that the third parties didn't abandon the ps4 like they did the wii U(though that could happen, who knows.
I agree! but we should compare sales of X with sales of jRPGs on the GCN era, that would be more accurate, less games, so attention of user base goes to the few games released. TOS sold 1 million worldwide on the GCN, 250.000 on Japan. I expect similar numbers for X.X will certainly do better than Xenoblade but it won't be anything worth talking about. Even though the game is JRPG at its core, it won't help because the audiences for that type of game are minority of the WiiU owners. That was also the case for the Wii:Tales of Grace, Xenoblade, Last Story, Muramasa and many other Japanese focused games bombed heavily in Japan.
And go where? All the major third party games will be ps4 (except MH) and this time next year anime games like jump stars vs and super robot wars will be releasing on ps4 instead of ps3 (or maybe both). The ps4 was obviously going to struggle out the gate, but I think the pessimism about its future is a little unfounded.
And no Japanese games worth mentioning coming out for it until...2015 with FFV?
The difference is that the third parties didn't abandon the ps4 like they did the wii U(though that could happen, who knows.
And go where? All the major third party games will be ps4 (except MH) and this time next year anime games like jump stars vs and super robot wars will be releasing on ps4 instead of ps3 (or maybe both). The ps4 was obviously going to struggle out the gate, but I think the pessimism about its future is a little unfounded.
Again with the "we expected this" mantra. All of a sudden people were expecting sub 10k in the first 8-10 weeks?? I recall VERY few people, if any, predicting this degree of struggle prior to launch.
And no Japanese games worth mentioning coming out for it until...2015 with FFV?
But consoles are quickly becoming more and more irrelevant there so I don't see where they go long-term?![]()
The difference is that the third parties didn't abandon the ps4 like they did the wii U(though that could happen, who knows.
Again with the "we expected this" mantra. All of a sudden people were expecting sub 10k in the first 8-10 weeks?? I recall VERY few people, if any, predicting this degree of struggle prior to launch.
I agree! but we should compare sales of X with sales of jRPGs on the GCN era, that would be more accurate, less games, so attention of user base goes to the few games released. TOS sold 1 million worldwide on the GCN, 250.000 on Japan. I expect similar numbers for X.
Third parties aren't going to abandon the only viable next gen console on the market.
Well, my expectaction that the PS4 will hit Wii U territory soon after release seems to come true. While the console sells everywhere just fine without games (and with that I mean fresh retail games) this is not true in Japan.
Sony Japan just doesn't have a strategy other than pray. It worked with the Vita somehow which seems to have settled nicely and might actually overtake the 3DS at some point. But selling a home console in Japan needs more than praying. Where is Hot Shots Golf for the PS4? Or Ridge Racer?
I am a little bit disappointed by this since this means that japanese devs will focus on handhelds and with the abysmal sales of the Vita in the West there is a risk that at some point those games wont be released in the west anymore (still waiting for Type-0 and VC3 and a couple of RPGs on the PSP).
Sony Japan just doesn't have a strategy other than pray. It worked with the Vita somehow which seems to have settled nicely and might actually overtake the 3DS at some point. But selling a home console in Japan needs more than praying. Where is Hot Shots Golf for the PS4? Or Ridge Racer?
It boggles my mind that we don't have a new hot shots golf. Ridge racer I can sort of understand because of Driveclub but there is no excuse not to have a new hot shots golf
lol so rude.xD
Did you pull that number out of your ass?
I agree! but we should compare sales of X with sales of jRPGs on the GCN era, that would be more accurate, less games, so attention of user base goes to the few games released. TOS sold 1 million worldwide on the GCN, 250.000 on Japan. I expect similar numbers for X.
I can't avoid noticing that ... i mean, Vita was dead and all and doing 15 times less than 3ds weekly, and everyone was having fun and saying there would be no return.
And now, on a normal week with no special release, the Vita is really not that far from the 3ds in sales.
But especially, the 3ds is going down, while the vita is going up. There is a clear transition incoming and everyone seems to ignore it![]()
I believe the 3DS XL is ¥18,900 and regular edition is ¥15,000 if I'm not mistaken about price. Correct me if I am.
The reason I bring up prices is because I believe in the eventual 2DS release in Japan. How many units do you think a 2DS can move at let's say a price point between ¥9000 to ¥10,000? Maybe even bundled units for ¥12,000/13,000. Does anyone see this having an impact?
More stock for relevant markets.Was there a legitimate reason to delay the PS4 launch in Japan? It's not like the system received Japanesecentric games during the last couple of months and judging from the sales the system is not straining the supply elsewhere.
I'm thinking the same thing especially when they raised the tax to 8%. This can help push hardware sales for 3DS since it's really cheap but I don't know how much. Some people said it won't do a thing because it's not portable aka doesn't fit in your pocket. Do Japanese put their 3DS' on their pockets?
Tablets don't fit in pockets yet sell very well in Japan. What matters are aesthetics and ergonomics, and all versions of the 3DS look like clunky abominations compared to say, an iPad.
It boggles my mind that we don't have a new hot shots golf. Ridge racer I can sort of understand because of Driveclub but there is no excuse not to have a new hot shots golf
Tablets don't fit in pockets yet sell very well in Japan. What matters are aesthetics and ergonomics, and all versions of the 3DS look like clunky abominations compared to say, an iPad.
Jump! Super Stars 261,692
31,658 (293,350)
25,619 (318,969)
Jump! Ultimate Stars 169,740
75,810 (245,550)
59,804 (305,354)
J-Stars Victory Vs 209,644
46,389 (256,033)
23,441 (279,474)
Was there a legitimate reason to delay the PS4 launch in Japan? It's not like the system received Japanesecentric games during the last couple of months and judging from the sales the system is not straining the supply elsewhere.
This launch boggles my mind in general. Sony should have ensured that there are a few more games on PS4 for the Japanese launch, that appeal to Japan. I guess their plan was to secure the West first and then worry about Japan later. How much later is later though.