Nintendo hosting an ARMS tournement at Nico Nico Choukaigi next week-end, exhibition matches with eSports players too.
By the way, Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 is getting a dual-pack with DGS1 (Best Price! version) and 2 + soundtrack CD. No idea if it'll be tracked, though.
Here you go. Not much has changed though. Puyo Puyo Tetris for Switch easily became the second best selling version. I don't think it has much of a shot catching up the 100K of the 3DS version though.
3DS Puyo Puyo Tetris 42.096 104.044 SEGA 2/6/2014
SWI Puyo Puyo Tetris S 12.866 29.359 SEGA 3/3/2017
PS3 Puyo Puyo Tetris 11.863 24.570 SEGA 2/6/2014
PSV Puyo Puyo Tetris 9.739 14.745 SEGA 2/6/2014
WIU Puyo Puyo Tetris 5.232 8.673 SEGA 2/6/2014
Really wasn't expecting this one to have any sort of legs, but I guess I shouldn't underestimate launch titles (well, except I am Setsuna and Disgaea 5

Not related to your quote, but do we know anything about Snack World Anime? It's already on air? Was supposed to come out on April. If it is, do we know how is rated?
Debuted on April 13th, timeslot is right after Pokémon (7.25PM), same channel (TV Tokyo). Was really surprised by the animation, I'm not too fond of 3DCG in general, but this was really great. Well, the pilot movie actually makes up a fair bit of the episode, so you can watch that to see what to expect.
It aired its first episode on the 13th (same day as the Nintendo direct). I watched it for about 10mins and didn't like it much.
There didn't seem to be too much talk about it on social media, nor did it seem to help game preorders very much since it isn't even in the top 75 on Amazon. It is a game targeted at young children, however, so we probably won't actually get a feel for how popular it will be until the game releases. Merchandise for the series doesn't go on sale until the game does in July as well.
You can check the top 10 anime viewership ratings every week (Kantou area only) here:
Snack World is targeted at kids and is in a good time slot -Pokemon starts straight after this is finished on the same channels- so it should appear on the charts next week. Should help since it's its first episode too.
Unless I missed something, pre-orders for The Snack World began last week, so there's not much the anime could have helped with for now.
Wonder if Splatoon 2 will be like 1, in which content came over months.
cause unlike Wii U, Nintendo seems to be like "These certain games are coming out year one come hell or high water."
Which is smart imo. Get ARMS, Splatoon, Pokemon*, Smash*, MK, and Mario out ASAP, even if they're not sequels.
They already confirmed content would be rolled out gradually, like they did in Splatoon 1. But I don't think it's due to them rushing out the game or anything (first wave of content will be on the cartridge).
Like Wii U, she sees the possibilitty for Splatoon 2 bundle, time will show if it happens later.
I don't think there's any doubt Splatoon 2 is getting a bundle, it's the first true system-seller after all.
Splatoon 2 > DQXI PS4
on Comg already. It's catching the 3DS version too...
Comg is gonna end up with more pre-orders than whatever Nintendo will allocate to them again, right.