Surprised that no one is foreseeing a DokiDoki Majo Shinpan situation with Kagura Burst. The first one sold so well primarily because of the timing (after price drop, almost immediately after the MH3G announcement, and in the middle of a huge software drought), and I doubt there's going to be a repeat of such a situation this time around. The new game is clearly rehashing the previous game's engine (and reusing the models from the enemy's side -- doesn't look to me like they improved much of anything from those screenshots), so I wonder how that'll be taken as well. You also have the likely odd timing of the anime -- supposedly Marvelous' summer lineup is already filled, which would mean an October start. Releasing the game before the anime seems to run against the whole premise of using the anime as an advertisement for the game (though their aim could be to keep the momentum going and increase sales of anime DVDs).