So you are privy to Sony's internal plans are you? I'd like to see the document or hear the quote that shows that Sony has no plan in regards to the Vita because taken at face value that's a highly ridiculous statement.
I'm a Vita owner and I'm quite pleased with it. I've already played through Uncharted and Unit 13 and enjoyed both of them greatly and I've played but have yet to finish Wipeout 2048, Disgaea 3, Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus and Dynasty Warriors Next. It's ergonomically the best handheld I've ever owned and the gameplay experiences I've had with just the launch titles have pretty much moved me completely off of my PS3 in terms of gametime. I assure you, there's no suffering going on with this Vita owner.
Perhaps if we all had magic crystal balls and could make dreams come true we could craft a perfect launch year for the Vita that included everything that every fan would want out of the platform but because we don't (and neither does Sony) sometimes you just have to go with the best you have at the least offensive time.
Being pleased with a product doesn't mean it's well-placed in the market. Furthermore, you played basically each good game that has been released since the launch, without any genre distinction, like you had to justify the purchase. I own a 3DS, but I didn't buy it at launch since there weren't games that appealed to me; a year later, I found, instead, a nice line-up to start digging into.
PSVita is like a ghost ship now. It's struggling in each market. It has no great announcements so far. Advertising? The few commercials that still are aired are useless, and fail to show which kind of product PSVita is. People say to wait at least E3, where probably Sony will show something. Well, wait. By being Sony, I would announce everything NOW, if there's something to show.