I am still really surprised at the amount ORC has sold over here in Japan. I haven't seen it being advertised hugely in the areas I frequent but still it has taken hold it seems. Maybe console-owning people are thirsty for a RE game to play that doesn't require further spending on a handheld? Though being in Japan, I find it hard to believe that they don't already own a 3DS+RE:R already...
Vita numbers dropping in Golden Week; I would say I'm shocked but it doesn't surprise me that it happened. The numbers went up with Ciel no Surge but I guess are now back down to 'normal', though I don't really know how long Sony can leave it like this. The newly-announced White and White/Miku versions of the Vita -might- help, but like last week, will probably only be a temporary solution to the problem.
On a final note, with all these 3DS games in the chart, I expect Kid Icarus and Fire Emblem to fall away from the 'Trinity' eventually, though I am curious to see if Mario Tennis Open, coming out in a week or so, will be an evergreen title. Thoughts, anyone?