Thanks, Vena.
Cladun comparison? Pretty sure it's always been a tiny franchise, wondered why NIS were continuing with it to be honest.
DQ fanbase is mainly on 3DS and from will come the biggest part of DQXI sales, so it's not really a problem the release of so many spin-offs mainly on Sony platforms lately. Joker 3 proved a problematic release in the end but it wont play big part.
Why is everybody so hopeful about the next handheld of Nintendo. That market has been hit harder this last gen then the home console market, it went from 50m+ (PSP/ DS) to 25m (PSV/ 3DS). Sony probably won't even release a new one and there is no indication whatsoever that Nintendo's next handheld can stop the bleeding, let alone compensate for Sony's exit. The 3DS underperforming coming from the DS (especially software) is one of the under reported stories this last gen on this board, the WiiU failure overshadowed it i guess.
This guy, Chris, is such a strange poster.
This guy, Chris, is such a strange poster.
Prediction League May 2016 Results
Congratulations to:
- DarkLordMalik, for winning by units!
- DarkLordMalik, for winning by mean error %!
Code:BY UNITS BY MEAN ERROR % 1 DarkLordMalik 48.804 1 DarkLordMalik 11,68% 2 noobie 57.900 2 noobie 13,11% 3 horuhe 86.461 3 DKHF 19,00% 4 DKHF 110.952 4 Bruno MB 19,48% 5 Bruno MB 114.724 5 Chris1964 19,55% 6 Chris1964 127.219 6 horuhe 20,89% 7 Ryng_tolu 138.576 7 Ryng_tolu 26,68% 8 Eolz 157.428 8 Eolz 31,81% * Aters 106.428 * Aters 22,34% * Missed the deadline.
Code:Famitsu Chris1964 Ryng_tolu DKHF noobie DarkLordMa Bruno MB Eolz horuhe Aters [PS4] Uncharted 4: A Thief's End 153.352 210.987 170.000 210.000 148.000 149.999 175.000 121.000 152.351 120.000 [PS4] Dragon Quest Heroes II 188.690 123.456 135.000 150.000 205.000 169.999 135.000 142.000 149.932 150.000 [PS3] Dragon Quest Heroes II 69.426 65.432 50.000 60.000 52.000 89.999 75.000 98.000 108.375 100.000 [PSV] Dragon Quest Heroes II 123.812 123.456 75.000 130.000 105.000 129.999 90.000 74.000 116.059 120.000 TOTAL ABS. DIFF. 127.219 138.576 110.952 57.900 48.804 114.724 157.428 86.461 106.428 MEAN ERROR % 19,55% 26,68% 19,00% 13,11% 11,68% 19,48% 31,81% 20,89% 22,34%
Code:STATISTICS FAMITSU GAF_AVG MIN MAX UNDER OVER CLOSEST BY [PS4] Uncharted 4: A Thief's End 153.352 161.926 121.000 210.987 56% 44% 152.351 horuhe [PS4] Dragon Quest Heroes II 188.690 151.154 123.456 205.000 89% 11% 205.000 noobie [PS3] Dragon Quest Heroes II 69.426 77.645 50.000 108.375 44% 56% 65.432 Chris1964 [PSV] Dragon Quest Heroes II 123.812 107.057 74.000 130.000 78% 22% 123.456 Chris1964
I did a lot better than in April. I was definitely confident in my DQH predictions though not UC4. I should have been a lot more realistic with UC4, it was not going to crack 200k...Prediction League May 2016 Results
Congratulations to:
- DarkLordMalik, for winning by units!
- DarkLordMalik, for winning by mean error %!
Code:BY UNITS BY MEAN ERROR % 1 DarkLordMalik 48.804 1 DarkLordMalik 11,68% 2 noobie 57.900 2 noobie 13,11% 3 horuhe 86.461 3 DKHF 19,00% 4 DKHF 110.952 4 Bruno MB 19,48% 5 Bruno MB 114.724 5 Chris1964 19,55% 6 Chris1964 127.219 6 horuhe 20,89% 7 Ryng_tolu 138.576 7 Ryng_tolu 26,68% 8 Eolz 157.428 8 Eolz 31,81% * Aters 106.428 * Aters 22,34%
He's not wrong.
After multiple entries, the PS4/PS3/Vita audience has remained static and much smaller than any of the remakes and are barely matching the meh release of Joker, while DQVIII "port" is far ahead. (The audience on the 3DS has generally had more... DQ-like games on it also. The audience is well catered to there.) Had you not added the Vita, Heroes 2 would have probably completely cratered from the first entry. If anything, these spin-offs have been met with attrition from the fanbase that SE has been trying to lure to the console space for the long-term (and for their return on investment for spending the money on making a second version of DQXI for the PS4 for which they'd hope to have a meaningful audience to sell to).
The main audience is still on the 3DS, or at least there is no indication of a mass "growth" of the DQ audience on the PS4/PS3/Vita beyond what was accomplished at the ~zenith~ of the DQH initial release. Builders and Heroes 2 have since flat-lined. There's no real indicator of meaningful growth occurring.
Vita and PS3 won't even be included with DQXI so, if you remove them, the lone PS4 is absolutely dwarfed by the 3DS in terms of the "DQ" fanbase. The PS3 being all but dead at this point also means the majority of its active audience has transitioned or left the dedicated market and the last remnants will peter out over the coming months. The Vita audience has shown, much to Sony's continued dismay, that they don't seem to want a home console. So there's not going to be much "gain" there when the DQXI release comes about.
NX whatever being an added mystery.
just 2 things I'd like to point out :
PS34V userbase is not as wide as 3DS one, even if you consider all the PS3, but I really doubt that there are still 10mln users active on the platform
so comparing 20mln to... 8-9 (?) is not fair
2nd thing : if DQH2 was not released on Vita do you really think that those 120k didn't buy the game?
Actually I think that a lot of PS3 users moved to the Vita, I mean more than to PS4; this summer will probably show if PS4 is in "healthy" conditions cause a bunch of important titles will be released (Tales, P5, FF15) and we'll see if the Vita userbase will finally make the big step (and I have this feeling cause Vita line-up for the incoming months is very weak)
For 1,845 (132 Nintendo) titles released in its lifetime, the DS sold:
21,358 ten thousands (or 213.6 million) units of software in Japan.
At peak, it sold 50 million units of software in a year.
LTD is 33 million units of hardware.
For 534 (62 Nintendo) titles released in its lifetime, the 3DS has sold in as of so far:
10,560 ten thousands (or 105.6 million) units of software in Japan*.
At peak, it sold 25 million units of software in a year.
LTD is 21.2 million units of hardware.
Seemingly, it wasn't a move that Sony was all that keen on either as they preferred to pretend that the Vita and PS3 versions of the game didn't exist.
Yeah, I described badly, missed a word. Meant to say (like some weeks ago here) that despite looking cartoony, it's not going for an "everyone" audience. It's not Splatoon, it's aiming for something really specific that is closing some doors in Japan.
It's not your usual western shooter, and it's also not something that can attract everyone either.
I'd imagine the number of sales/software unique to the eShop isn't that high in total.
Wow, I won. This was certainly unexpectedPrediction League May 2016 Results
Congratulations to:
- DarkLordMalik, for winning by units!
- DarkLordMalik, for winning by mean error %!
Isnt that cat game sold more than 200k on eshop alone? I believe some hit on eshop is not something rare here if u ask me.
Keep in my mind I'm talking about the japanese audience, not a WW one. Different opinion on this one since this is heavily influenced by regional culture.
Why is everybody so hopeful about the next handheld of Nintendo. That market has been hit harder this last gen then the home console market, it went from 50m+ (PSP/ DS) to 25m (PSV/ 3DS). Sony probably won't even release a new one and there is no indication whatsoever that Nintendo's next handheld can stop the bleeding, let alone compensate for Sony's exit. The 3DS underperforming coming from the DS (especially software) is one of the under reported stories this last gen on this board, the WiiU failure overshadowed it i guess.
Because there is nothing else to put hope in.
When "Cube Creator" was released for the American market on April 23, 2015 (just before it landed in Japan on July 15), it didn't sell very well. This followed Patterson's previous game not selling very well, and a business deal falling through. The deal would have expanded Patterson's studio from two full-time staff members and five part-time workers to 18 full-time staffers.
Thankfully, "Cube Creator 3D" struck a chord with Japanese gamers, selling 10 times as many copies as it had in America.
"All of a sudden it was, not hallelujah money, or winning the lottery, but it was like, 'OK, a door has opened. We can at least move forward,'" Patterson said.
And in a combo of both business success and personal pride, Nintendo invited Big John Games and its Japan region publishing partner, Arc System Works, to a meeting to discuss upcoming projects and partnerships. Big John Games may even have early access to Nintendo's upcoming home console, the clandestine Nintendo NX, which would allow the company to create a "Cube Creator" type of game for that platform, as well.
How much has Cube Creator 3D sold total?
At this rate it looks like the PS4 might overtake the WiiU by year's end. 3 months ago I wouldnt have thought it was that soon. How quickly the paradigm shifts.
the clandestine Nintendo NX
He's not wrong.
After multiple entries, the PS4/PS3/Vita audience has remained static and much smaller than any of the remakes and are barely matching the meh release of Joker, while DQVIII "port" is far ahead. (The audience on the 3DS has generally had more... DQ-like games on it also. The audience is well catered to there.) Had you not added the Vita, Heroes 2 would have probably completely cratered from the first entry. If anything, these spin-offs have been met with attrition from the fanbase that SE has been trying to lure to the console space for the long-term (and for their return on investment for spending the money on making a second version of DQXI for the PS4 for which they'd hope to have a meaningful audience to sell to).
The main audience is still on the 3DS, or at least there is no indication of a mass "growth" of the DQ audience on the PS4/PS3/Vita beyond what was accomplished at the ~zenith~ of the DQH initial release. Builders and Heroes 2 have since flat-lined. There's no real indicator of meaningful growth occurring.
Vita and PS3 won't even be included with DQXI so, if you remove them, the lone PS4 is absolutely dwarfed by the 3DS in terms of the "DQ" fanbase. The PS3 being all but dead at this point also means the majority of its active audience has transitioned or left the dedicated market and the last remnants will peter out over the coming months. The Vita audience has shown, much to Sony's continued dismay, that they don't seem to want a home console. So there's not going to be much "gain" there when the DQXI release comes about.
NX whatever being an added mystery.
But why japanes kids should not like it as wester kids? Honest question.
Both west/japan kids love Splatoon
But why japanes kids should not like it as wester kids? Honest question.
Both west/japan kids love Splatoon
Do we know the LTD numbers for SFV?
Nice.Korea and Taiwan/Hong Kong versions of Dragon Quest Builders sold over 100K copies in less than a month according to producer Noriyoshi Fujimoto.
Yep.A simpler way to look at it is Square Enix has sold more than 2 million Dragon Quest games on PlayStation across 3 titles in 16 months. This is after the series was absent during more than 10 years. I don't know about the growth thing or the comparison with 3DS, but it looks like a judicious move to me, especially with those games coming in the west for us to play![]()
|System | This Week | Last Week | Last Year | YTD | Last YTD |
| ALL | 676.000 | 249.000 | 466.000 | 11.908.000 | 13.716.000 |
A simpler way to look at it is Square Enix has sold more than 2 million Dragon Quest games on PlayStation across 3 titles in 16 months. This is after the series was absent during more than 10 years. I don't know about the growth thing or the comparison with 3DS, but it looks like a judicious move to me, especially with those games coming in the west for us to play![]()
Sell-through for DQHII is over 70% for each version.Sellthrough for DQH II < 70%
Korea and Taiwan/Hong Kong versions of Dragon Quest Builders sold over 100K copies in less than a month according to producer Noriyoshi Fujimoto.
Korea and Taiwan/Hong Kong versions of Dragon Quest Builders sold over 100K copies in less than a month according to producer Noriyoshi Fujimoto.
It shows that Dragon Quest has the franchise power to sell on any console (except Xbox one) in Japan but 3DS ultimately has the highest sale potential.
This guy, Chris, is such a strange poster.
How about the Wii U? Did DQX reach good number for the Wii U?