There's always the possibility that Gamefreak aren't working on Switch at all and don't plan to. Nintendo might actually be dumb enough to release a distinct handheld as Orgen has suggested.
It sure as hell wasn't a bad thing.
I know I sound like a broken record but Switch is a home console for Nintendo, period. Maybe the tune changes next year just like the "DS is a third pillar... but now I'm killing the GBA" but for now (and all of 2017) Switch is a home console for them despite what we could argue here.
Knowing that, I think (IMO) that Nintendo is going to ride the 3DS until 2018 and then show the real substitute for the handheld. Will it be a dockless Switch that plays only the same games as Switch? or maybe another handheld that could play the same games as Switch but with another "flavour" so to speak? or maybe it'll have exclusive software just like 3DS? My opinion for now is that it'll be a mix (will play Switch games and will have exclusive ones) but we can discuss this when we have more details available.
But I'll assure you one thing just to ease your meltdowns: In 2017-2018 Switch will have better Japanese third party support than Wii U (easy thing), GameCube (that's better) and I'd dare to say than even Wii (that should be the one to beat in this aspect). Nintendo has risked a lot of its business with Switch and they wanted to have an stellar first year at least on the first party side and I think that they're showing it. There are also third party games planned (at least from Japan) so it's a matter of time until they get announced (unless they got cancelled but I doubt it). But you can keep your meltdowns if the next third party game is not announced for Switch... I'm having fun reading this thread hahaha
Personal tastes have nothing to do with the strenght of not or a line up. The only genre that interests me is platformers so I guess this year is crap.
As far as first party support this is one of the strongest pushes Nintendo has given for a first year, the only system that beats it hands down is Wii.
I don't own Wii U neither Switch. From what I saw at videos I can't see I would stick with it for more than a few hours, I'm not interested in shooters.