Did better than they expected apparently
And Graces f did worse correct? Any updates on the totals?
Still have no clue (outside of potential favoring Sony's side) why they're doing remakes on Vita, on the other hand, they were on the DS before, so maybe it wouldn't make sense on the 3DS? Who knows, but still, wouldn't they possibly fare better on 3DS, given how well the 3DS is doing for 3rd-parties? LBX is doing extremely well for an updated 3DS port of an update on the PSP, which got the game in the first place.
I don't know.
But Symphonia is much older and would benefit being on the 3DS (or Wii U) seeing as the brand is almost exclusive to Nintendo, and is such outside of Japan.
I do notice that in both cases (Abyss and the remakes) are switching manufacturers, as in a Sony game to Nintendo, and Nintendo games to Sony.
So that would mean that Legendia and Destiny (and even the Radiant Mythology series) could very likely be candidates to the 3DS.
What are the odds of Vesperia, Graces f, and Xillia getting Wii U ports? They should not go the entire gen without making Symphonia 3 a Wii U exclusive though.
It's a shame that the Tales series is all over the place seemingly, I mean the series does well on Sony platforms in Japan, but Symphonia did huge numbers outside of Japan thanks mostly to Nintendo marketing the game.
One solution is to make a game on a Sony console in Japan, and a Nintendo version outside Japan, but would it be worth the porting costs?